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... LITERA TUBE. Socian aite Policial2 Morality. By WILLIAM LOVETT. Simpkin and Marshall. Mir. Lovett has been long known for his conscien- tious advocaev of radical reform, and for his earnest endeavours not only to procure social privileges for the members of the class to which he belongs, but to elevate them higher in the scale of society by education. Few men have laboured. so long and so ...

Original Poetry

... Original Vomp. INDEPENDENCE . I HAVE no need of any friend; Upon myself I can depend; I'm not in debt to any one, For anything beneath the sun; Even the umbrella which I bear- The hat which on my head I wear- The coat which keeps me from the cold- Have all been bought with my own gold. Nothing from any one I'll take, Solely for independence' sake! With soen of ' independent ' mind, Who mean ...


... : . . PRAYER. to when the morning shineth, Or if 't e'esr denoid thee Go when' the moon is bright, ?? t pray, . _ the o when the svc declineth, Should holy thoughts come.o'er * ' Go in the hush of night; When friends are ronodthyway; (lo with pure mind andt feeling, E'on then the silent breathing, Fling earthly thoughts awray, Tbe spirit raised above,; ?? And in thy chamber kneeling, Will ...


... ,-iEZ MML ?rIĀ¶1 VesW FOX KY TO PM g wIF ZV I MOUWD DAVE ONE. The wretched victim orslk doi Believed frm Infb, on h tbed o a,- The lot and only refuge from my woes,- A love-lost, ruined female I repose. From the sad hour I sltened to hbi charms, And fell, half forced, In the deceiver's arms, To that whose awful veil bides every fault, Sheltuing my sufferings In this welcome vault; When' ...


... -0S-OU-TH: DEVON. TORQUAY, whole POULTRY SHow.-It is intended to hold an exhibi- causei] tien ofputyin connection with the next meeting -of the whose Newon Abot Agricultural Society; and, -from the greathre interest which, is~now, manifested in auch exhibitions, we have long b no doubt it will be; attendedwith. success p en I Through, the ?? invitain, of Mr. ~EisFord, ce5 several tradesmen ...


... 'NORTH' .';.DEVON. BAR 8TAiPLEAiND NbORTH ~6 OTG GARDmjI SoccrET.--Thie ten'th 'exhibito oftis cety 4as held at -the Literary Institution on, Thusals.The weather waa *favourable,.and-the attendance pretty nmrs.Theshow offie wers and vegetables wasdqu to any former exhibitioit whilst thastof fruit exceeded all previous displays.- The de- corations were choice, and great taste was evinced by ...


... LITER-ART NOTICES. Lonoczo BFmNe ; or Passages in the Life of an Italian ; edited by a Friend. (Constable and Co., Edinburgh.) The political history of Italy forms a subject of me- laneholy study. For ages has one despotism after ano- ther sat heavily upon the shoulders of its people. The era of the Italian republics had its periods of glory, but they were brief. 'The elements of self ...


... kINIG 'BOOM 'CSION. (From .PmJtc)( From Russian dteppa,'from Persian sand, From pine-fringed Norway ford , Ftrom Elbe and Ryder's peopled strand 've skaimmeO the sea, I've swept the land-.. Way for your lord! Come, deck my board-preparb my bed, And let the trump of doom peal out a march, that as I tread Above the dying and the dead All may make room! From far I snuff the odour sweet. That I ...


... EIAIECTRA .1K Electra is, in many respects, a remarkable book; and one of the points worthy of renmark is, 'that the personage to whom the name appertains is not, in any ordinary acceptation of the'term, the heroine of the volumes. Thereare at least-two other ladies, either of whom may be supposed to I have a better right to the post of honour-one of them in virtue of her being the object ...


... STORY OF MARTIN GUJERRE. ' : ?? n- oi Th- ?? wns married in MARiTIN GuARRtE, a native of Biscay, was married, mi thg month of January, 1039, to Be rtranad ' de Ro1s, with 'whom he lived for- many, succeeding -years at the ~village*I of Artigues, in the diocese of Rieux, in Uppr~nndc. h ,condition- of Martin Guerre wai that o mifgnr n theproperty possessed by him and hit iewevr oadr able for ...


... ?? ? -,CLA RK ?i- 0? , M. I. 1, ?? . , .- -, I - 4 , . , , ' i! ?? ?j h W-i. SOUTIP 'eXS I~gI S r X O mt tion by Mrs. Grosvyttor i 6te Its1in Schbiol of Nusfe;1 as compared with the Melodies of the United Iingkdm with Iltustrations. This ladyw as previously unknown to -us, but she is evidently a practised performer, and.has con- siderable talent. Her appearance and manners are very ...


... A n- -t f no n Atin 1 -AA S' A qertain degree of rivalry has ever existed between X Le Maneai~eter. andLiverpool. It is to be ho~ped that, what- B is ever lhe..onimus formerly exciting it, a knowledge of bi le mutual -interests, if Rot better motives, havs removed all it unfriendly feelings from the contest. There is one point; W to howe~ver, in which Liverpool has in no respoect equalled1 t ...