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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edi ion. Illustrated with C oloom r Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseest Price is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for If Pnstage Stamps. H EALTI iAND HAPPINESS, THE IlEF:S BY WHICCH THEY WAY jar OBTALNiEI), a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Yo utb and Maturity, and Disesses of the Generative System, with observations on the treatmnent ot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NRlANLE SALES. AUf0ION F'SU itR 1osEPH WILSON, N, A4 ?? will Offer BY AUCTIO, i O ur; 0O, ,,.C9MMERCIAL 1UILDINGS, on T1IS DAYj the. 0th f June, at Two 1J0 Hhds. and 30 tlor Ikalidad Sugar. JAMES Sr-O~s, WIDOW and SONS, Brokia and Auctioneers. AUCTION OF TEA. OSEPH COOPER An CO.,& will offer by AUCTION on THIS DAY, 80tba Jude, in our Olice, COUKERCIAL BUILDIRGS, afterthe-SugarSale, E s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rT11EATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. On THIS EVENING (Tuesday), June 28, 1855, thle ?? nances will commence witl Shakepeare's Tragedy of MACBETH. Macbeth, Mr T C King; Maud II', Mr George J Vining; I 33Iaquo, Mr MLein; Hecate, Mr. arand; Lady Macbeth, i Mrs. Hudson Kirby. To conclude with the Fairy aiy travaganza of the GOOD WOMAN IN HE WOOD. ; King Bruin, Mr Hi Webb; Prin Sylvan, Miss J Mareton; Prince ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANNATR E ROYAL, DU13 LIN OD THIS EVENINtG (Tuesday), June 14th, 1853, the nces will commence with the Opera of eriern' ACIS AND GALATBA. A Mi3t Alr ltaig'h; Damon, ss F (Cruise; Polyphemus, d ,leGmat, Miss LSTIZSJ After which the Orchestra wil play The Dargan Galop. To be followed by tb New Comedy of THE LA ERS. Qaalitv Court, Esq,. Barrist at-Law, MrVining; Sex- el ;ondgrin, Mr il Webb Mrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r~iEATE ROYA'L, DUBLIN. On THIS EVENING (Saturday), June 25, 1863, the periorinances will eosnmence jith the Opera of SON AND .STRkNGER. Hermann, Mr Haigh; Ka z, Mr Durand; Ursula, Miss F Cruise; Lisbeth, Miss Lan a. To be followe by the Farce of BOX A 'D COX. Box, SIr W*ebb Cox, Mr Vining. After whicls t Opera entitled ACIS AN GALATEA. Aci3, Mir Haigh; Damon Mis3 F Cruise; Polyphemus, ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition. Illustrated with wow Engravings, on Nervous Debility and GenterativeDis Price is., or in a sealed4)velope,_free by Pes, for is Postage Stamps. ¢' H rEALTH XND iHAPPESS, Tim un. WHICH THT XAtBH OBEAIcT~ D, a Medical Wk on the Infrmities.of Y9uth.and Maturity, and Diseas of Generative Systemn.s Vlth observations on the treatmm- Nervous Debility si Indigest* ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. I TllS EVENING (Friday), June 10th, 1853, the rmances will commence with the Opera of porlruiai° ACIS 4ND GALATAEA. Aci,, ),r Haigh; Dnon, Miss F Cruise; Polyphemus, Durand; Galatlu Mio4 Lauza. Arter which the OrcheIra vwill play The Dargan Galop. To be followl by tbe New Play of AX BLARE. Sir Joshua ToppingtoBart, MrGranby; Thorold, Mr TC ling; Lanistoa, M ining; Anne ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITORS. ,i 8eC iton C-ysi ufactures. N J I\ALLEIRY HE REhT Rl IBITION. WHIP MAN URER, 198, GREAT BBITAIB TIEET, DUBLIN, (Opposite De mark-Otreet.) Begs to direct the attention o his Customers and the Visitors to the Great Exhibition to the Samples of Whips exhibited by him in the above department. Section C0-Tez We. NOPIIIERN HALL . ~ ~~ _ . 1 ?? EXHIBITOR i CLdXX. THE GRE.AT, ED L4HBTIN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r) IE ATR E RO YAL, D UB L I N. Or TINS EVENING (Saturday), June 1lth, 1853, the ?? will commence with the Overa of ACIS AND GALATBA. Acis, Mr Haigh; Damon, Miss F Cruise; Polyphemus, I Durand; Galattea, Miss -Lanza. After wbich the Orchestra will ply The Dargan Galop. To be followed-by the New Comedy of THE LAWAEVS. Quality Court, Esq.. garrilter-at-Law, Mr Vining; Ser- geant Broaogrin, Mr 11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r[HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN2. On THIS EVENING (Friday), June 3, 1853, the performances will C.mmence with t DEaM. of A MIDSUMMER NIGH tS ULEAM,. Theseus, Mr T C King; Lysa Br, Mr G J Vininig; Bottom, Mr WVebb; Helena, i H Kirby; Oberon, Miss Linza; Titania, Miss J Marsto, Pock, Miss C Saunders; ?? Nymph, Toldile St Lonin To be followediy the Farce of POPPING TPE QUESTION. Robin, Miss C Saunders ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ri'I1 FIAT RE ROY AL, DUB L IN. I~ On TIIIS EVENING (Thursday June 16th, 1S53, the perrorllu-cs v.ill comlmence with tl Orera of AlIS AND GAL TEA. Acis, BIr Haigh; Damon, Miss Cruise; Polyphemus,i Duraid z G.4atit, Miss Ltiza. After which the Orchestra will p1 The Dargan Galop. Alter riolich the Pyof PAULIN Count Horace de Bouzeval, Mr C King, Lucieu (e Nerval, Sir Hamilton; Pauline, rs Hudson ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F HEATR E ROYAL, DUBLIN. 4 On TIIIS EVENING (Tuesday), June 7th, 1853, the ?? will commence with the Opera of prrmce ACIS AND G4LATBA. Acis, Mr Haigh; Damon, M F Cruise; Polyphemus, Mr Doand; Galateea, Miss La a. To be followed by t new Play of ANNE BI KE. SirJoshua Toppington, Bart Mr Granby; Thorold, Mr T C Riog; Llaniston, Mr Vinin ; Anne Blake, 3Itrs Hudson Ki by. To conclude with the ...