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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... r1iHEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. On THIS EVENING (Thursday), August 18, 1858, the performances will commence with Weber's Opera of DER FREISCHUTZ. Rodolph Mr Haigh; Caspar, Mr Durand; Zarniel, Mr Vivasb; Killian, Mr Wigan; Agnes, Miss Lanza; Anne, Miss F Cruise. To conclude with THE CORSICAN BROTHERS. Fabien dei Franobi, Louis dei Franchi, Mr T C King. 'Mons de Chateau Renaud, Mr J G Vining; Emille de ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Section Deta lc 'tms GREAT HALL _ ?? ~ (South Side.) EXHIB1lT0R J CLASSXXIIL IT AS THE GREAT EXHIBITION DONE 11 GOOD TO DUBLIN? Yes, it has! It has stimulated Trade to an extent un- known for many years It has afforded strangers an oppor- tunity of viewving he matrhlews beauties ofthe country, and to Antiquatrians it most haysibeen a source of delight, to see the exact .ooies of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITORS. I ONLY YEXtensive * 1 1 1 WAW T BPROOs - A MANUFACTURERS EXHIBITOR J DUBLIN. ELVERY AND CO., 46, L OWER SACKVILLFSTREET, ELEPHANT HOUSE, post-offie Side. A LARGE STOCK NOW READY, FOR Ladies, Gentlemen, and Youths, Or Made to Order. Waterproof Alpaca Coats and Capes for Clergymen, Waterproof Silk Coats, Capes, and Hoods, Waterproof Zephyr Coats, Capes, and Hoods Waterproof Swanrdown ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITORS. e V Sect D-ecttolDetalli £411 ~SOUTHERN GALLERY 0 (g~~~oevernz End) E X EHIBIITOR CLASS XXIII. EA C I N W A T C H E S . RACINE AND CO., GENEVA WATCH' MANUFACTURERS,, 88 NASSAU 1STIEEET (Corner of Grafton-street), Respectf cully solicit aen ispection of their present Stock of Gold Geneva Watches, being the tost extensive in Dublin. Anong bhich are comprised some tirtrtlases Duplex ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEW EDITION 111 ON NERVOUS AND GENERATIVE DISEASES. Just ?ublisbeo, 20th Thousand. Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. Ij EALTH 'AN-D HAPPINESS, THE MEANs BY WHICI- THEY WAY BE OBTAIEsD, a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, and Diseases of' the 'Generative System, with observations on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITORS. a Section E acellaneoun. SOUTHERN GALLERY (Eastern End.) EXHIBITOR J CLAsS XXVIll. G1PEAT INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. FRED. LEWIS has prepared three new valuable Preparations for the Toilet, whir will be dy in a few days, and may then be had of al a otable ye ors of Per- famely in the Kingdom. r Lo Fred. Lewis's Imperial Real E naylo4> arranted to contain pure honey. Fred. Lewis's Great ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITORS. T HE ONLY Extensiie Xn IWIWATERPROOF it %MM ANUFACTURERS - i ?? EXHIBITOR L DUNBL ;N ELVERY AND CO.; 46, LOWER SACKVILLE-STREET, ELEPHANT HOUSE, Post-office Side. A LARGE STOCK NOW READY, FOR Ladies, Gentlemen, and Youths, Or Made to Order. Waterproof Alpaca Coats and Capes for Clergymen, Waterproof Silk Coats, Capes, and Hoods, Waterproof Zephyr Coats, Capes, and Hoods, Waterproof ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ]EXHIBITORS. Section D-Metallic. -E GREAT HALL (South Side.) EXHIBITOR J CLASS XXIIL. TTAS THE GREAT EXHIBITION DON E HL GOOD TO DUBLIN? Yes, it has ! It has stimulated Trade to an extent un- known for many years. It has afforded strangers an oppor- tunity of viewing the matchless beauties of the country, and to Antiquarians it must have been a source of delight to see the exact copies of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EA&BIT S. GREHILL' (South Side.) E X N I B I CLASS XXIIL TAS THE GREAT EXHIBITION DONE, IL GOOD TO DUBLIN? Yes, it has I It has stimulated Trade to an extent un- known for many years. It has afforded strangers an oppor- tunity of viewing the matchless beauties of the country, and to Antiquarians it most have been a source of delight to see the exact copies of the Brooches formerly worn by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PHEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. On TIIS EVENING (Wednesday), August 3, 1853, the performances will commence with Shakspoare's Play of A MIDSUMs'ER NI NT'S DR-,AM. Theseus, Mr T C Eing; Ls der, Mr Vining; Bottom, Mr Wigan; Helena, rs Hu n aKirby; iOberon, Miss Lanza; Titania, Mis3 Mastoon; luck, Bliss C Saunders. To hs followed b3 lie Farce of THE YOUNG VIDOW. landeville, rlrMLein; Spla ,MrGJ Vining; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ TIE NEW EDITION! I! WOr NERVOUS AND GENERATIVE DISEASES. ,d. Just Published, 20th Thousand. Illustrated with Coloured on Engravings, Price ls., or in a sealed Envelope, free by k. Post, for 1S Postage Stamps. an rJEALTH AND HAPPINESS, TaE MEANS BYP 79, 1ILIL WlICoI TIHEY MAY BS OBTAINED, a Medical Work on ed the Infirmities of Youth and 3aturity, and Diseases of the of Generative System, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEW EDITION! I ! ON NERVOUS AND (GE.NERATIVE DISEASES. Just Published, 20th Thousand. Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, Price ls., or in a sealed Envelope, free by . Post, for 18 Postage.Stanmps. Hr EALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE MEANS BY 1 W WIIICit THEY MAY BE OBTAINED, a Medical Work on t the Intirmities of Youth and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations ...