Grand Dahlia Exhibition

... I G, rad -Ua, 4xbibition. The Royal South London Plorioultural Society on Tuesday ex- hiibited their last Grand Dahlia and Misecellaneous Flower Show for the season, at the SuZrey Zoological Gardens. The prizes awarded consisted of gold,.silver, and bronze medals, under Liuneann, Vietoria, and Albert denominations. The following are .some of the.specimens in the first class in-laudation of ...

Published: Sunday 11 September 1853
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 756 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... r- . [CONTISUED.] so. Quee Blacheordering ber Son, Louis IX.- from the presence of his Wife.,, A. Elmore, A.R.A.-This pic- ture, illustrative of a passage from Joinville's Chronicles, presents the usual faults and the usual excellences of the artist. Faults of expression and of attitude, both of which partake too frequently of the usual characteristics of melo- drama, of course softened and ...


... THIRD VISIT OF HER MAJESTY. Her Majesty and Prince Albert paid their third visit to the Exhibition yesterday, and went through a considerable portion of the building, attentively examining the many and various objects of interest presented in the different depart. Ments. Notwithst5pdimg that the rain continued to fald up to an advanced hour in the morning her Majesty'3 carriages ware in ...


... i THES PEOPLE'S EDITION OF THE WORKS OF SAMUEL WARREN, ?? F.R.S. Part 1.- We have long looked for such an edition of Mr. Warren's works as the present. Now that the days of cc bulky folios and gilt-edged quartos have gone by, of that novels even are no longer necessarily three volumes hi in length, and 31s. 6d. in price,-but when weekly to numbers, monthly parts, and cheap editions of standard ...


... ?? ?? ?? ?? 1 . - ?? ?? phe Traveller's Libraery.-Tarkey and ChrinstendoM. t] Reprinted, with Additions, from the Edinburgh Review. c London: Longman, Browun, Green, and Longmans. fi This abstract of the part taken and the influence exer- ai eised by the Ottoman Porte in European affairs since the q establishment of its seat at Constantinople is too lucid for its own purpose. - Happily the ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Jr-a:511ion ailt Farirtir,5. THE COURT. BAtwORAs, SEPT. 25.-Hler Majesty drove yesterday to the Balloch Bhuie, accompanied by the Princess Royal and Princess Alice. 1Ifs Royal Highness Prince Albert went out deer-stalking. The dinner party yes- terday included her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, Count Alexander WMensdorf'f, Lady Frances Bruce, and Sir George Couper. Prince Albert has had ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Jymqion aub IFaricticE. THEE COURT. BALMORArt, Sr rr. ItW.-Yesterday afternoont hot', MJa- jesty and Prince AlbIrt, with hile Pr'incess Roval, Prineess Alice, Princess lHelena, the Prince of Wtlos, and Prince Alfred, drove to B1raetuar Castle, and ho- noured tbe BracLmrar gathering with their presence. Her Majesty was recoived by the Laird of Inver. cauld, at the head of the Farquharson 1- ...


... Viuarp. THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. Tna many forms of life he tried That minister to man's delight, In soft desire, or sterner pride, By day or night. He taught the festal hours to swim Upon the tide of song and cup; As pleasure to the goblet's brim, Came floating up. Each manlier sport he knew, when need Of nerve was there, or skilful grace; And fearless upon flying steed Provoked the chase. ...


... UL C FC IN T'DLIC .3fVS]CA L FAESTITAL. GLOUCESTEIZ, 1dEIDNESDAY. Th2 finst evening concert Mwas given aiat night at ?? Shiro IIall, which builling contains at magnificent room, .p hkpoblf hoflldig 3,000 persons, As a concert room, how- e-.r, it is not the best of the kind. The places are divided iato two classes, to wshich the admittance is half a guinea and 7.i. e:.. The concert 2 oonrs Was ...


... LJTERATURE. BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE.-The variety of B1Eckioood this month is equalled by the abilitywhich is diffused over its contents. Mr. Hill Burton's Scotland Since the Union, excites in old Christopher a touch of the Malagrowder roar which once shook English cabinets and excited the ancient spirit of Alpbyn. The tendency of London to absorb all local inetitutione, and concentrate all ...


... H ROME LFE IN GERMA A Y.* The idea of this book is excellent; it is also tolerablywell carried out, though we detect short- comings here and there, in the want of what may be called a. sort of a priori' knowledge of German modes of thought, which would have given the writer a better command of his experiences, and a readier 'knack of arriving at results. We have occasionally to proceed with ...


... PArST SUFFOLK ' AGRICULTURAL | .. . p, I ASSOCIATION. The twenty-second annual exhibition'of the' East Subolk Agricultural Association was held at Ipswich'on Thursday t last. 1 The show took place in Cbrist Church Park, the seat of Mr. W. C. Fonnerean. The stock exhibvited was quite up to the average number and quality shown in former year. Among the visitors were the Earl of Stradbroke, Sir W ...