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Belfast News-Letter



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Belfast News-Letter

Fashion and Varieties

... ?? anl Farirtir.5. THlE COUTRT. 'Tni. following, bulletin of the health of' Prince Albert wos iisucil onl Tuesday: Biuckinghtam Palace. Tuesday. J tlv 12. His Royal I lighness Prince Albert ]has passed fil-1 Vourablv thrtough nieasles, and is now cenivalescetit. No more bulletins wvill be issned. iiat-:s Cc'.kuici, 31.D. 'Tle Queen, attended byv the Viscountess Jocelyn, Colone~l liotiverlo. ...


... j) ortru. A MOUNTAIN CHILDREN. f DevWFLU-its by lake nud hill! M. Merry comepanions oF the bird and bee! Go gl(d1I fortl, and d il l ofjoy your fill, . Vith ufole6tlsaincd steps and spirits free. The voice of hiidden rills Its qlliet Nvy into yottr spirit finds; d An d awful ly ti e everlastinig hills h Address you inl tileir nally-toeled winds. s Ye sit Upon thle earth, s Twining its ...


... T) C, ft r u. A SUMMEIt-Ev- lANDSCAPE. 'T1s evening, and the Summer sun, Fast sinking in the West, Throws many a bright and golden bar Above the mountain's crest; From far away thoe vaterfall Sends back its mollow'd sounil, But in the grove there reigns A calmness soothing alld profound; Along its grassy margin winds The smooth antd gentle strea-u, Now faintly tinted ?? With thc sun:s ...


... .aactry. THE WORTH OF HOURS. AI 11 . IN 1. 5. BELIEVE not that your inner eye Can ever in just measure try The worth of hours as they go by. For every man's weak self, alas! Makes him to see them while they pass, As through a dim, or tinted glass. But if, with earnest care, you would Mete out to each its part of good. Trust rather to your after mood. Those surely are not fairly spent, That ...


... GREAT INiD)USTRIAL EXIHBI1T'ION. TIi i onum er of' poisons admiitted( to the builing iia on ITitt'sdav mas 9,710, and cthe receipts considerably Ox- ceed ed ithe 'Ivlrz go~ a tact tint i-lits t-xcellcnc v thle ILen! 1 0to i -it, tit'tceotalpanted bV visitd th it' hbltiontoit Fit 'i d-t a, l11)11 lttif-past. ilito(C o ct' l'it diii nor, leave uticl itor' i. Dtt Ith' 1)i tad Itis fxcel11ei-cV ...

Fashion and Varieties

... fasluionI anii Ylaricticm. TI-I COURT W. 111-IIAJ.l'ieOF J11R MAJESTY. Osborne, J1ul), 20, i a. m. I T hniet Quoii o Ims had Ilss Cough, and ?? ('Urttlilto is Un'f~~ lt thiic I I'tlci-neen. 1leq' Mj~ijcst, bits 1111(1 1o yuiptoms ?? those Wh~ich usually accompany the - ~~~JAMES CLAtia, AJ.D. iI £111'Lt IIOLLIAND, MID. TIhe M-archiioness of Elv has succeedied V~iscounitess Jocelynitas I ady ...


... GREAT INDUSTRIAl, EXHIBITION. TrIE number of persolns admitted to the buildin- on Tuesday was 10,074. The attendaince! was both ou- maerous and i hslijon de, an(l the receipts at the doors weie much ahoov the tLVeragol-c. Wc alrC lad to ti'd that the finalciahl plospects of the Exhibition are now assinning a most cheerful aspect. The progressive inelease in the attendance, which recent returns ...


... THIE GREAT INDUSTRIAL EXIBilITION. T'iun number of ptersons wh11o visited the Exhibition on Tuesday was 7,482, Vrery fewlv seasol ticlet hlolders attended, so that the receiptS amounted to a consider- able sun. The experiment of including Wednesday in t'he ope^ ration of the shilling tariff was tried, for the first tiie, on \%cVdliesriay last, aind was eminently successfulI WVhile a ?? able ...


... GREA'T INDUJSTRIlAL EXHIIBIT''ION. Tocl numbers who attended thet building, on Saturday Fla s ?? of thet ave rage amounlt of' the pre- ce'ding days; but takt ng, in to Cm c~i CIVNImu oti te cha 'go of adn llisl~on, ais wvell as the o.u 'eta ely unf a voernabl C0onditiOn of the atMnOSphorO, hlerei Was ai Vecry fair- at- temiiililOe, noznigst. whami we~re several pol'sunag'es or disincion ...

Fashion and Varieties

... J-frmfitoa ai-au Yartcttrz. THlE COURT'l. Tim QUeen ant PrtleC Albeit left Londntt for Wjindsor at tweity- fite ?? befole ten o'c lock or Tuesday r nio rlitl ft r Majesty and the illustrio us pa rtv travelled hv a ?? t'1ailt, and, oln reaching the I iiN i dlsr Sttt s oitio' proceoled it se verlt Itf the Queen's carria-es to Vit rillia ater. and aitteftwards tweet to| tile Ioval Lodgltle, ...


... tlr 3itSls. No. 10S. Timr Lr.rUSTRrATrEl) MAGosAZINE: oF Antr fot July. Lonclon: Jo/re Caessll. Taris is a double monthly part, additional space being required for tihe superb illustrations of the Great In- dustrial Exhibition in Dublin, wrhicih form its distilln guishing features. In no other publication, not even excepting the IlurtveaL'er NVewus, have we seen more ac- curate and striking ...

Fashion and Varieties

... '-wb I-JavimtC5. THE ROYAL CHRIS-LTENING. TIll christening of the infant son of her Majesty and Prince Albert took place onl Tuesday evening, in Bulickinigham Palace. The sacred rite was performed in the private chapel in the Palace, whichi was dulv pre- pail ed for the OCCaISiO. Two rows of chairs of crim- son satin and gold w\-ere placed onl each side of' tlhe centre, for the use of the ...