Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITORS. a Section E acellaneoun. SOUTHERN GALLERY (Eastern End.) EXHIBITOR J CLAsS XXVIll. G1PEAT INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. FRED. LEWIS has prepared three new valuable Preparations for the Toilet, whir will be dy in a few days, and may then be had of al a otable ye ors of Per- famely in the Kingdom. r Lo Fred. Lewis's Imperial Real E naylo4> arranted to contain pure honey. Fred. Lewis's Great ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A USTRIMAN LOAN of 18524 at FIVE PER, A u ?? for £3,000,000 setrling. Notice is ho eby give,,, tilat the ttiIAWING of the SECOND PORTION of tile ANNUAL SINING FU.SD of this LOAN, as rtipula:ed in the Contract, tuok Isacb at Vienna, onl the Ist inst., before the proper t~sthoritieq, by which the sum of £17,500, in 2l6 Bonds, was destised to be PAID OFF at PAR on tlsc lsS January next. Tue ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ISS WOTHERSPOON respectfnlly intimates s' J will RESUME her CLASSES for TUIT' .ast tshe ' ANO-FORTE onl ONDAYtlhe8thlofA' ° -AON11the 75 BATH STETP ?? 29th July, 1853. 9 fT EDUCA TI -AL tS8TAtLSIMENT, . p -. _titfX 1i'RbACtt STIRtLINa ROAD. r O' I N ?? LISSES RENTOUL beg re- X'1. spoefilty toe intimate that their CLASSES will be 0IMNIED on MO(N)DAY the 15th AUGUST Next. TWO BOARDERS can be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE TO-MORROW, CRUSHED SUGARS, JWE1-TN MIDONNELL & CO. WVILL SELL B AJCTION, at the hour of TWE E1 n)clocl on TUESDAY, the 2nd day of August-,52 GEO. HYND.MIAN'S Sale-Rooms, 130 lklhs ) 5t) Tierces - CRUSHIED SIJGA1l,e; iei'rnoii 50 Barrels 1663 Prime Catania BEATILLA just landing, ex Aler SALE TO-MORROW. AUCTION OF' FUR N I'T'URE. COTTAGE PIANO-FORTE, &c., &c. To be SOLJD by5i AUCT'ION at No ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INCORPORATION OF MALnTMEN, GLASGOW. T IIE Stated ANNUAL GENERAL M1EETING of the 1 above Inicorporation will be held in the Trades' llall, (Glassford Street, onl Friday the 5th August next, at 'l'hree o'clock .1m., to Pay Quarter Accounts, make up tilc Qualified Roll of Members, and appoint the Conmnittee to Audit the 1. Collector's Accounts, and consider alny other Business brought forward by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nrtF'E ANNIHILATOR, o VAPOUR FIRE IiN'tE.-zV.~tr ac onlye the pocnt ofe ontact, and t, polO- er!U ..oaifll falooead' ynh. b CouCrl1 r aer, ltoes ?? home, a1 sorha emaheventillieatt nd ?? IIt Lilge VCs I, See. It.i practic Value is pro rra~ ,rhob~ coos at , teo'lu is in 2idi0,I by Leeds Fire i% :gadlc,'I 1w .'tipo. For particularsi, Ill lim) IttC. ?? hsh ' av; ctb*1 . montu, p. 131i. Oicee of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEW EDITI'ON Ill Oj.NNEVOUS AND GENERATVE DISEASE8 Just Published, 20th Thousand. - Illustrated with Coloured fEngravings, Price ?? or in a sealed Envelope, free by Pcst,' for 18siaohbte Stamps. [JI rEALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE MEANS BY XX WHICH THEY MAY BE OBTAnIN;D, a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the ...

Foreign Intelligence

... RANCE. It is said that Queen Christina intends going to London with her husband and family, for the purpose of visiting the Orleans family ; and it appears that the project of marriage between Prince Napoleon (Jerome) and Mademoiselle Munoz is abandoned for the it was ever seriously tained. ITALY. A letter from Lombardy, of the in the Opinione, ot Turin, mentions the arrest and subsequent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD, BY PUBLIC ROUP, lyithin the Royal1 Exchange Sale Roomns, Glasgow, onl Wed- nesdlY the 3d dlayof August next, ?? o'clock issN., ifiot prev iously disposed of by Private Bargain, To A IL and WHOLE tisat PLOT of GAROUND, containisig I A 5`.33Square Yards and 3 Square Feet, or- thercby, withl thle 'lie TEENEI'S ?? S~treetand Milton Lane, Cowevclileimq, afld thle other Buildings erected ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE ?? results of the last half century JL have proved beyond question that ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL possesses singularly nourishing powers in the growth and restoration and improvement of the human hair, and when every other specific has failed. It insinuates its balsamic properties into the pores of the head, nourishes the hair in its embryo state, ac- celerates its growth, cleanses it from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? TAGOt, CNTR ond WELLINGTON, thell A 1iasetlge r thd lbst n r Se1 ton' &c-Forriglg Co essrs. Green, of a lackwall, FSSCT e o th AnlesY),Commnds~ter. Titis splendid ~ip 'wli sti~ Cite East In Docks on thela Ctho AlglSt, and 'h Grea ars aS fulpo n ot Ctlbalk 'assn fot wikth very superior acconmmodatiols for first, 'tse(e11 I ?? cibill Passaetlners, and wvill carry anl ?? Fo the the'ailttt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -i'l IORTPUILLIP Dir~ect (to follow the' ~i te .pcn id fint oilng Astrlirr Line of Pacljet *vt0. r~at~ TO. 1,recotr 060 tons, JOHN jiltN 0.11 fCO~11 ili~il ?? atthe Jetty, Londlon .rc.cconrrutuirn ?? .3 r~rtrrpieletrtlS ppy o . AFFR3.AY and ?? i' o -, orto JMES TOMSO :and Co., G, Billitec-N AEoF GOOD MOPE (has the greater *r rrrgo thu line ?? frht eailrn shi, 1 33 ;cro 72 tons per ...