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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... 4Jre anlb life Offices. B fSAND YORKSHIRE FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. L Established 1824.-CaptlOe ili. NC In, irer reoresectfully ?? Renewal Receipts fur appli leeiF itilhig dea ?? ?? ieI ds-, r*'opetli 'weq.i1,arernas t hrele furdeinery, clse s of inuance. r hag after the re- tions ~rilts of si ., 2s. Gd., or 40. Gd.,, Premions per rent. annually; any' 0l's.o~c n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iLEM. ,LUTAIRE-THE MODEL -AL1LL. isa ~~HE LEEDS TIMES OF THIS DAYN itire JL(ATRA1'h piroc 3rtey-fvurtlt, p~rice Sid., is alccerel- of pallied by ENG AV TAIRE MILL, ir thre ,ncar Btradford, Yorkshire, thle property of TIITUS SAL'S', Es1.. with sirless Letter-pr Dec iptol rod a roll report of tire UPENING PETE r~f,-and DNNER o 3,2 I~cl;rris ?? 20th. A copy forwrer~led to iriy part of tire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'E EDSt-SCHOOL OF1?iMEDI C lNE.-T1 VE' PX m The WINTER Sl E.sI.I;IN will C'inrlel.ic'r OUl YIvislct CI dck,,2I I. AN AT''li3 Y'.L'l\'ItIII.IGY, aild PIX q-LIiY'l, f'y Sir. K1IN, Mr. ii. 111'. Air. Wm8. ?? I'1ICE. iz'l SMr. 2.- Ii II ESCI'IVl' I'l AATX'I IIXIY iy SiJr. NV:t. Ni-'s ?? wi'M ' Sir. N, c'2NpI:IA'.I ill, Iu!N itlid I. 11: I'L IllN 1 hrN l!~ e III I 'IL1 ]NIATF.M .A M I ?? X ...

Advertisements & Notices

... czazcs bu a~urtion. 'T'neley.m lnitn;se antI' 'Scotcelh Careltsto Il Clotis, Utl-ati Itug. &c.lThu ,NOLerll. l ?? l'it it tiitl B A ItK It it beg to anouncitec tint t heyiwill otite for id'le by Audti 'it c l wiris i?,II,! Ttxatr-eighitt intil., at 'Mr. their l ontinervial t~tilc-roittts,' NSet-ie's Buiildilttze Lcite. hIL. A ~el-ssrt(IStock EirCARPETS, HEARTH f' _L71- RUS, 011,CW~TIIS ctiii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ft.'s I Lhl'2'L!1 LI~ i;AR it i:I ?? 'Licy 1~t o IuIt isA tl iit Iti~i, ?? Sc itiililiiilC LARGE ;Si10iil-liNi'tS'C FASHIONA'BLE sztlu til~ ~~ I I 11 B.ii I C'Iil'CiiIIItl'1'' it l ni''tl( i III. l . 'IC('ii ?? cii 1 ?? KIi SIV,, tII , II tii yI iC, ~ I ?? I I I 111'I' it -M r. VE :, I-i' I 1 Hi I IC I I ii ii ?? tI.V'y In t i ' i ii, W ItV II l ?? it 1.1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ?? p t~ I il i . t ' 'i ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Eli-P-II-5.,Il Izttt tutul IA I t is F I 'ic 'i~r'iiitii't Is, dire assnesof 'II 1j. tti MR tSklA )LI) FiU~RNITUR~E beds, I A bo ,li1' hunte, gluts, cliii S isitoti re titisitc-n, toil itiserou- J Otiler 1515. ,sit' Thei rL-ttaittittit5 sit-K if frtil-jtur', tilt, lirttle, lritohtt'ii inci, 3i1t,t t'11s IO cam--, lithriritttiliitm irtittisleitifr elocit etiss, iultitittiy ofI slwtotl,,1ivs 25 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L.E-EDS TRADESMEN'S BENEVOLENT IU 1NSTITUTION.-TOUR odi~litioniaI PEONSIONERs, of whose three are to bie mule aoul one to to be at female, sevl lie ELECTED at the General A5]5IuaI Mteeting of the Submeribern, to 1)e heldl on the T1wenfu-fnirms itay Vjn N'ovmeih. 1853. All neic applications from tier- sons, %eekisig to'become ceseddslates muot be sent to the Hlonorary Sec, ruteries or thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s1 1THARFDALE AGRICULTURAL PIG AND' y V VPOULTRY IMPROVERENT AND HOltTICULTURAL ]; ;e IASSOIITATION. Thoe Commisittees of thesc AmualginatoI Societies lbcg to givc Notice, thiat the ANNUAL IMEETING for the EXltIBIT'l'ON of STOCi, e &o., will take phlae, ait Otley, oil Wleldnday, Ito Firth la (da f Octobel s ..h.l w l ho Modals to tloiitleaii, atol silooney ]'rios (anloilitinig to h Labomt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Teeelf arlaybrupool MeVIDI tl ll~tlt fr itlzme etcl~rl lve've paid (i,4 IS(IZI$ m VoIwI2I77tsd the 21sf 22sdI., at two O'clock, at th, itr tb,-e' Sale lie:si, Athertou-boiiuldrtgs, tlve-estreet, liver- r two Ti(ltS.ANND haler Easbt India 'firkey, hot-to, Blarbiary and T oitlier WI )(L. For eZLtidoege-s, k-c., alpply to It own-to and ROtNALD L, Wool lrokers. (In I1 ti, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE ONDI~ ISSON~Y SOCIETY.- sp~tilOO oille peaehd i ronexon ith the Leeds D~istrict jty th Rev. t.JOES, inthu moning, at ?? ten ;and the SIIAWIn te evning at alf-ast i, in Rnton i'ark Chapel, 'me 'VIIBLIC SERVICES to he~ held Iin ronnexion writh the Second ?? siry of the Leeds District Anxiliary to the Loindon Mission. aT) -,.00ety, in thle town of Ledo, wvill he asofollows- O.V' LORD'S DAY1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4 OlNi ?? , ~ TtOiiwtt first1 hiob 01i, at two o'clock, a'al f`ollowitn & r[ttle'ItrI~kero' Olfte'-. Mtcllantge-cotllt, Evelot-tEet ond ~~ThiT IUNISIED 1FIFY BIAGSiProht Turkey, Italiall, AI''~Yto i ?? l~i.IIAON C( C., Wool 13rokero, Liverpool. ?? at tweolve &ecloclt, L R`ll1Ep ?? BALES Adrialoplde, Lisboli, tiporto, &C. NVOLA.S. ApplY to Wool Blroker. 44, Dale-street. 00 ~ttotlo tO. ?? t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~alc% by Qu11ciion. Th'le Vieneritat Safe Mtaia.i iiA-i; ?? VurniUVc, ?? 1 S-ieI-aiik:l LE 1t~f., t, it Ii: I ?? ?? I, ?? 'fiiael'ela Itar',nirfvi, I liaiek, Fltriiit 'icc, Kiccie l Itetijiiila ic &c. D~tr.111? lE ftI & 15.\ If If i-f H t amli uciaic that tlity xvill rater farl S~ale 1I., iiicttun. ?? ?? ?? MkiI'lo-N ti II(l' I-i Q 1, E'Ii L 1) coiiatrisihi. ?? ?? ahe-tilt c-ai-c- iii hair A' ...