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... -. THE SPIRiT OF . BEAUTY. The Spirit of Beauty unfurls ber light And wheels hor course in ?? flight! } kneowbher track through the bnlm airr -By the blossoms that c luster and whiten there! She leaves tho tops of the mountainagreen, And gems the valley with crystal sheen. . At mom I know whore she rested at night, For the roses are gushing with dewy deigrht*; Then she mounts again, and around ...


... : . . PRAYER. to when the morning shineth, Or if 't e'esr denoid thee Go when' the moon is bright, ?? t pray, . _ the o when the svc declineth, Should holy thoughts come.o'er * ' Go in the hush of night; When friends are ronodthyway; (lo with pure mind andt feeling, E'on then the silent breathing, Fling earthly thoughts awray, Tbe spirit raised above,; ?? And in thy chamber kneeling, Will ...


... The annual September show of the Bath United Hortioultural Society took place on Thursday, at the Horticultural-gardens, in the Victoria-park. The weather proved anything but propitious, showers falling at intervals throughout the day, and the attendance was thereby considerably diminished, nor was the exhibition itself equal to its predecessors, a circumstance ascribed by the nurserymen ...


... (att6l. THE VESPER HOUR. A ROSY LIGHT the eastern sky is steeping; The ripple on the sea has died away To a low murmur, and the ships are sleeping, Each on its glassy shadow, in the bay: The young moon's golden shell over the bill Trembles with lustre, and the trees are still, The air grows clearer, and her amice blue The gentle Twilight hath about her cast, And from her silver urn she ...


... ?? . TO M. H. ON. HER BIRTHDAY. Vi, for bythat qualnt uame I know thee best, Wilt thou accept these few poor words of greeting? loor, poor tndeed, and yet a bosomlgoest t Like thee can need no formal speech at meeting.. , I cannot mark this day with costly gift, ?? - a I donot offer-what Is rich or rre; . . . - - t I've little wealth--and some may say less thrift-. But rve a heart, and that ...


... i% The festival of the three choirs has been held this week 13 at Gloucester. The rehearsals commenced at the Cathedral A on Monday morning, and were concluded in the Concert- tl room in thle evening. All the principal vocalists were on A the spot, and the choral and instrumental body, numbering C 300 performers, were at their posts. These festivals, of o ,which this is the 130th anniversary, ...


... -0S-OU-TH: DEVON. TORQUAY, whole POULTRY SHow.-It is intended to hold an exhibi- causei] tien ofputyin connection with the next meeting -of the whose Newon Abot Agricultural Society; and, -from the greathre interest which, is~now, manifested in auch exhibitions, we have long b no doubt it will be; attendedwith. success p en I Through, the ?? invitain, of Mr. ~EisFord, ce5 several tradesmen ...


... 'NORTH' .';.DEVON. BAR 8TAiPLEAiND NbORTH ~6 OTG GARDmjI SoccrET.--Thie ten'th 'exhibito oftis cety 4as held at -the Literary Institution on, Thusals.The weather waa *favourable,.and-the attendance pretty nmrs.Theshow offie wers and vegetables wasdqu to any former exhibitioit whilst thastof fruit exceeded all previous displays.- The de- corations were choice, and great taste was evinced by ...


... I,( joattril. THE HUNTER OF THE ALPS. [FROM TnE GERMAN OF SCHILLER.] By M. A. BIRT. WILT thou tend thy lambs no longer? Mild and innocent are they, As in flowert fields they wander, And near trooklets feed and play; Mother-mother, let me go O'er yon mount to chase the roe I Wilt thou not our flock assemble With the shiepherd's merry horn? Tones of sheep-bells gently tremble Through the ...


... What, asks MOs. Hemans, would the world be without flowers? and as it is capable of logical proof that without flowers we could have no flower show, we think that we might name some half-dezen pretty towns within easy reach of our city that would return to the interrogatory a very blank sort of answer. It is not that, like lo, we feed on flowers, or that Dame Nature has been partial or ...


... On Monday evening The Times, a new play in three acts, now performing ?? much success in London, was produced, and received a favourable reception. It is smartly written, and brings upon the stage many of the characters which give to the age and body of the times its form and pressure, while the prevailing motive-passions-Gain, Ambition, Love, are painted in bold but not distorted relief. ...


... rittratil.rt. The Auetobiographyl of Johln Brittent, F.S.A. oem We have received some fresh sheets of this interesting WOrk,, %Yl the former portions of Whlich were noticed by us at some legt ad aet the time of their appearance some two or three years IBM Lon Thle publicationl originated, it wvill be remembered, as a taon- sequence of the testimonial presented to tihe venerable antiquary aild ...