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Freeman's Journal


... I' FASHIONABLE INTELLIGBNCB. ARRIVALS AT ThE SHaELBOUmeNE HOTEL.-Lord and Lady Kilmaine, Lord and Lady Lurgan, the Hon Miss Browne, the Hon Mrs Dawson and the Hon Mr Brownlow, Lord Coamo and Lady Russell, Mr ahd Lady B Dent, Mrs General Barry, Mrs Colonel Kelly and Mr and Mrs Richard Warburton, Rev H Moore and Mrs P Moore, Rev Mr and' Miss Cooke, Rev H O'Brien and sons, Rev Mr Foulger, Rev Mr ...


... FAHILIOAABLB IATBLLIGENCE. -- COURT CIRCULAR. 0sBOtrt, AUG. 18.-The Queen and Prince, accompanied by the Duchess of Kent, Prince Arthur, and Count Alexander Mensdorif, and attended by Lady A. Bruce, the Hon. Mary Seymour, Colonel Bouverie, and the Hon. Dadley de Ros, embarked on board the Fairy yesterday afternoon, and honoured the Cowes regatta with their presence. The royal party afterwards ...


... I GREAT INDUSTRIAL EXEIBITION. . I ?? . .I r sU The number of visitors to the buildingyesterday was u,22. The attendance was fashionable and the receipts at the doors were satisfactory. Her Excellency the Countess St. Germans is so charmed with the Exhibition, that day after day she honours it with a visit-this distinguished predeliction for ao useful and instruc- tive a place of resort is ...


... (FROM, OUsrAWN REPORTERS.) Killarney, Saturday. The attractions of the show yard having been over and over again examined and admired, until they had become familiar to the great mass of the visitors who had arrived during the week, all abandoned, as if of one accord,the show- yard and the town yesterday morning, and proceeded to spend the day amid the enchanting scenery of the fairy land and ...


... TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMAN. Sandford Avenue, Bushfield Avenue, 16th August, 1853. S&R-As conservator of good order and morality on the part of the community at large, I beg respectfully to call your attention to the existence annually in this locality of a great moral nuisance, commonly known under the designa- tion of Donnybrook Fair. That an evil of such magni- tude, destructive, as it ...


... THIEATRE ROYAL. Amongst the various revivals of classic drama and high opera which have distinguished the present management of our metropolitan theatre, the reproduction of Der Freiechutz seerns to have caused 'he highestamountof public satisfaction. Its presentation on Saturday evening created quite a sensa- tion amongst an audience crowded to the very doors, asid comprising a larger number ...


... The number of persons admitted to the building yesterday Oi amounted to no less tban 18,103. Ad The appearance of the interior was most cheering. The crowd was immense, though by no means inconveniently N numerous, and of course, in a financial point of view, the resulc exceeded the most sanguine expectations of the bes, wishers of this great national undertaking. Well may Ire- land be proud ...


... THE GREAT EXHIBITIONT. The number of persone who visited the Exhibition yester- day was 8,914. Toe attendance weS very fashionable, and l the receipts at the door satisfactory. Her Excellency the Countess of St. Germans continues to evince her high appre-I ciatiou of the Etxhibition by the frequency of her visits. She I was accompanied yesterday by the Ladies Cornwallis and I other ?? persons, ...


... TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMAN. SIR-But two short months now remain for our splendid Exhibilion to remain open to the public, and how many thousands yet throughout the country have not visited its noble halls ? Is any cause operating to retard the full suc- cess and educational improvement which might be made of our Exhibition? Have our railway companies-have even the numerous and intelligent ...


... THE GBEAT EX2HIBITION. The number of persons who visited the building last Sa- turday was 6,408. The attendance was very fashionable, and the receipts at the door much better than on any Satur- day since the opening. Among the elite we noticed his Grace the Archbishop of Dublin, the Earl and Countess of Charlemont, Earl of Meath, Lord and Lady Gough, Lord and Lady Alhbrooke, Lady F. Cole, Lord ...


... LITERATVRE? THE RAsIBLE R.-(Cotr 'Lt et; Dublin: G. Bellesw.)-A most important article on the Prospects Of the Irish University must take precedence; in commandinig our attention, of all the other interesting matter that com- poses the current number of this excellent Catholic magazine. As we cannot, however, find space in our columns for the article in its entirety, and as every word of it ...