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... e FLORICULTURAL EXHIBITION h I ;BOTANICAL GARDENS. - a . AMeA+ LR I A Ahl x f -f t, _ -l C - - . 11 . . The Manchester Botanical and Horticultural Society held Aits second ordinary exhibition for the present season, on it Wednesday last, in the society's gardens at Old Trafford. The exhibition was on the same enlarged scale as the extra- yordinary one held a few weeks ego, and to this (as to ...


... - S S rnr; TJ;, Pi'11pf \ : i. ?? virng I. :~ . - - *, - - w- . % I v;:neg- . Th * d ; S (From Le Follet.) o ?? adaptation of the fashion 6f'pas't times to the costumne rice. of the present day contributes to produoe -mot charming not models. Thus, the dress worn in the ?? century by t of Marguerite of Pikovenoe-the flat body encircling the hips-E to which is'addeil the, sleeves 'of the time ...


... MR. JULIUS JEFFREYS' LECTURE S armI ON INDIA. The third lecture of Mr. Julius Jeffreys, on 1The wants and resources of India, wbs delivered'at the Town Hall, on ,Friday evening. Its subjget was, the art of agriculture as practisedaby the natives ofrIndia. He said the successiof his own attempts to improve, by the application of chemical and mechanical science, the useful arts of India, had ...

Literary Extracts

... ? .? I ?? I : ? ?? titerarg ? Extracts. - i I z ? a SAXONi Coccws.-There are a great number of coins extaut ~iI ,I with Alfred's stamp on them, but, in their execution, they II B aire far inferior to the coiniage of other Anglo-Saxon princes. 01 9 The image of the king is, in general, so rudely engraved, that at a every attempt to trace any resemblance in even a Single II feature must be ...


... Tar IlISTORY OF LEICESTER. Ily James Thompson, Member of tie liritisih Arclueological Association-Loudosn: W. Pickering, iacstcr: 7. S. Crosslcy, antd Thompj'son and Son. There is a famous Eastern store which tolls how the prophet Chidbar, who litl obtained the gift of eternal youth, arrived in tilc course of his wanderings at a certain town, surrounded with gardens and groves, in one of which ...

Literary Extracts

... ? ? I : ? ;; ? afterarp Extracto. , p ?? . . . ?? ?? --.1 ?? -- TEMPLIRAXnC orl THR CZAIR-The Emperor Nicholas lhe breakfasts on a cup of tea and a, rusk; dines on a little fish, i Ve .a cutlet, or a chop, with a biscuit aud a glass of sherry al ad and water. In the evening he takes a cup of tea. lie fc ofsuffers from an internal disease, aud is obliged to be ab- stemijous. Then what is the, ...


... I S ARDIS. BY JOHlN GREET. (For the Preston Chronicej.) Lo ' Sardis, by the foot of Imolus, Wnere old Pactolus laves his golden sands, Inurned in desolation, cowering, lies, The shame and glory of proud Lydia's strands. M here now her line of moiarclihs satraps hoar, And armaments the mighty Cyrus dared, That stretched from Xgeia to the Euxine shore? Gone, ever gone I her citron-groves are ...


... I HEBE.-MIRANDA. {Oripinal.) T'adition, the first Morning Chronicle of gods and goddesses' Intrigues and pausiorl8, of prodiaies the most incredible, olympian parliaments, levreso and fashions Siags tlat imperial Juno * danced right well_ of course the polka, firig deep sensationas. At Jhve's court banquet where purs nctaore ,fowed And goddesses in lace etherwan glowed. SIpernal Juno, to ...


... The first exhibition for the season of the Preston Floral and Horticultural Association took place on Thursday last, in the Exchange rooms. There was not so numerous and fashionable an attendance as usual, which was, no doubt, owing to the unfavourable weather of the morning, and the still gloomy atmosphere of the afternoon. There were, however, many of the leading families of the town and ...


... 11'nl DAM nADAMS. Where can the sad heart find of Refuge from care, WI Balm for its wretchedness, T) Tell me, oh! where? lit Not where the wine cup's tide cc Sparkles in halls of pride, of Mantling 'mid mirth and song? re Treazherous though fair, tb Such joys but grief prolong: of Seek not peace there. or cr Where can the heart that's known vc Young love decayed WI Rest till the wounds are ...


... - LITERARY EXTRACTS. - l,1j' ?? a lecture in New York, on tole To f thO Far WVest, the lecturer said the Indian's Idea of a Ilares ata was this :-As soon as he threw off thlefleshhe would fltur ?? on the bank of a river, the current running flr'eat rapidity. Across this river was a slender pole, strippedt with 9rRand lying close down to the surface of thle water. The has lived a good life then ...


... S LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICALREOREATIONS; OR, DR. INMAN'S ESSAY EXAMINED ANRD CORRECTED. v 'WU' TPiAV A TgTTMT LT. n BY THE REV. A. 1UNIN; LL.D. that V.-A MAXTRIUM OF ERROR IN5 A MINIMiUM oF Sexc,-The Jone aji yssg fanle quotation will show hotter than any descrp the I 'h'tion could do the accuracy which marks Dr. Inman's statements was of fact :- to * r As far as I am aware, with the ...