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October 1853
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Belfast News-Letter


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Belfast News-Letter


... Tur following are the principal points of taste for the influx of tle present season :-Tlhe colour dark chestnut, hut suitable to the advancing season, seems to be the fashion, as was green in the spring. Bonnets, espe- cialiv, of this colour, are in great demand, and suit nearly all toilettes or dresses; for instance, a bonnet chestnut colour and straw, or chestnut and black lace, harmonises ...


... IfIcbiew.s. No. 145. THE DODD FArrmrr AIIOAD. Part, XIV. By Charles Lever. London: C(J/rprrran ind flall. Dublin: M'Glasharn. T.RE racy adventures of the itinerant Dodds continue to be among the most mirthrmoving of the monthly visitors to our library table, and not the least profit- able for warning against many of tile follies and foibles of modern society, to boot. Thle F amily nre now in ...

Fashion and Varieties

... fraosbion aub Farictifs. THIE COURT. ]3bLtOAI., SFE'r. 28.-Her Majesty drove yesterday afternoon in ann open carriage. Prince Albert wctit out deer-stalking. ViscoUnt Palmierston has left Balmoral for the South. Thle dinner party yesterday included her Itoyal Highness the Duchess of Kent, Lady Augusta Bruuce, the Hon. Mrs. Gordon, and Sir George Couper. BALSNIORCAL, IHuRiDAY. - YeStelday ...

Fashion and Varieties

... JFasbtarn aib Far'ictitM. TITE COURT. BAsro[IAr, En D.It1'._Priatce Albert ?? yesterd;y to the Balloch-Blluie deel forest. Her Mlajesty tutu the Princess Alice accomlan ied] his Royal 1-li-laness. SA-rUlIDAY.-fier Majesty anti Prince Albert drove yest-'day afternoon, in the opeti carriage, towards Castleton. Thc dinner party yesterday included the Duchess of Kent.. Lady Augpista Bruce, thie i ...


... Portru. THE FALSE ONE. TuE Summer stars were burning on the sea, The moon was soft upon the purple lea, When oh, my love, I sat alone with thee. My happiness had made my manhood weak- I felt thy svweet breath blowing on my cheek; My heart was full of love-I could not speak. Thy kisses fell like showers on my brow; The hand I clasped was soft as mountain snow; My heart, oh, break fond heart, is ...


... Vartril. 'SAiCRED TO THE MEMNIORY OF DAVID HENDERSON, FORUMERLV OF NEWRY, IRIELAND. DEDIC&TED TO 1115 RErLAIIVES .ANI1 Ar(2UA5INTANCFS, U1171Z AND AT 110NI1. In the midst of Iite we are in death. DAILY, on that awful subject, God is preaching to us all; Showing that at any moment Death's cold hand may on us fall! Two short days have flitted past us, since an illustra- tion dread, He hath ...


... DUNGANNON FARMING SOCIETYS ANNUAL EXHMI'1lON. Ton, tenth annual exhibition of live stock and farm Produce, inl conitexion with the Dungannon Agricul- tural Society, tooki place on Wednesday best. TVito commodious market yard was, as usual, adnmirably fitted up for the occasion, the active assistant-secretary, Mr. George Muon, having, if possible, surpassed himself iil Ithe excellence anti ...


... AIRS. STOWE'S WJELCOME. INTENDIED FOR IrItESENTATION TO THAT T)TSTING.1918ED LAiDY ON II:t ARRItiVAL IN Blrtsr, BY A DEPUTATION iFiuM THE SOUTH AN)D WEST. WlilcomfE to Paddy3s land, friend to the slave, Safe from tile perils of wirid arid of wlave* Fair Liberty's advocate, TvlalilV's foe, Welcoie to Paddy's land, siveet Mrs. Stowe. But don't let them keep you too long in ?? North, No siav'rv ...