... - Blackwood's MaJazine. The flourishing town of Bradford has been celebrating, by an appropriate musival festival, the opening of St. George's- hall-a handsome Palladian building, of the Corinthian orAer, built at an expense of 21,000L., and devoted to music. The performance began on Wednesday week, with the oratorio of St. Paul. On Thursday The Messiah drew animmense audience. On Friday ...


... I -- FASHI NABLE INTBLLGNE .-I AnBiVAiS; AT THEL SHLBORBE HoTard.-Right Hon the Bail of Midtown, Lady Trench and Rev Mr Trench, the Bon w' Mr Browne, Sir Richard-and Lady Levinge, Sir.Ciarle8 Watson, Mrs General Manneal, Rev Mai and Miss Kyle, Rev ar Mr Debere, Rev Dr Veanten, Rev Mr Vavasour Rev Me r Heron, Rev Mr Braddell, Rev Mr Brace, Rev Mr 'Qninr en Rev Mr Kerr,-Rev Mr Cochran, Rev Mr ...


... LITERA TUBE. ,H D ?? Cot~zl' 7ie ol' tic London Traders', Tiir)n ai o Cbie-*o-insc 'lh cs, uer, ..t o the M7th Centlry, pres neted to the CurI)oration Libruiy by 11. BeCIzifOY, L--s . By J. H. Buin-. The munificent gift of 'Mr. B3eaufov to the City has rendered it necessary that a proper cataloguo should he made of its contents: this has been ably done by Mir. Burn in thc present volume. The ...


... TRA VELS IN INDIA AND IASHMIR.* | I If sympathy with his subject is one condition of good authorship in a bookwriter, these travels must be deserving of especial attention. Baron Erich von Schonberg is thoroughly oriental in his tastes, and quite an optimist in regard to climate, ,reed, and people. Brahminical temples are par- iicularly the objects of his esteem, and he never was more ...


... LITERAlty NOTICF D.-- .,,A ?? ,S. 'uNcH ana IsrOGErEat arc both evcellent. They masy note be regarded as companions rather than rivals. A SeRMON ON the LeolUcATrION at.n itb the rev. Jel.tlea A . inerte DI, urilncipal of Hastwell Col- Ilge. (Longusans, Lond~o.)_.1'hj5 dliscourse pece in July last, in behalf of at school from a'portion of Sololnon's prayer at the dedication of the tomple,- Gimc ...


... -. THE SPIRiT OF . BEAUTY. The Spirit of Beauty unfurls ber light And wheels hor course in ?? flight! } kneowbher track through the bnlm airr -By the blossoms that c luster and whiten there! She leaves tho tops of the mountainagreen, And gems the valley with crystal sheen. . At mom I know whore she rested at night, For the roses are gushing with dewy deigrht*; Then she mounts again, and around ...


... FELTON UNION OF FLOonRIST AND HonTiCULTURIST3. -The members of the Felton Union of Florists anid Horticulturists held their ?? exhibition of earna- tOnDS, PicceteCs, fruits end vegetables, ben their fifth show for the season, eil Monday last, at Mr ILeightois's, when the prizes were awarded as follows - Florwers.-~Carnations-ist prize to, Mr B. Burn , Linden; 2nd and 3rd to Mir Daweon, ...


... V A RIE T I ES. What relation is a door-mat to the scapet ? A step. farther. In a lesson in parsing, the sentence, Alan courted in a capacity of bliss, the word courting came to a pert young miss of fourteen to parse. She commenced hesitatingly, but got on well enough until she was to tell what it agreed with. Here she stopped short, but the teacher said, Very well, what does courting ...


... Ox Weduesday, this Society held its last competition.meeting and show for the season in the Assembly Rooms. The favou- rite fruits and flowers of the season were very creditably rbpre- sented in all the classes, and were evidently much' admired by a numerous assemblage who crowded the rooms duiring'the day. Although the weather lately had been somewhat da- meging to the more delicate. ...


... MU~S~iC., UUIJII.YLAAE. EXTDAORDINAIIY ScCENE.-Th promised perform- ance of Norrma drew an immense audience here last night, but the promise was only in pert fulfilled, and a very rnuti~ lated and imperfect version of Bellini'e opera was the result, At the commencement of the evening an apology was offered for the absence of Signor Luigi Mei, who wee announced for Poliio; and the indulgence of ...


... LITERA TUBE. Socian aite Policial2 Morality. By WILLIAM LOVETT. Simpkin and Marshall. Mir. Lovett has been long known for his conscien- tious advocaev of radical reform, and for his earnest endeavours not only to procure social privileges for the members of the class to which he belongs, but to elevate them higher in the scale of society by education. Few men have laboured. so long and so ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ?? allb YTaritiu5. THE COURT. TI'ur~rt Royal Highilesses tbe Princess Roval, the Princess Alice, ard the Princess Helena, left liutl;- inglirnm Palace at twoenty minutes past eight o'clock onl Wednesday morning, attended by te Mlastet- of the Elirrsehold, for the Euston Square of the London and North-Western Railway, to proceed to Edinbur tgh, enr route for BIalmoial, and reached liolvr-ond at ...