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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITORS. Section D-NetISIlic. GREAT HALL EXHIBITOR J CLASS XXIII. THE GREAT EXHIfBITION HAS DON E N-To one knows, it hatter than WE do, for the immense Stock of ROYAL TARA BROOCHES, which we had pro- vided, is nearly exhaunted. Every Stranger should see these matchless copies of Irish Antiquities before leaving Ireland. .---WATERHOUSE AND COMPANY, Her Majesty's Jewellers and Silversmiths, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEW EDITION! I ON NERVOUS AND GENEATIVE DISS Just Published, 20th Thousand. Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, Price Is., or in a seied Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE HUNS BY WIIICH THEY K&Y Bm OBTMNED, a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... wn NEVER FAILING RE-MEDYI -ct IT~rOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. ar- D. Awgov~En ?? Guni: Or ULCBATJ0D BAD LEG0, . DEBILITY, AND GENERAL ILn HEALTH.-COpy of a Letter v t2on Mr. J. M. 1 len8el2,of Neweasle-on-Tyne, dated Septembcs he 2(~th, 18r>2:- of ' To PorFEsoRi HOLLowAY-DEAR Sm-I am authorleed te. by Mrs. Gibbon, of a1, Bailey-street, in this town, to inform no you that for a considerable period she ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEALTH FOR A SHILLING. l L L O W A Y'S P I L L S. A DANGEROUS LIVR COMPLAINT AND SPASMS IN THE STO- MACH EFFECTUALLY CuRED.-Opy of a Letter from Mr. Bostook. Druggist, of Ashton-under-Lyne, dated July 81, 1852: 1 To PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY-DEAR SIR-I have much pleasure in handing to you a testimonial of the efflcacy of your ledfoinee. A person in this neighbonrhood with whom I am well acquainted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEW EDITIONI 1. ON NERVOUS AND GENERATIVE DISEASES. Just Published, 20th Thousand. Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, Price is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. ITEALTEH AND HAPPINESS, Tsm ?? By ILL WIHICH THEY MAY BE OBTAINED, a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, and Diseases of the Genetative System, with observations on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS. A most Magnificent Assortment of new Bordered _TR aoUSnrcS, just received from London.-Baownn and PAYxo, 12, Lower &o . J VLEGAN2 ATTIIRE of every kind, at moderate JLJ prices, and of quality unsurpassed, may now be obtained -AVWILLTAM KING'SEatablishbment, 28. Paeaig..gieia. - AS FITTINGS.-Large Stock juwst ar. kA rived at GREGG & SON'S Chinat Glass, Earthenware, . LAmp and. Ga Fitting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS. OR good and cheap S I'ATIO?;ERY try CHS F H. WOGAN'S, 3. Ulper Sockvile street, third door above Nelson's Pillar. t 1 cenesed to Sell Strmps. INi ULLEN, .late GJoodland, 54 DQWSOn street *N still manufactures the same First Clise Deocrjptl,0 Saddlery. for which the house is 9o well known RISR . CARPET WAREAHUSE. ?? StoCk of new goods for the Winter Trade. is arriving daily. P. SHERIDA9 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXH1JITORS.- ?? GREAT HALL EXHIiO J (South Side.) IBIT R CLAS XXCIII. THE GREAT EXHIBITION HAS DONE T GOOD TO DUBLIN. No one knows it better than WE do, for the immense Stock of ROYAL TARAI BkO9C0lES,; whiqb Ie lad pro- vided, is nearly ezhauited. Every Stranger shoald see these matchless copies of Irish-Antiquities. before. leaving-Ireland. WATERHOUSE. 4ND, CQMPANY, Her Majesty's Jewellers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITORS. g ectiou D-Netallic. GREAT HALL EXH IB8ITOR k ¾ CLASS XXIII. TPH REAT. EIBT HAS DONE No. ?? 5~e' i btrhW o o the immense Stock ddtO AL I tjRA- ~bA0OCHES, which we had pro- vided, is neary j ?? trge ?? these matchless copies ?? Antiquities bafaor leaving Ireland. WATERHOUSE AND.COMPANy,- Her Majestys'sJewellers arid Silversmiths, 25, DAME-STREE T. The Second Edition of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEW EDITION I I ON NERVOUS AND GENERATIVE DISEASE&. Just Published, 20th Thousand. Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, Price ia., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. EALTH AND fWi6PINESS, THE MEANS BY L wHI leON THEY MZAY BE OBTALNED, a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEW EDITION I I ON NERVOUS tD QRNEATIVE ?? Just Published, 20th Thousand. Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, Price la., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 PostageStamps. HFGALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE MEANS BY Wi WICi THEY MAY BiE OBTAINSID, a AMedical Work on the Inatrmitles of Youth and ilaturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatsrent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITORS.. . section v..miWic.U I. . GREAT HALL J (South Sude.) EXHIBITOR C In ssXXLS THE GREAT EXHIBIT10N MAS DONE GOOD TO DUBLIN. No one knows it better than WE do, for the immense Stock of ROYAL TARA BROOCHES, which we had pro- vided, is nearly exhiu ted. Every Stranger shouldesee these matchless copies of Irish Antiquities before leaving Ireland. WATERHOUSE AND COMPANY, Her Majesty's ...