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London, England


London, London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... !!a!NINUL&R and ORIENTAL STEAM OS NAVIGATION COMPANY. DEPARTURES OUTWARD IA and CHINA, vi, EGypT.-For Aden)' Ceylon, Madras, D ang sisg'aore, and Hong Kong sn the 4th arid 20th tta, Fellithngrrap aPHAUPTON, and on the 10th and 2fth r Hara90ie ?? SINGAPORN.-For Adelaide, Port Phillip, AUSTEALIA a h t Batavia;, on the 4th September, and 4th D d 6ydseY (toucIliS h thereafter from Southampton, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7?O1? Pt)l{T PIJILLIP (Melbourne), to sail first?? I. at-1t, lining c.ttsiittottltle p ?? of hoc cargo engaged,)l pod ?ito 'I I c tppor.boill .-hip FLYING DRAGON, 763 tons'1 ?. o. C CItTEII, e 'trio odor. This ship, built expre??lyI Chh ?i, tnt to compcte in iii tig with any vesel atloat, * p titito' ti, its-I d '-tirtitte oppt'rtunitv for shippers wiilting their ?.l to a'r?n Ii .ia erly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To-Night there will be No Performance. I THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.-T-l MORROW (Friday) will ibo performed (for the last time) Bollinis opera, NOIMA. Ns'runa, Ming. Carrdorl. T. conclude with the ballet of LEOLINE; supported by Mdlleo. ?? and Louise Blanche. Dress Circle, 4. , Upper Cirele, 39.; Pit, 2s. Gallery, 8. Upper Gallery, Qd. Conlimuenoe fit Half-past Seven; ialflprieo at ine. Stalls, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A ?-cLSSE1) TAXE&-13v an Act of the last -o-oi ,n at i'orii meLt, lO and 17 ?iret.. cop. 110, ?ntitltit Alt r ipt .t p in-non taD s itt A c.scd Tiites and grant:rtn other do?t ?? iii- eartO IcIer., lion certain IctItiatS train the ilutice al.? ?LttO. ttC Wj.i'tiitI from the 5th April, Ibid ; arid it is ? hi pt-itt any achle ortiele alter the 5th April e it t.htci a?.tintiitil is nltowe'l hr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . ~to nUNERAL EXTORTION AVOIIDE) - By s] Ft Executors and bereaved Relatives of deceasled noblemen, gentle. B: maen, tradesmen,, and others, sanding in the first instarnce .to SHill. lo L~lB tl Sil'S ESTABLISHMlENT, CITY-ROAD, near Yinsbuiry-squeare, or No, 1, North.ratrcet, Qoeidrant, Beightoo, instead of uemployung Pl their uphlsterer, orth~enearet ttunudefrttaekesr, whonot poesees=ingthe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOI, in ?? ScO, W)VENTURES in AUSTRALIA k in l?a2aitdi8aI. is fly the Rev. Ii. iloaxctttY Joust, lilA, late Curate of Ilelgeave Chapel. I?i Il.tclsatd flentlOy, publisher in ordinary to her Majesty. non Now ready, is ire. lOs. Gd., Net j?ARRATIVE of RELIGIOUb JOURNEY ? the the EAST in 11.50 and liii. Or the Anna Ott ST. Macnell. wjt Richard l3entley, New Bueltnglttia.olrCet. foer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? or VAPrOv'R FIRE- ;tA8:G1'E,-\''21 cst oenlyan t~re eaotn o' co;at and it pow. or . *ttte'' tlhmra'ankte~ke. lb exaor urfromtnrl i're Aunihtltttotr t -t'rtrA~dC3 demon, rirer be ,n.luol, ren:Le.tet, ano, rrnrke water, eloes to,) ?? nrrre !rcl, .e. Its ptee'.rrtl valtue is ;r'~rr d ?? by 5r. urlrekeblo ?? of *ueeesfatu usce-11 i.t brrldittgt, I by Leets I 1' r ttrigrrdt', S in 3hip3r. For ...

Advertisements & Notices

... so INI)IA, &?.-GENERA1c SCREW? -, 1ic0lN 3 ?? is Hereby Given to flit the MAILS for September will be tekeot LX Ad iticl MAUIt.i1173S, by this Cernpanv'si p idil'S, Captain HENRY B. DENSONJ a fir lctdia Oci the 14th September, touchiog tc' :ake the ictoils lila. to h' cn-ait at ttc? Cotaapany'e Offices, 1,1 ad coc freight to ttae l3rolters, Mcsers, cut OWEN, Ill, st. .'siary.aoe, Loadno, scid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE BY AUCTION. South Hackney.-Semi-detached Villas, held direct from the Free- holders, for Eighty Years, at low Ground Rents, eligtbie eithet for occupation or investment. R. WILLIAM ELLIS is directed to SELL M by AUCTION, at Garraway's, on Wednesday, Septenibr 7, at Twelve, in Three Lots, LEASEHOLD PROPERTY; ?? a semi-detached Residence, known as Brunswick Lodge, contaisifg nine rooms, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ('IUBA LOANS of 1834 and 1837.-The D1eX1S b V DEND WARRANTS, falling due on the 5th 0 Septeme next, on the above BONDS, will be PAID on that or any efteed ing day (Taesdady and Friday excepted), between the hours of Ten and Two, at the tenmporary oces of BA.ING BROTHERS ansd CO., at tbo South Sea House, where lists may, as usual, be obtained. LIREEK LOAN.-Extract from the Report of G the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -RLT.The AUSTRALIAN A~I;kINCOMPANY'S iron ~fA~t0 15`srV1GAPLAN3 ,400 tolls, 300-horse l~ ~.ea ~ra5~I~ rilig refit. iii hull and machinery, nis, ou tirg ,ut fuiaf Docks on Fr~tay, thle 23d jatbedtrot t IOltT PIIILLIP, S.idO SYDNEY, ,ftLA Iresai and svoll emnbark herplossengers ...