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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... rfHEATRE ROYA..L, DUBLIN.( On THIS EVENING (Thursday), Septetnbsr 1, 1853, the performances will commence with the Play of TI A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DRvAM. Theseus, Mr It C King,; Lysander, Mr Vining; Bottom, Mr Wigan; Heoliena, Mr8 Hudson Kirby; Oberon, Miss Lanza; Titania, Miss Marston, Puck, Miss C Saunders. The Lake Lucid Quadrilles, by the Orcheatra. After which the Interlude of nu MY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEW EDITION ! ON NERVOUS AND GENERATIVE DISEASES. Just Published, 20th Thousand. Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. fEALTH AND HAPPINESS, THe MEAwS BY WHICH THEYMAY BEB OBTAINED, a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, and Diseases of the. Generative System, with observations on the treatment ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHiBITORS. 1 Section Detalic, GREAT HALL (South Side.) EXHIBITOR J CLASS XXIII. HTAS THE GREAT EXHIBITION DONE H:l GOOD TO DUBLIN? Yes, it has ! It has stimulated Trade to an extent un- known for many years. It has afforded strangers an oppor- tanity of viewing the matclesss beauties of the country, and to Antiquarians it must have been a source of delight to see the exact copies of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEW EDITION II ON NERVOUS AND GENERATIVE DISEASES- Just Published, 20th Thousand. Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 1.8 Postage Stamps.' YEA)GTH AND HAPPINESS, Ti BY IL LWHI(s THEY sAY BE OBTAINED, a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHiBITORS. Section Dlietalue. GETHALL EN ?? Side.) XHI BI T OR J ss8XXIII. AS THE GREAT E-HIBITION DONS H GOOD TO DUBLIN? Yes, it heasl It has stimulated Trade to an extent un- known for many years It has afforded strangers an oppor- tunity of viewing the matchless beauties of the country, and to Antiquarians it must have been a source of delight to see the exact copies of the Brooches ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [t 11E A.T.R E RQYA.L, DUBLIN- rrI On THIS EVENING (Friday), September 2, 1868, the pedormeancea will commence with the Play of ;WILhlAbI TELL. ; ,- Williamr Tell, Mr sing 'T ELma, Mrs Kirby- The' Lake Lucid Quadrilles, by the Orchestra. After which the Interlude of . ! A 'DAY AFTER THE'OWEDDING. To conclude with the Grand Fairy Extravaganza ofl THE GOOD WOMAN IN THE WOOD. King Bruin, Mr Wigan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS These PaacepompsiteCandes. len lowest terms, by J. LAsneBIT, Ca, 6b4d er, -. -1~.MD BOOTS AD SHlOES, The Cheapest H onse in the C ity, SMYTH'S, 85, G RAFTONSTBET. TOSEPH SCATES, 26, Collegegreen, innites St- J tention to his Stock of Pianofortes, Patent YutoiumsI Concertinas, Fluttuss, New Conewrtina Music &O0. 'i EORG E MACNALLY, Jeweller and Slver- smith,, 57, Damestreet, aeeb always ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. On THIS EVENING (Saturday), September 3, 1858, the performances will commence with the Opera of DER FREISCRUTZ. Rodolph Mr Haigh, Caspar, My Durand; Z1miel Ml VivasBh; Killian, Mr Wigan; Agnes, Miss Lanza; Anne, Miss F Cruise. After which a New Ballet Divertisseient, in which MdllS Ernestine St. Lavin will appear. To be followed by the Interlude of A HOUSE OUT OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITOIRS. Section p301U-ewSlC GREAT HALL -- ?? Side.) EXHIBITOR -- I c&sXI IAS THE GREAT EXHIBITION DONE HL GOOD TO DUBLIN? Yes, it has!I It has stimulated Trade to an extent un- known for mnany years. It has afforded strangera an oppor- trinity of viewing the matchless beauties of the country, and to Antiquarians it must have been a, source of delight to see the exact copies of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEW EDITION!! ON NERVOUS MAD GENERATIVE DISEASES. Just Published, 20th Thousand. Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE MANS BY II wrHIC THEY MAY sE oBTAiNRD,, Medical Work on the Infirmities of Youth and IMaturity, ifid Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rpHEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. On THIS EVENING (Monday), September 6, 1858, the performances will commence with the Play of THE GAMESTER. Beverley, Mr T C King; Stukely,' Mr M'Lein; Mrs Beverley, Mrs Kirby. After which a New Ballet Divertissement, in which Mdlle Ernestine St. Louin will appear. The Lake Lucid Quadrilles, by the Orchestra. To conclude with the Musical Play of ROB ROY. Rob Roy, MT King ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEW EDITION I ON NERVOUS AND GENERATIVE DISEAS. Just Published, 20th Thousand. Illustrated with Coloured Engravings', Price la., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. H! EALTH AND HAPPINESS, THm ?? BY . wICH xtHEY MAY zc OBTAINED, a Medical Work aon the Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment ...