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Advertisements & Notices

... 01i ISYDINEY Djireet (will lhave quicak despatch), * ?? 0 1 -outAu..tralim line, of p~acbiet ship o101 N, 9.4 ea itc:C. M. BIORG fit) 1ST, Conininidor; to! elu al i, 'cio 'Ia) 1li~ fine v~-svl hall goald acconin lodittion - f oCal' ;1i~l Ig, 0-. Or terl al I I rd g ilt o r pa-sa ge, a ?? to IJPIN'VlTT ;. Molc, N Ilitcr--~treet: or to IOIENIIITan CAILVERIT 'IOUL- 0 SVIAN B.IVEit (wi;ill have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I t -JaPERS and PAS SENGERS ~ 0IU tC ?? splendid fast sailiig ship l p 900 tos, beloning to hessro. Green, of IOIC \v ILCinnstirder, wuill receive freight and tice tb n livi until Satarday tct, te 215th fInst. This BEL has I i op .,1 arid loft), 'tweeni decks, with ver-7 superior mlitt forfist olooid, and third cabin passenjers. Shte S0. C fur iri Docks oil the 23d July, and cmrart pas. Euroe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA, COVENT-GARDEN. GRAND EXTRA NIGHT.-TO-MORROW, Thursday. Junle 23, will be performed Donizettl's opera, LUCREZIA BORGIA. Lucrezia Borgia, Mine. Grisi; dafido Orsini, WIle. N. Didiee; Don Alfoniso, Sig. iRonconi; Don Apostolo Gazella, Sig. Rommi; Rustighello. Sig. Soldi; Gubetta, Sig. Taglia'lco; Astolfo, Sig. Folonini ; Vitelozzo, Sig. Me!; and Gennaro, Sig. Mario. Coasposer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~N1ITED SE~RVICE INSTUITUTLION, Whitehall- Ei ?? INC, edelil Ju'ie 2!. ADJOURNEDIS1- ?? t i o 4e o!la ftluiten to Shi[ s at War.'' Lieut.- ltlI At L..IJ TIC! IE.LI, Ilt ~ihi hutiiil ex plain tule ',oir Pr' OI~r. SMr. ?? 3lit W nil Xlbit ald exvplidin thle IJ'L-.-DAY 'N -ESIftG. Junc 20th, a DISICUSSION on Recent Imw- o vt'ie lir iiil ha t:,jer on e10th tccaisonl at hoif-pist 8 o'clock pre- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I1VE, HUNDRED SILVER WTHS nad t'iee IIimurred ktrutig erviceable $I VE It WATCHES, of tin i ,I-rizui~ttl and Lever constructioin, manufactured expressly far ?? A :4iial iii' nuirket. 'fhese are now offered for SALL' in ONE ij,u a.w a price-w'llo worthy the attention of shippera. Each Watch Is -tattipid with thle wurranty Of bENNEl'1T, Manufacturer to tb' Royal (thservctorr, t'ne Or !nanee, snd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lbZICOLL'S D'ET1E, ONE GUINEA, a garment KLN for heat, dust, *r slight shower. NICOLL'S PALETOT, TWO GUINEAS, GUINEA TROUSERS, and HALF-GUINEA WAISTCOATS.-ThO bert iaterials, talent, and workmsaniship. from France Gerniany, and England, eniployed y UI. J. anrl D. NICOLL, Merchant Tailors, Paletot Patentees, 114, 1 11t, 1ll, 120, REGENT-STREET, and 22, CORNHILL, London. t RESENTS.-Mesara. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Ola- HOI)AI)T TOWVN Direct (last shipping dayl Irgol~2 hir July ; a regular trader, having just returned eI cin 1.i Colni c lt'-r -an abt-nce et little more than eight months), tc- lW eras i: ii-' built clipper ship DEllWENT WATEIC, AtI Lr 12 c-r,, n-cet 623 tees, turden 1,6CC true (bpongisg to eslcers. R I-sitlo, ii-ac-, iand Cs,), ICArD WIUtANI6ORE, late of the C'tIcsittt. onimind-oer ; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I7RE ANNIHILATOR, or VAPOUR FIRE- !I 2L ?? acats onlyon the point of contact, and is rnow- T eerie'e ?? tmrea' it aorie. Thevaniourfrom the FireAnnuhilator r cxtrrigr'sheo il atr, absorbs -mti.:e, ventilates, and, unlike wvater, does oti IEilrl;lge goodr &C. I tA IITctieil valsu is proved ijcontostibly by C ,,3 eiarinabi ,e rs'cs of cruceesafel eo-li builtiings, 6 by LeIeds C Yr eir-ig.o lc 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... k~l to IA.-The AUSTRALIAN t A A I NAVIGATION COMPANY Will Shill [ I po)e , - - l , Afl 1.40) 300 -ok ) s e ditto tto lfgollo~w ~* l~l1 (I 1jsagd SYDNEYan fpeigtorally fartllor:hI ,ellet ° tl'll te one of tile o any, 6D, L Dombard- e CdOmmIENTAL STeAinM JfW ASlAYCE)1iE5TFRffE~lGiT~S.D FARES AND ISDI ~ ~ ~ ~ e East Ill nd Aug th of rrvil .I vA EGYPT-For Adeli, Cyon Pi lar, Hong Kog,011 L the 4th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .UMBER ONE. ST. PAUL'S-CHURCHYARl). T The RlrlDUCE D DUTY having now come into operation, we are enabled to offer Teas of the best and meat serviceable qualities at prices cheaper than ever. We can now supply a strong full fliroured and very useful Black rca at 3s. Cd. per kaotnd. .All purchasers may coat assured that they wilt continue to seceure everv advantage both as regards price and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Seale Manor Estate, in the county of Surrey, within two miles of Guildford, one and a-half from Ash, and four from Farnham, sta- tions. M R. GADSDEN has received instructions to M SELL by AUCTION, at the Auction blart, in the nmonth ?? next, a truly valuable PROPERTY. Itincludes about 400 acres of land, with a residence quite suitable to the occupation of a gentleman, by whom ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QUATOR FOREIGN DEBT.-The Committee! E of Spanish Amnerican Bondholders request. a MEETING of the HOLDERS of COLOMBIAN BONDS, at the London Tavern, on Tuesday, the 2Sth instant, at Two o'clock precisely, to lay before them the conmimunications recently received fromn Air. Mo- catta, and to take their opinion thereon. ALFRED GODFREY, Secretary. 8, Broad-strect-buiditigs, June 22, 1S83. The ...