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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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... vactry. NOTHING IS LOST. NWTIrnto is lost; the drop of dew, Which trembles onl the leaf or flower, Is iutexhaled, to fall anew Insummer's thunder shower; Perohance to shine within the bow That frosts the sun at fall of dar; Pcrchtnce to sparlle in the Mow Ol fountains far away. Nouglht lost, for e'en the tiniest seed By ?? birds borne, or breetes blown, Finds somethimg suited to its need ...

Fashion and Varieties

... jashion alb FTarictirs. Till COUIIWV. BAr.MORAL, SEPT. 23.-I-et' Majesty and his Royal H-ighness Priince A Iheit left 1ilaimor-al eat ei'tlakv tnot'nl- log tolt tile Shiel ofr A ?? oxl Gitithisalt. the( eItOF. Mat1- 13tilteel being- in att'ttd1:11ir.e Upon heor Matjosty. S 2lr .4.-1iur Mel estv and his ItOyal 'I ihi~ntovs PtteAlb~ert t't'ttrrti'd vosttur'tay froin tihi Shiel of' A\lit na ...

Original Poetry

... *gillat vaar?p- THE BLUiRtLI, (F THlE Wireir. Antrifll's he i Iniks'tretching fox tix' Withstand the wildlves ?? North- ' Where her white cli uptand steep, O'erhang the patils t~t Sl e deep-- Where all around i 'Id nd ude, What genilrl ?? a, '1f intrude? As if th e trav'ier's ce tp'cheer 'Mid scenes so Lrugg dse.%cxe. A flower that lilihtuat i arll ns grace l [is here t\on\ e a welllwg-place. ...


... Iftmru. OH! FOR LIFE'S YOUNG DREiM OF GLADNESS. On! for Life's young dream of gladness, When the flowers were all so new, Growing by our garden pathways, Bright and beautiful and true. Oil to see the buds uprising From their crowning heights of leaves; Oh! to taste Earth's promised pleasures, While the taintless heart believes. Oh! for Life's young hour of trusting, When there's joy in every ...

Fashion and Varieties

... :i !5btoll allt-?, arlr,405. i Ai. -VICEMEGAI. COUR 1 - T'll fullow Ned seitli invltiiions to e1t h(!r ;.jesty at dinucr oiwi oesdky evenihg:- Ea Cot 'ifld Ie, tlo euchess D t u ,elicigtt-O the Eadil of Cardicgs; the El.rl aitd Counntfe of Muolinoln, the Ear l ot' Lrjse, the i lol iynou.'li rel isqoont ari?) VconesGou~gh, Vkicou~lt'toitficu 14igtbtult SI, Lawrencej Lord A. F itzlaretie ?? ...

Fashion and Varieties

... all'o Fanctirp-. HER MAJES'lII IN SCOTLANI). 'BmLoIt A 1., NVnrD.:sDAv.-Iler MIa(jesty alnl (Iis Roall Hligihiiess Prince Albert, tile Princes Iloyal and Count Alexander Mensdorfft drove yesterday to the Linn of Quoich. Her Royal Ifighoness the lauchess of Kenit, Count AleAandr Muenadot'f, .atic Augusta Bruce, aLd(] the Hon3 Mrs. Gordon joined the dinner party yester- day eveniog. Lord and ...


... SEPTEMBERl SHOW 01 Ft'it'ITS AND FLOWEIRS. r-lSTlIRDAY afternoon, tile weather being *exceadingly propitious for the autumn horticultural exhlibition il the beautiful grounds of our Botanic Garden, a large number of faghionables assembled to witness what they were led to expect wouid be a treat of no ordinary in- terest and attraction. Nor were they disappointed, for, on fev similar occasions ...


... Vamp. THE SONG OF GOOD FELLOWS. I SINO of good fellows of every degree, By land or by, water, on shore or at sea; In dress-coats or petticoats, bonnets or hats, In haicks or in sheep-skins, in blankets or mats; Whoever in all things right bravely agree, For such are good fellows wherever they be. I sing to good fellows who hold to their word, Who are true as the sabre, alid fast as the cord; ...

Fashion and Varieties

... gfasliton allm Fartctics. RE -MINta-CEN CI-:S OF THEII ROYAL VISIT TO 1IUTI131IN. Jiun Aajeqty was gracietisiy pleased, oin Sait-rday, to present th: \eryv Iev. the 'Drh-in of Leighlin anid the( Chapel 1110Va IIwith a bi-aittiful and massive r-oll riii, I studded with i'ublies and sliattomtts. 11er Majosty was also pleased to mark heir settee of' thle atten~tin otpaid duinii'l her M\ajesty s ...


... I vatry. * TTI- FRIENDS'WXE CAN TRUJST LONO, lpt)g years of trial the faithfulmav pf nve, ?? a!ath of the friends whom no ehanuge fll remove; Tte frost-breath of falsehood the disamotrd mae' rust, .But true as the magnet the friends wve may tist. All joy to the faithiful -the friends ever dear- Who itt sorrow can gladden, in dar ;ess can cheer; Let others deceive thee, and dust cleave to dust, ...


... Viuarp. THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. Tna many forms of life he tried That minister to man's delight, In soft desire, or sterner pride, By day or night. He taught the festal hours to swim Upon the tide of song and cup; As pleasure to the goblet's brim, Came floating up. Each manlier sport he knew, when need Of nerve was there, or skilful grace; And fearless upon flying steed Provoked the chase. ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Jr-a:511ion ailt Farirtir,5. THE COURT. BAtwORAs, SEPT. 25.-Hler Majesty drove yesterday to the Balloch Bhuie, accompanied by the Princess Royal and Princess Alice. 1Ifs Royal Highness Prince Albert went out deer-stalking. The dinner party yes- terday included her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, Count Alexander WMensdorf'f, Lady Frances Bruce, and Sir George Couper. Prince Albert has had ...