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... TRA VELS IN INDIA AND IASHMIR.* | I If sympathy with his subject is one condition of good authorship in a bookwriter, these travels must be deserving of especial attention. Baron Erich von Schonberg is thoroughly oriental in his tastes, and quite an optimist in regard to climate, ,reed, and people. Brahminical temples are par- iicularly the objects of his esteem, and he never was more ...


... FELTON UNION OF FLOonRIST AND HonTiCULTURIST3. -The members of the Felton Union of Florists anid Horticulturists held their ?? exhibition of earna- tOnDS, PicceteCs, fruits end vegetables, ben their fifth show for the season, eil Monday last, at Mr ILeightois's, when the prizes were awarded as follows - Florwers.-~Carnations-ist prize to, Mr B. Burn , Linden; 2nd and 3rd to Mir Daweon, ...


... V A RIE T I ES. What relation is a door-mat to the scapet ? A step. farther. In a lesson in parsing, the sentence, Alan courted in a capacity of bliss, the word courting came to a pert young miss of fourteen to parse. She commenced hesitatingly, but got on well enough until she was to tell what it agreed with. Here she stopped short, but the teacher said, Very well, what does courting ...


... LONDON, SErPImrit 1. The Queen and Prince Albert visited Mr Dargan at Mount Aunville, on Tuesday afternoon. On Wednes- day evening they visited the Exhibition privately. An inquest, terminating in a verdict of v wilfu murder, was held at Berinondsecy, on Wednesday, on the body of Mir George Stevens, a considerable owner of house property, who had died on Monday night from a pistol-wound in ...


... MU 'iC. BRADFORD MIUSICAL FESTIVAL. BacAurooco, SocPT. 1. As we said in our notice of yesterday morning's performance, it afforded the highest satisfaction to the whole of the visitors. It Was decidedly the best executed of Anything beard in this part of the country for very; many years. The company woas numerous, but the hall was not filled. All the reservad seats were occupied, but the unre- ...

Original Poetry

... *gillat vaar?p- THE BLUiRtLI, (F THlE Wireir. Antrifll's he i Iniks'tretching fox tix' Withstand the wildlves ?? North- ' Where her white cli uptand steep, O'erhang the patils t~t Sl e deep-- Where all around i 'Id nd ude, What genilrl ?? a, '1f intrude? As if th e trav'ier's ce tp'cheer 'Mid scenes so Lrugg dse.%cxe. A flower that lilihtuat i arll ns grace l [is here t\on\ e a welllwg-place. ...

Fashion and Varieties

... :i !5btoll allt-?, arlr,405. i Ai. -VICEMEGAI. COUR 1 - T'll fullow Ned seitli invltiiions to e1t h(!r ;.jesty at dinucr oiwi oesdky evenihg:- Ea Cot 'ifld Ie, tlo euchess D t u ,elicigtt-O the Eadil of Cardicgs; the El.rl aitd Counntfe of Muolinoln, the Ear l ot' Lrjse, the i lol iynou.'li rel isqoont ari?) VconesGou~gh, Vkicou~lt'toitficu 14igtbtult SI, Lawrencej Lord A. F itzlaretie ?? ...


... LITERATUM. THE Lisa ArD MARTmnoa or' SAVONTAOrA, 2 VOLS., 8vo. By R. R. Madden, ?? (Lndon: T. C. Newly. Dublin: 3. fcGllhan, 4c); There are few celebrated men about whom so much is said and so little generally known as Fra Girolamno Savonarola. His name is much more frequently referred to by Protes- tant writers and orators than by any others; and by these he is claimed as a sort of precursor. ...


... CRABLES DEL MER.* There will be necessarily two opinions on this novel, as the natural consequence of its being a political one. One party of readers will wish it had more politics, another more romance. It is, never- theless, a clever work of its class, and one implying considerable information and talent in its author. The absurdity of trading in politics rather than in mines or canals is ...


... I THE MUDSIO IN THE EXHIITION. TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMAN. SBr-Your correspondent, Mu saical, has been rightly in- formed, although he has evidently heard but half the truth. May I beg your permission to state the facts of the case.- For some time after the Great Industrial Exhibition 'was opened, Telfoydla great organ was regularly played upon by lir. Stewart. Mr. Bevington, being ...


... THE BOOK O THE GARDEN.* There are probably few, if any, of the applica- tions of art, the results of which are more pleasing to the eye, and more refining and elevating in their character, than well planned and artistically ar- ranged flower gardens. To produce this desirable result, a refined taste, a well educated eye, a nice discrimination of colour, and a olear perception of the effedts~of ...


... THE BULWARK ORt RErOEasTION JO URNAL. (See- leys, London.)-This little magazine contains startling facts and earnest writing, the former illustrated by wood engravings. Tim ClRYSTA PAL&cE, 23, 24. (Tallis and Co., 100, St J ohn-street, London.)-These numbers contain a por- trait of her Majesty, as painted on Sevres china, by Ducluzeau, a view of the opening of the Exhibition of 1851, and eight ...