... MU~S~iC., UUIJII.YLAAE. EXTDAORDINAIIY ScCENE.-Th promised perform- ance of Norrma drew an immense audience here last night, but the promise was only in pert fulfilled, and a very rnuti~ lated and imperfect version of Bellini'e opera was the result, At the commencement of the evening an apology was offered for the absence of Signor Luigi Mei, who wee announced for Poliio; and the indulgence of ...


... I I oil HER MAJESTY'S SECOND1 VISIT. asr Her Majesty and Prince Albert paid a Meond visit to the TI I re Great Exhibition yesterday, and devoted a considerable time ti to an attentive and minute examination of the splendid and T1 varied productions of genius, art, and manufacture with Which ireI this noble temple of industry abounds. tha About-nine o'clock the Royal and Viceregal carriages ...


... TElE QUEEN IN JREIKNJ HER MAJESTY'S VISIT TO THE EXHI- BITION. (rtsoM OVR OWYN ItBP0RTISP.) DUBLIN, TnasnAY. Ta-day, the industrial effort which it is to be hoped will be marked in history as the great turning point in Ire- land's upward career, received the irnapimtec of royal ap- probation, in the visit of her Majesty, which, although unencumbered with the more elaborate display which some- ...


... SCOTLAND SINCE THE UNION, (From Blackwood sor September.) To say that Scottish nationality is & dream without an ob- ject, is to deny history, and to tly in the face of faet. The Union neither did nor could denationalise us, It left us in undisturbed possession of our national laws and our national reliyion ; and it further provided, as well as could be done at the period, and most anxiously, ...


... LITEBA TUBE. £ss5ci d'leu Syst ncpeerou Sereirde Guide danat ?'EtUde desE rr O0,ciu'St'ns .lflftlaercs, ~e Par to Biron 0. L. us. Ph' ' I1CLT. Le~ut~eiliit Gnirl er tt Chef tie 1'Eist-3ds;'fl de ma S. Ml. I' tl:npereue dle Toutes leq ttus~ies, Alexander L. si iiccekhlus Leijxz -dor M-ho planned the system of defence adopted by uit fthe Rtussians in zhe campaign of 1S12; Writers on strategy ...


... MR. NORTON'S DEFENOE.., lir. Norton 'addressed a' itter. to the Timnes, ir F : onsequences of thb letter of his Wife -and the statements S made in the County Court, both published in the newspapers. At the reeent trial, lie says,'no opportunity was allowed him of contradicting the statements there mde. lW I The Judge and every one engaged for or against her in ve the cause seemed overpowered ...


... poEt: t VERSES FOR MY TOMBSTONE IF EVER I SEOULD The wretched victimof a qntick docay, Believed from life, on hmble bed of clay, The last and only refuge from my ioes, A love-lost, ruined female I1pose. From the sabour I listened to his charms, And ftll, half-forced, in tho.deceiver'e arms, To that whose a*f l veiides every faalt,, Sheltering my sufferings in this welcome vault, When pauieered ...


... TRA VELS IN INDIA AND IASHMIR.* | I If sympathy with his subject is one condition of good authorship in a bookwriter, these travels must be deserving of especial attention. Baron Erich von Schonberg is thoroughly oriental in his tastes, and quite an optimist in regard to climate, ,reed, and people. Brahminical temples are par- iicularly the objects of his esteem, and he never was more ...


... FELTON UNION OF FLOonRIST AND HonTiCULTURIST3. -The members of the Felton Union of Florists anid Horticulturists held their ?? exhibition of earna- tOnDS, PicceteCs, fruits end vegetables, ben their fifth show for the season, eil Monday last, at Mr ILeightois's, when the prizes were awarded as follows - Florwers.-~Carnations-ist prize to, Mr B. Burn , Linden; 2nd and 3rd to Mir Daweon, ...


... V A RIE T I ES. What relation is a door-mat to the scapet ? A step. farther. In a lesson in parsing, the sentence, Alan courted in a capacity of bliss, the word courting came to a pert young miss of fourteen to parse. She commenced hesitatingly, but got on well enough until she was to tell what it agreed with. Here she stopped short, but the teacher said, Very well, what does courting ...


... LONDON, SErPImrit 1. The Queen and Prince Albert visited Mr Dargan at Mount Aunville, on Tuesday afternoon. On Wednes- day evening they visited the Exhibition privately. An inquest, terminating in a verdict of v wilfu murder, was held at Berinondsecy, on Wednesday, on the body of Mir George Stevens, a considerable owner of house property, who had died on Monday night from a pistol-wound in ...


... MU 'iC. BRADFORD MIUSICAL FESTIVAL. BacAurooco, SocPT. 1. As we said in our notice of yesterday morning's performance, it afforded the highest satisfaction to the whole of the visitors. It Was decidedly the best executed of Anything beard in this part of the country for very; many years. The company woas numerous, but the hall was not filled. All the reservad seats were occupied, but the unre- ...