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... ST. JAM&S'S THEATRE. The performalnce by a German company of SCMILLER 'S INtilha Tell on the boards of a London theatre, attracted a large asal fashiuasble audience. The story of TELL is too well known to neel repetition here. A few words respect. i'i SCHiLLEt'S version of it may prove interesting to rlany. ittiea Tell was one of SCHIRLLER'S latest productions, bellti Written il the year which ...


... The Queen's State Concert. The Queen gave a Concert, on Wednesday evening, at Buck. ingham Palace. The invitations numbered about four hundred, and included the royal family, the Foreign Ministers and their wives, the Ministers and Officers of State, and a large party of the nobility. Shortly before ten o'clock the Queen, accompanied by the Prince and Princess of Prussia, the Duchess of Kent, ...

Published: Sunday 10 July 1853
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1485 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... TEL SCAEAPROGC COLUMN. A CAaeSoRNIAN GoLD DIGaGzes Too=AOMn-oe, of car party, the elder Meyer, poor fellow, got a dreadful. toothache after we were a few days ou. Toothache is at the sanie time an extraordinary pain, as whoever hasg suffered from it, well -nows. With some teeth cold water held to them will ease the pain, while others cannot bear even the thourht of it. Some teeth require you t ...


... TPHATRICALs AxDS AXUgEmtNTS IN I - . iIDublin. T (EA En ROAL onown c~hAasronwI~in.) T~nSTRE ~rn-(Mr. J. Harris, Leiaee.>Ralergons has his Fault was enacted o gaturday iesing, and, restahed iith acclamation; indeed, the spirited acting 6f Messrs. King, Granby, Vining, die.,, aided by the combined perfection of cha- racters sustained by Mesdames RI. Kirby, Parker, Castleton, and Marston, could ...

Published: Sunday 10 July 1853
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1782 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... . | Royal Ittlian 0P ?? Propste was performed on Tuesday for the second time this season, Madame Tedesco, as before, impersonating the character of Fides The extreme nervousness, mider which the lady laboured on her first Appear- ance, bad, given way to a bhtter stringing of the system, and we in consequence saw her without the drawbacks ot the previous Friday. We are fully sensible that ...

Published: Sunday 10 July 1853
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3170 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... LITEATU . I CAPTIVlTY OF NAPOLEON.* Sir Hudson Lowe, the gaoler of Napoleon, was to the popular mind the very ugliest, the most forbidding of gaolers. No gaoler at the Coburg theafre could loom norp omniaously through the daclcess of vaulted passages Shsan did grim-visaged Sir Hudson. And all the time Napoleon was aE liat sanctified by the sympathies of Holland-housa; and radicals did not ...


... ST. JAMBS'15 T7EATRE. --4k- DONNA DIANA. Donna Diana is the name given to a very sprightly comedy. Great elegance of language, combined with pointed wit and keen satire, softened down; withal, by delicate sentiment, are its characteristics. This comedy, as given last night at St. James's Theatre, is an adaptation, by CARL WEST, of the original Spanish comedy by iMORETO, a contemporary and a ...


... NUAS9IU. M. JULLIEN'S TESTIMONIAL CONCERT.. A number of M. Jullien's friends and admirers, having resolved to set on foot a concert, as a testimonial of the public sense of his merit and services as a musician, a committee was formed to carry the design into effect, and the concert accordingly took plaes last evening in Drury- ilane Theatre. Every one engaged in the performance-the ...


... PROVIN IAL THEATRIWALS. (nRom ova Ow*vgcogRWOX7DZN5i4s.) 4n0AGAvENNY.-On Monday, July 25th, the theatre wjll irl for the season with a full and efficient company. BRoyal.-Mr.. Nelson's benefit, on the run of Madame Wharton's attraction here 1rluchl bee been moderately suceessfal. Deftoyal SelessettiaThe novel though truly scientific feat of igwahin, by Mr. T. LeutoT , at this place of public ...

Published: Sunday 10 July 1853
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1373 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... THE JOURNAL OF PSYUOOLOGIOAL MrDICINrn, By FORBES WNXsLoW, Mii. Churchill Princes-street.-Dr. Winslow's valuable periodical for July ?? much matter of vast interest and research in the subjects on which it speciallytreats. There is an admirable article on our pauper lunatic asylum~sshowing bow they maight be made mlodel institutions. From orls, entitled Insastity in Indi, wve extract somae ...


... NEW PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. This society has brought its second season to a close; the sixth and last concert having taken place in Exeter Hall last night. The following was the programme of the performances: PART L Overture (Geneveval ?? C. Ilarslcy. Quartet, for two Violins, Viola, and Violon. cello, with Orchestral Accompaniments (Op. 121), Mr. Cooper, Mr. Hennen. Herr Gofirie, and Sig. ...


... I THE THEATRES. A few words may suffice for the dramatic entertainments of the week. The German Company whose performance we described last year in some detail have commenced another series of performances at the ST JAMES'S THEATRE. M. Emil Devrient is again the principal attraction; but as the pieces hitherto played have been simply repetitions of those of last year, with less strength in the ...