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Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Original Poetry

... orighlat loortru. ?? ? THE SONG OF THE BLACKSTAFF. I CANIE from the mountains, pure and bright, Through flowery fields I strayed; Gladly I danced in the sun's clear light, And with the sunbeams played. In music and mirth the happy hours Of the Summer dlays wvere passed; Oh! green were the fields, and bright the flowers, In the place where my lot was cast. One day the wind came wanderin.g by, ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ifasbion antr Yarictico. 'I'TIE COURT. I aVINI)soe, THURSIAY.-Thi Roval linner party ves-- teiday iniclulded the Royal visitors of her Majesty, the Belgian and Auisti'ian Ministers, the Earl and Countess of Clarendon, Count de Lamnoy, Colonel de Moerlerke, Baron Prisse, M. Ricken, &c. The Queen and Prince, with the Roval visitors, went to London this morning by a special t'rain of the Great ...


... l3outrU. A IJ T U AI N. TrIE bud of Spring is softly seen Full bursting through the icy sheen That Winter left upon the green- Its last departing tear; But, oh! the bough of russet brown, Unbent to Winter's coming frown, Where gentle airs blow leaflets down, To me is far more denil. I love the shadow onl the path, The moonbeams on the olden rtath; To me the Auituimin ever hath A magic of its ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Jiaslion anb Yarietiez. THE COURT. BALMORAI., MONDAY.-Since Wednesday last, hill and dale, mountain and forest, have been involved in one pervious cloud. The rain has, at times, poured down- in torrents, and at others drizzled down in soaking, misty showers, leaving the whole country covered with a settled gloom. According to present arrangements, her -Majesty and the Prince Consort, ...


... Tur following are the principal points of taste for the influx of tle present season :-Tlhe colour dark chestnut, hut suitable to the advancing season, seems to be the fashion, as was green in the spring. Bonnets, espe- cialiv, of this colour, are in great demand, and suit nearly all toilettes or dresses; for instance, a bonnet chestnut colour and straw, or chestnut and black lace, harmonises ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Jta~bioit anb Farietir. HER MAJESTY IN SCOTLAND. BALMoIRAL, FrnrotA.-Her Majesty drove yesterday afternoon to Abergeldie, accompanied by the Prinicess Helena. His Royal Highness l'rince Albert went out deer-stalking. Her Roval Hi-hness tbo Duchess of Kent and Sir George andl Lady Couperjoinedl the dir- ner party in the evening. SATUnDAY.-T' he incessant rain and storm yesterday prevented her ...


... looetry. THE REWARD. WHo, looking backward from his nianhood's prime Sees not the spectre of his misspent time; And through the shade Of funeral cypress, planted thick behind, Hears no reproachful whisper on the wind From his loved dead? Who bears no trace of Passion's evil force? Who shuns thy sting, 0, terrible Remorse? Who would not cast Half of his future from him, but to ivin Wakeless ...


... jOrtt@. THE HEART'S MELODIES. LItsyN! listen! full is ever This wide world with music true, Nought can still it, mar it, never- Nought that hate or wrong can do. Gentle, humble, all who tremble While fierce passions round them jar, Shall hear whispers that resemble Angel-voices from a Car. None so weary, none so lonely, But some heart responsive gives Beat for beat; and Love need only Touch ...


... IfIcbiew.s. No. 145. THE DODD FArrmrr AIIOAD. Part, XIV. By Charles Lever. London: C(J/rprrran ind flall. Dublin: M'Glasharn. T.RE racy adventures of the itinerant Dodds continue to be among the most mirthrmoving of the monthly visitors to our library table, and not the least profit- able for warning against many of tile follies and foibles of modern society, to boot. Thle F amily nre now in ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Jfasltian ant Faricties. THE COURT. WVINDSOR, OCTOnmn 25.-The dinner party yester- day included the King of the Belgians, the Duchess of Brabaut, the Duchess of Kent, the Duke of Brabant, the Count of flanders, the Baroness de Spaeth, the Belgian Minister, the Earl of Aherdeen, the Earl and Countess of Clarendon, the Right lIlon. W. E1. Glad- stone, the Count Gustave de lannoy, Colonel de ...

Fashion and Varieties

... fraosbion aub Farictifs. THIE COURT. ]3bLtOAI., SFE'r. 28.-Her Majesty drove yesterday afternoon in ann open carriage. Prince Albert wctit out deer-stalking. ViscoUnt Palmierston has left Balmoral for the South. Thle dinner party yesterday included her Itoyal Highness the Duchess of Kent, Lady Augusta Bruuce, the Hon. Mrs. Gordon, and Sir George Couper. BALSNIORCAL, IHuRiDAY. - YeStelday ...


... AN EXQUISITE STORY 13Y LAMARTINE. IN the tribe of Neg-dleh, there was a horse whose fame was spread far alld( near, and at Redouin of another tlibea bv ffere )alier, desired extremely to possess it. llaviil!- ofyerod ein vatin for it his Camels and his whole Wealth, lie hit at longth upon the following device, by which lie hoped to gain the olbjict of his desire. He resolved to stain his face ...