... TRE NA TIONAL GALLERY. -4 REPOR'T FROM THE SELECT COMMITTEE.* This report has now been for nearly two months before the public, and abundance of time has, therefore, been afforded for the inspection of its contents. As, however, it may have escaped the notice of many of our readers, who have been of, late more familiar with blue cartridges than blue books, we take this somewhat late ...


... TEE DRAMEA. NUSIC, &a. DaUaY L&N1E.-On Wednesday night Mr. Brooke terral- natcd a suceasful.l and brilliant eegagemrent at th,. house, which his talent has filled for more than tb.hryasix perform- ances. The entertainments were for the benefit of tbe worthy and enterprising lessee, M ir. Smith, whose liberality and I oacurable fulfiment of every engagement has acquired for him the esteem and ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ifasbion antr Yarictico. 'I'TIE COURT. I aVINI)soe, THURSIAY.-Thi Roval linner party ves-- teiday iniclulded the Royal visitors of her Majesty, the Belgian and Auisti'ian Ministers, the Earl and Countess of Clarendon, Count de Lamnoy, Colonel de Moerlerke, Baron Prisse, M. Ricken, &c. The Queen and Prince, with the Roval visitors, went to London this morning by a special t'rain of the Great ...


... l3outrU. A IJ T U AI N. TrIE bud of Spring is softly seen Full bursting through the icy sheen That Winter left upon the green- Its last departing tear; But, oh! the bough of russet brown, Unbent to Winter's coming frown, Where gentle airs blow leaflets down, To me is far more denil. I love the shadow onl the path, The moonbeams on the olden rtath; To me the Auituimin ever hath A magic of its ...


... LITERA TURE. jieural Essays. By A. J. DowxisoaG. Edited (with a | Memoir ot the Author), by G. IV. CUaRTIs, and a Letter I to his Friends, by FEzsucLIKa. BREMERt. 8vo. New I York. 1S33. T'e ?? Farmer, or, flamecin ithe Countryi/ By Rev. J. T. BLAK.X Syo. Aubarn, New Yorle. iS53. In these two volumes the useful and the delightful are in very pleasant combination. Mr. Downing is quite a classic ...


... : - d ; : CONCENTOfiES4.SOCIETY. This distin 6-uished;-Soc-etys 'who lave:- for many11 years contributed so, greatly tq the preservation.of the pure! Englsho school-of vocal harmonyiheld their first meeting of 'this stason last evening at Gresham College. The~imeeting was fully attended. ?? M'Muodie was in the chair; and among the. membets ?? Sir Henry Bishop, Pro fessoritdward Taylor,.ot Gres ...


... A NtGHIT ITON MOST BLAN]C. Al INt till L i ?? - . - . . 11oarSUD BY AfslhDING ALBERT SXITIIS LZOCTUZI. Night fell uppon the mountain, And m11oonlight glory shone, Not as on dale, and fountain, lint dazzling snows aloue. A chain of ventitures weary, Asceahing on their way, pausing, 'uidst features drea.y, Till dawn should lend its grq. On high. amidst the aznre, Sharply defin'd the sky, The ...


... ?? fmhury-lane.g Mr. E. di Smith is on, of the boldest and most go ahead lessees that Drury-lane has ever possessed. For rapidity and energy equal to that which he displays, we mnust go to America for a parallel. Last week ties boards ivere eutrodn by a tragedian who once again evoked and kept alive the interest of the playgoers of the Old So, whi are fl of vivid reminiscences of the palmy ...

Published: Sunday 30 October 1853
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2225 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... DPAMIA. DRUJ3Y-LANE , -Mr. G. V. B .rooke had his benefit last evening.. lie was, as, Is ual, desiinate d in the playbills as ' the thi great trageu . n ;` and his benefit was announced as an bring one th e CSpLetal patronage of the Right ho Hion, the Eahl Ef Gleni;all, the Rtight ,-on . Lord Leigh, ste T.S. ?? 'nbe, Rsq., MY., and a host of his ad- th miusiors a aud riends . There was an n ...


... AMUSEMENTS IN MA2NCHESTER. (FROMc OUR OWNr CORRESPONDENT.) TAcTas Royex,-We have had nothing but Italian and Geramar. operas this week, for the melo-drama of Me-e pIeejseaa, which leas been for some weeks in preparation, was not, it seems, on WedaesdaT night, in a position to 1see company. It was, however, to be per- duced without fail last (Saturday) night. On 'Monday, Weber's Da- ...

Published: Sunday 23 October 1853
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1034 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... .:PRO.ViNC'IAL, TI4EtA:hICALS.' ?? uring the past wek a eep crowded to Oe~e inconsequence, of th tratv p ?? of Mladame Celeaste'and Mr. Webster, ho ae a idsbe eggdfor the fair nights.. of this theatre, :hag eogege, Mlie Cisat as~b ~intd umiber of nighits, comnmencing ~ qnda st ?? * Banrbi.rEyalZGdososemrn-r(Maae.r;Hiula) -The company forming.the anuinstg resouceftisetbih ment continue their ...

Published: Sunday 02 October 1853
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3022 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... POETRY_ I' sONG OF THE VILLAGE CHURCH BELL. Up with the rooks where none can reach, A goodly priest am I, And the world may hear my loud voice preach As the busy winds go by; over the bride with her orange flowers, Over the dead man's form, Now I make merry the bridal hours, Then I arouse the worm. Ding, dong I I ring or I toll For the young child's life or the old man's sonu. Up where nothing ...