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... DRURY LANE. In going through his range of characters at this theatre Mr. G. V. Brooks took the part of Iago on-Satur- dsy to Mr. Davenport's Othells. If Mr. Brooke baa any merit it is unquestionably his power, er rather his vigour, which-is, as we think, the characteristic of his robust style. There is farlees scope for this faculty in the character of lago than in that of Othello, so that his ...


... Drury-lane.-RflAPEAXAICE op Ma. G. V. Brooms. - The withdrawal of the patent-rights of the great theatres, and the opening of the minor houses without limit, for the enact- ment of the British drama, has afforded free scope for the gratification of whatever amount of dramatic taste the public possessees. Msangers are not slow in discovering the direction of the popular current, and, with such ...

Published: Sunday 11 September 1853
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3185 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... P ( OR OWu N CORfESPhm DENTS.) A:SRGAVENNY.-(Under the Management of Messrs. Mend- ham and Pattison.)-The season here is drawing to a most satisfactory close, having been the most successful, and the company the best that has been known for many years. BREIGHiow.-Tleatre Boyal.-The burlesque of Tue Fair One with the Golden Locks still continues to attract. On Wednesday evening there was a ...

Published: Sunday 11 September 1853
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2964 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... THE WAR IN CHINA.* The authors of this most timely work have been at- tached ior some years to the French embassy in China; and in their relative capacities of interpreter and physi. cian have enjoyed the very best opportunities for the stud' of the Chinese character. The work in every page given evidence of the fullness of the writers, They are possessed swith their subject; and are thus ...


... DR UR Y-LANE 7HEA TRE. I :. _ Mr. Bnooxa's performances occupied each evening during the past week; he appeared twice as OtheUo, and also played Shylock and Jiadr Walter. His second night showed that he has the good sense to accept a hint given in good feeling-he subdued much of his accustomed violence, and gave a version of Shyock which, if not great, was credit- able to his care and study, ...


... rppM SCRAr-BOOK COLUM. Cagais or COTTOM - oeMisery, says Henry Heine, thysnameis cottond s rely neveriseed swhen itohad reached that perfect state of gay and flowery clothing which attracts the poor and suits their means, which gives them for the first days of wear the resemblance of a gaudy butterfly, but which is scarcely a robe ere it be- comes a rag, and even as a robe affords but a ...


... LITERA TURE. Char-oetristiecs ofthe Dake of l1elli'gto?, ?? his t Military Tadents. By the Earl DB GOstoY, RG. The Despatches of the Duke form a work far too c bulky ever to be brought within the reach of the multitude. Anldyet-as the Earl De Gey jtstly be- lieves-they are, after all, the best sources of infor- Ulation on the subject of his character and genius. Accordingly, he has done a ...


... THEATRICALS IN AtERICA. (Foat OUR OWN coaRsSoovnnDZrT.) NEW YORE, AuG. 22.-The only event of the week lias been th~e opening of the Broadway, w.ieh took place qn Monday last. Duiing the brief recess it has been very prettily redecorated, the prevailing colour being white and gold. The busiaeas has been good. Vith the exception of Josh Silsbee, who is starring, the company is mash the same as ...

Published: Sunday 11 September 1853
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 868 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... DR, WISEMAN ON THE LAST SUPPER. I We extract from Doctor Wiseman's Essays the follow- ing application of his knowledge of Italian life to works of art:- Universally admired as Leonardo du Vinoi's Last Supper is, one of its principal beauties will be overlooked if the action of the figures, as expressive of their words and sentiments, be Riot understood. Take, for instance, the figure of ...


... THE CLIAVTONS.* Poetry is the stimulant or the solace either of the young or the old; the middle-aged have generally the hard facts of life to battle with, and are too much engaged in acting poetry to be at leisure for either writing or reading it, except occasionally, and at rare opportunities, few and far be- tween. The novel before us, full of poetic feeling, and, more, of poetic insight, ...


... I - I A glance at the most noticeable features of the Irish exhibition, and those which most forcibly attracted the attention of her Majesty during her late visit, will be read with interest. The articles of lace contributed-by the Ladies' Industrial Society for Ireland excited much attention. Her Majesty examined with evident admira- tion the specimens of Valenciennes, guipure, French black ...


... BEVELA TIONS OSI'BERIA.*- The authoress of Revelations of Siberia is a Lithuanian lady of rank, both by birth and posi- tion, well known in her own country, in which she possessed considerable landed property. The pre- face states that she established village, schools for. the education of her serfs, and treated them with much humanity-thereby arousing the suspicion of the Russian ...