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Reynolds's Newspaper



London, England

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Reynolds's Newspaper

Advertisements & Notices

... OLYMEPIC ' THEATRE. Leae. and Manager, Mr. W. stireO . AN Monday, August 15, and during the week, the New and V original dramsa in three- aets, entitled The TIMES. Charac. ters by M dsre. Farrena T. Mead. H. Marstan. W. Farren, G. Chooke, shaliders, Clifton; Meodames Anderton, Ellen Turner,. and Bartlett. With the highly successful bur- lesque of SHYLOCK; or. the Merchant of Vmnice Preserved. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LITERA1RY ANNOUNCEMgENTS The Public and the Trade are requested to observe the ensuing announcem nt:_ I TEE NEAPOLITAN ROMANCE. NO. 2 GBATIS WITH NO. I. Yesterday was Published, Price One I'enny, lNo. 1 (with which No. 2 WS 9 given Gratis, in an elegant Coloured Wraper)of 51 HE COR A L I SL A ND; O R, T E THE HEREDITARY CURSE. By GEolGs W. 11. RESNOLDS. This work will be issued in the samte ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PC TO THE MANAGERS OF THEATRES. B T E Proprietor of the Britanunia, Hoxton, London, deems it his duty publicly to state that Mr. J. B. Howe. recently a Sc member of the above establishmsent, suddenly absconded on Satur. m day last, before the close of his engagement, leaving his name in the bills ter three characters which he had received his salary for pe performing, and after having had an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THise O'BRIEN TESTIMONIAL. A PUBLIC MEETING of the dissiples and friends of J. BEON- ATERh~E O'BRIEN, residing in the vicinity of tihe Tower Hamlets, wi'l take place on Tuesday evening, August 16, at the Literary Institution. Morpeth street, Bethuial-green, to consider the means of aiding the Testimonial Committee in raising and pre- senting that gedtileman with a token of gratitude ior the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COMIPANION TO 1AILY PFIUCE. Publishing in Weekly Penny Numabers and Monthly Slixpenny Parts, beautifully Illustrated by Edward Corbould, JOSEPH WILMOT.; OR, THE MEMOIRS OF A MN SERVANT. By GBoRa.u W. M. Ruiosorna. This work has the same high moral purpose in view as that wshich was aimed atinm MARY PRICR ..-rarcely. the elevation of a soecifiC section of the community, by exposlng the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE To ABDVERTISERS. The law for the repeal of the advertisement duty having come inte, operation, the following will be the arals of charges for the Insertion of advertisemeflts ini Reynolds's Newspaper :- For one line . . . Os. 9d. two linles . . . . . 1 0 every additional line 0 4 The immense and rspidly-increasing circulation of this journal renders it a most ?? and desirable medium ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE HAPPY MILLION. E MPLOYMENT -CONSTANT INCUME. - eersons of both sexes, iii any slation of Ille, seeking respectable employment, or partial employment in any part of the United Kingdom, and who, it is guaranteed, will realize Two to Four Guineas per week, would indeed blesF the hour they scent tor the work entitled 'Evary Man His Own Master, price Is 4d in stamprs, rost free. Write at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,, I, ,; RT~8-fANE TSEATAE.- sg.K. nGANEbOPEiSA CO&MPANTY -Formes, Caradori, Reichardt, G Zimmerman, Onorntti, Cicely Nott, Adelaide Weinthijll, prin. cipala Oh Menday, Augu9t 29. and every evening during the week, In the operas-LUCaEZIA BORGIA, NORMA, SOM. NAMIBULA, ACIS AND GALATEk, Ac. Prices of admission :italls, 6s.; Dress Circlei 4e; ?? Boxes, 3s.; Pit, 2s.; Lower Gallery, Is.. 1Upper ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRATIS: GRATES GiATIS ' One Hundred and Seventy Thousind Nos. 1 of a work of great interest, Given Away. To every purchaser of to. 274 of REYNOLDSS MISCELLANY WTll be presented, Gratil, No 1. of THE ORPHAN SISTERS, OR, THE LOVER'S SECRET. By the Autheress of Jane Shore, Rose of England, Broken Heart, &o., &c. This work wil be continued In Penny Numbers Weekly, and embelliahed with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COMANIAON TO MATLY RZXCEU. Publishnlog in Weekly Peany Numbera and Monthly Sixpun Part, beautifully Illustrated by Edward Corbouid, jTSEPA WILMIOT; OR, Ti E MEMOIRS OF A MAN- 4 ~~~SERVANT. BH G5EoRGm W. M. RxiNotus. This work has the same high moral purpose in view as that which was aimed atii MARY PRaOs :-narnely. the elevation of a spedfic section of the ommoun ty, by ?? the wrongs and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T2IE CAMP AT CAW3O1AM. - 3REVZJW OF THM FLAT. Just published by J. T Woud, 3 5 aud 41, Hoiywell stseet, Strand, Lesdon, price One Pennm each, TOOD'S VIEWS OF TktJ; CAAFP Ar CHOBlAiB, on enamelled MI0 ards. Woods ProgreisiveDrawing Book. Re-iseee in Penny Nrmbers. Wooe'a Satin Poetry Cardo5 in ornamental borders, One Pemsy each. Wood's Views of London and Towns in England on cards, letter and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LITERARY ANNOUNCEIV.ENTS. The attgntion of the publie ia requested to the following ameunce- TO PURC6RASEg OF HORSES. Now ready, elegautly got up, Price isa, THE E 11 0 It S F . B t Y R R ' S G U I D E. 11 I & C-'LONL r~orJvss¢x. NWVen all the rascalities and trick practised by too many horse- desle 5, andl ss~moaj -bbiog in horses are t ken jint consideration, the value of a- ch a work as ...