... WVILL THOSE fREtAS CO2,II TRUE! Thou art dreaming, gontlo maidon, Of a caln and happ lifo; Of a loving friend to alield thle Prren cro, and want, and strife. Ilow rldiant looks ?? future, How fudr in every view; Tho nort dreaming, gentle laiden; Ioit will thoso dreams eonie trmeon Then art droaming, youthful student, Of celebrity and lamna Of the honouro which shall eluster Aromnd thy lowly ...


... .aactry. THE WORTH OF HOURS. AI 11 . IN 1. 5. BELIEVE not that your inner eye Can ever in just measure try The worth of hours as they go by. For every man's weak self, alas! Makes him to see them while they pass, As through a dim, or tinted glass. But if, with earnest care, you would Mete out to each its part of good. Trust rather to your after mood. Those surely are not fairly spent, That ...


... The Prophe&e was performed last evening, for the first time this season, and under circumstances of peculiar in- terest. Neither GRISs nor MARIO resumed their old parts. Ini their places we had one stranger, Mine. TEDESCO, and one old friend, but new in. his last night's character, Signor TAMBERLIK. W1he success of the debuiuazie as Fides, and of the new representative of the Prophet, was ...


... DBAMA. ST. JAMES'S THEATRE.-GERMAN PLAYS. Goethe's tragedy of Faust was performed here last night. The public had an opportunity of judging last season how far this play, with its necessary curtailments, was fitted for representation on the English stage. It can scearlcybe said that the verdict on the capabilities of Faust, as an acting play, was on the whole favourable, although much interest ...


... FASHIONS FOR JULyY. (From Le Folec.) d TIuE adaptation of the fashion of past times to the costume of the pre. k sent-day contributes to produce most charming models. Thus, the dress worn in the eighth century by Margaetite of Provence-the lciat bodyeneircling the hipS..t( which is added the sleeves of the time of Raphael, the coiffures of Elizabeth of England and Diana of Poie- tiers, and all ...


... ArPOPULAR TAX.-If Mr. Gladstone taxes any kind of license, lie ought to tax the license of counsel.-Pun7WI. RATHER SOUR.-Thie decline in the quantity of goseberrles brought to marketof lateyears is accountedforbyt eincreased demand for *'champagne. TiST OF GOOD HmU.OUo.-Wale a man up in the middleofthe night, and ask him-to lend you five shillings.-Punch. SN4OW IN JUnE-In liD exhausted stone. ...


... THIE GREAT INDUSTRIAL EXIBilITION. T'iun number of ptersons wh11o visited the Exhibition on Tuesday was 7,482, Vrery fewlv seasol ticlet hlolders attended, so that the receiptS amounted to a consider- able sun. The experiment of including Wednesday in t'he ope^ ration of the shilling tariff was tried, for the first tiie, on \%cVdliesriay last, aind was eminently successfulI WVhile a ?? able ...


... QUIE'S ROYAL THEATRE-MR. J. L. TOOLE'S FAREWELL BENEFIT. I This clever comedian who has gained for himself a thou. ,aod admirers, and troops of friends during his sojourn this city. Takes his conge and last benefit on this IDbiag. Those amongst our gentry and citizens, who have, 5o Durned for a time in London, and know something of the pastivities of the great metropolis-will not fail to ...


... Last night was produced-said to be from the pen of Mr. TALFoURD-one of those extraordinary jumbles of extra- vaganza, parody, and burlesque, for which the gentleman in question has obtained a species of reputation not at all on- merited, as Mr. TALPOURD appears to us to write the most and the worst jokes of any professional penman of the theatres. Not that these jokes are bad on any score ...


... lur BEoots, Minte, Mlusic, 4-c., for retview, ore regneoted to be left it l. C. llitrhelf's, Red Lion Court, Fleet-of reeL, London,s addresoed To the Editor of the EXETER FLYiNt POST. Thelec wil be def forwarded', and receive an earn notice. Blacr r-wood'6 Edinborgh M1fagazine -for July. t TeIs number aboisnds in rich and varied literature,wortlhy of the pages of this chief amongst the ...


... THEATRN. ROYAL . ?? ?? ?? _ I . . . I .- I--- I- It is always a pleasing task to have to record the success of bonourable and well-intentioned effort in any branch of speculative enterprise, and surely not the less gratifying be- cause that success has been achieved in ministtring to the intellectual entertainment and delight of a discerningipublic. TIe decline of the drama, and the ...