... I THE.VOICE OF AUTUMN. Thou lonely man of grief and pailn, By lawless power oppreosed, Bunt from thy priron-rend thy chain, I come to make the blest ; I have no springtide bods; and flowers, I bave no summer bee9 and bowers; But, oh, I have some pleavut hours, To soothe thy soul to rest. Plenty o'er all the quiet land Her varied vesture wceaves, And Rings her gifts, with liberal hand, To glad ...


... THlE ART UNION. Wo understand that the stubseriptimit lists for tile next year are now open, anrid wo need not say that it is the dity, as it should he the pleasure, of all to do all that ill thoetm lies to smsist ill its support. Every admirer of art should beco(ic a seller of tickets of miemobership. Every one who would vish that a taste for the noblest productions of the pencil asd the ...


... THE OPIATE GIVEN AT DRTIlYi-LANE. The Adrienne Lecouvreeur, in which Rachel played so forcibly, was a 6rama of poison. The Betrothal, pro. duced last Monday night at Drury-lane, is, also, a drama of the same poisonous kind. It is said that Rachel went into a hospital purposely to study the fearful effects of paison, in order to reproduce them, as effects, in her acting. This is carrying one's ...


... T HE GAt INU~UAL EEXHIBITION. the ntimber of persons who visited the Exbibition on Satar- dav was 8 967. Her Excellency the Countess St. Germane, accompanied by Lady L. Cornwallis, Lady Grahatai, and the' Misses Graham, honoured the EAbibitihn with a visit, and was conducted tbrotlgb thb btliildibg b1 Mt. lbeanei During her Ekctlency'a visit Dr. Stewart was in attendafice, and at tbe request ...


... BIOGRAPHIES. The Life and M1artyrdom of Savonarola, illustrative of the History of Church and State Connenwon. By Fl. R. Madden, M.R.I.A. Author of 'Travels in Turkey, Syria, and Palestine,' &c. &c. Two vole. Kewby. Private Trials and Public Calamities: or the Early Life of Alexandrine des Echerolles, during the Troubles of the First French Revolution. From the French. By the Translator of ...


... sLL P ,y 4AND YACCINA ZION.* A ?? of the Epidemiological Society of Ldou nave presented a very valuable and ijte- 5Daig Report on the subject of small-pox and r onat~fl ,to the President and Council of that rociety, and, this Report now appears by order ti5 h~ouse of Commons in the shape of a p arliamentarY paper. The more widely it is Dircated, and the more generally its contents arenow the ...


... -KING CHOLERA'S PROCESSI;oN. (From Punch.) d From Russian steppe, from Persian sand, From pino fringed Norway flord, From Elba's and Eyder's peopled strand I've skimmed the ?? swept the land- Wayoforyourlord! Come deck my board-prepare my bed, And let the tromp of doom Peal out a march, that as I tread Above the dying and the dead, All may make room! From far I snuff the odour sweet That I do ...


... I LIVERPOOL ACADEMY EXHIBITION. I FIRST NOTICE. why The exhibition of the Liverpool Academy of Art bas driv now been open nearly a fortnight; and time sufficient itfa has elapsed to obtain some idea of public opinion on the all I character of the exhibition. A more varied display has not probably never appeared on the walls, every class of art for I being represented by one or other of the ...


... L TERAI-I T URE. Ja. mIow, ec t/he 1 Anolti/erof lrrev. By the RoY. it. AV. MORGN. Bentley. ThEcr is so nmuch knowikdgoe of a portion of our hisi.orv ahuih li less understood than any other, so neuo:l pl '.loajecal oppreciation of the Meaninig of ?? -iJcs, so much iusight into thc influences which thc a 'e exercistd upon the men of the age, in these vC'.1:iXCe5 t'u st thcro wanted but little ...


... I FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENE . I *- BLMo~tA, Wnrn ~sT.-Her Majesty and his Ral Highness Prince Albert, the Princess Royal, and Count 'Alexander Mensdorff drove yesterday to the Linn of Queicb Her Royal 'fighnesa the Duchess of Kent Count Aei' auder Mendoriff, Lady Augusta' Bruce, and thoE . Mr. Gordon joined the dinner party yesterday evenling. ABuuVALB AT TArn GasbhRAX HOTEL, Viscount Dun- ...


... LONOGIOUGHTON D18TIrICT IfOi4tICIILTURAL 80CotTY. -Iha fiat showv for t10e yiir wls hehl on the 71th of July, anrd the Secold v oI t OIthursday last, Sr'pt. 16th. Both ahows were well Itt tended orid swell filled w itl flowers, fruits, and vegetables, dli, fly the produee of the eottrgers ill the village nt'l neighbiourhood. There were nearly 300 elittrics, iid the plizes awatrded by it,- ...


... i THES PEOPLE'S EDITION OF THE WORKS OF SAMUEL WARREN, ?? F.R.S. Part 1.- We have long looked for such an edition of Mr. Warren's works as the present. Now that the days of cc bulky folios and gilt-edged quartos have gone by, of that novels even are no longer necessarily three volumes hi in length, and 31s. 6d. in price,-but when weekly to numbers, monthly parts, and cheap editions of standard ...