Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE ToCORRESPONENTS. All Communications, find artiOlcs of IlntolligenCeO, intended for publicatioOl reqtlir° to be authentilcted by the nimne aTnd addressofth writor, Unllossthlisisattendedlto, Corres- pondents m5ny rest nssured that no Attention will be paid to their comiunifcntiOlis. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... b'rrcEoN DENTIST, 209, Union Street, may be lf' .oiuelted ona LOSS of TEETH, and begs to stato that vrious killds of Teeth now in uise, and Metal now -if cLesired-bo Supplied at One-half the Former k , .ice to the Poor from Eiglt to Ten M1orning, therlte, Many 13, 1853. TO THE LADIES. MISS ROY .., ga Large and Varied S T 0 C K of- peri, aCOLOAKS, MANTELETS, &;c. p,,-iqal anad London M I L L I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Y i* Dirh-ct fv-ill hai-L quick despatch),l Iott Au'tratli-r line of rachet Fehtpl .7.BC ?UOIOtST',Ce rt~atlder; to hin'' E.10 ?? ci b to goi~ i corntlmodatioallt fur! ?? frt.iglt or ra1s-tuge ?? ~to DEVTTI- tot ?? 1U 1'tPort Phillip, D.irect (to satilt ee'elbratvtd nw .Aeerl err.-built Cli-oper 12 yc -e, 1,10.0 tons bnEh.\'R~NIY 0~_ I tiev L~ondon. D~oclio. Ii telld~ - . f ie `.t-tez ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TWE CLUB nfEETS In the PUBLIC ROOMS on TUESDAY, the 21st instant. Business at hilf-past Five-Dinner exactly at Six o'clock. THO. BURNETT, Secretary. .Aberdeen, lst June, 1853. GRASS PARIKS. T UBFf3 GRAiSS PARKS on the south saide of the Mid-Stocket |L e`oad, commonly called Glencirns, or Gleaxnie's Parks heloogiflg to the Town of Aberdeen, will be Let, for the season, Jr public roop, on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA, COVENT-GAR .L9DEN. -Mrs. ANDERSON'S GRAND MORNING CON- CERT will take place THIS DAY, ?? at Half-past One precisely. ROYAL I TALIAN OPERA, COVENT-GARDEN. GRAND EXTRA NIGHIT.-LES HUGUENOTS.-TO-MOR- ROW, Thursday, June 2, will be performed (for the first time this season) Meyerbeer's grand opera, LES HUGUENOTS. Valentina, Mhme. Grisi; Margarita di Valais, Mine. Castellan; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~AU de COLOGNE.-BREIDENBACH an-' ILA nole that the if twrs being ptvrt'rulariy finle this zear. tlir elas114 I .1110n 10i of sI pe'0o fragrance. IO,: a case of I SI, or 2s. oac I, sie100 ?? ovei fromt si, Patrl-strcl, to 157 ii, New~ B~oo I.,.trtet', ficing Rednmsrm-'. NMW S1ORY OF MODERN LIFE, BY TaE AUTHOR OP7 1'TDE INITLALS, ,Noe renls' at rli the Libr..i' is, in '.vols, pest SVC,, PO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R EOVAL. ,PlENCER T. HALI?, Ph.D. ?? CONSULTING S PHYSIOLOGIST 4and H'OM * AEN TUIST, has R MOVED entirely from HfI-hotise, Aslver, and a, Arboretum-street, Vo. LowtR GREEýIsaI TRucE, GIFEN LANE, D ' ' TO C ORESPONDENTS. ()sT-reCH.-We will endeavour to answer your question next wt'ek.I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONCERT H .-The Directors be? to an- noonce to aloe S scribers, that an UNDRESS aQECERT lisa been fixed lea' ? ?I:o o, St. James's ? Sn ?j T. GEORGES HALL, BRADFORD, YORK- ? SHIRE-This hell will be PENE.D with a GRAND A MUSICAL FESTIVAL,00 Wed day, Thursday, and Friday, the ?? list of Angust, let and 2nd of plomber next. Ge Under-the 1 edlate patronage of cia Iler Most Grao' ue Mejesoy the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L EE' & SO0N, Jewellers to the Que7 Watchmakers, 1 4e- ~~Silversmiths, and Opticians, - 57 itutif StiREET, BELFAST. -NEW A-ND GENUINE TURNIP SEED. CTG BITRXFT, L hgs to offet to the Tr'adc: ?? Sack.t'si Slivii.- ' ?? TURNI[P / 25, IPuriplv op Do. D1) AI fvwi ~Sac~s,. elih rient- top. Aslicr ofts E ast Lothiiinandl Diiilintirr-V So ede 100 Sacksh frievi - tip Ale rdee tii 94 Sacksh- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UT O Eand Co., 1i5.I, Regent-street, JEWEL- F ,LRDRFtSSING-CASE NIAIERtS, &c., desire the inipec.. tion of the Nobili~ty, Gentry, and Public to their new andi cleant STOCK, comlprising avery novelty for uco and ornament. Gold Watches, four holcs jcwci,bd. hori7.ortol epee.pcsnent, worranted, £4 4o. ; Silver WRafobes, £2 Its. Solid Gold Chains, of their own manufacture, sold at perno7,,,anidthe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON TIIE S3ECRET CAUJSES OF S ELF-ACQUIRED MISE1 IES alr~to AND DISAPPOINTED 3tOPES. imnp TH4E S1LENT FRIEND. relic I N S IX L A NGZUA G E;S. org FIFTIETH4 EDIT3ON. IncS CONTAINING TllE RtEMEDY EOR 'THE PREVENTION OF pur DlSEASE . r Oluastrated by ItlO Anctomical and Explaneatory Colour-ed En- tahti graviage on steel.-A Newv and Improved Edition, euargcd to the! 1110pagesicrice 26. d.; by post, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IAppc~iorutln b6 letter re.'pectissg edpertioemetnts mutst be psst-1aid 0?t tbey vwill 5500 cc receiv ed. Appticetions directed to bc niade at the prinaters msnt ce peraonaol in. such cases, no written coos ssunscatsosaa can bc atter.d.'d p6, Personal disqsuirieO cannot be: answtcred w0hen She address is/h io be l~ etter. M /ESSRS, DERSONYfAYKBOYDi 1; CO. Bradford, r leil~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n ...