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... LITERA TUBE. ChkrleZ Auchester. A Memorial. Three VoI1. London, 1883. Unless vwe are much mistaken, this novel is the work of a foreigner and a lady. We have arrived at this opinion wholly from internal evidence, no ru- mour of the authorship having as yet reached us. The work is niarked by an extreme and thoroughly temicnie enthusiasm for enthusiasm's sake, by a loe of detail in description ...


... t , 7 .g. : . _ , T . in Arrangements baving recently been made to establish a 3ral literary institute, for the benefit of the inhabitants of Her- SI M purhecy, to be held in the various 'rooms of the Church a School, II publio meeting w as held in~the schoolroom on Mon- rfi ofe day evening last, to inaugurate the institution. There was .a IN an ueos attendance. On' the platform were.,the Lord ...


... ha ?? BooKs Fog RrVhss'.-Books, Music, New Engravinsn, i &c., intended for review. leit at the establishment olf Mr. mc C. MrrITCHEL, Red Lion-court. Fleet-street, London, thi addressed -to the Editsr of ile Derby Mercury, will be im forwarded and receive attention. thi Lorenzo Benoni Passages in the Life of an !ealian. Edin- burgh: CONSTABLE and Co. This is a cheap, albeit handsomelv ...


... IfIcbiew.s. No. 145. THE DODD FArrmrr AIIOAD. Part, XIV. By Charles Lever. London: C(J/rprrran ind flall. Dublin: M'Glasharn. T.RE racy adventures of the itinerant Dodds continue to be among the most mirthrmoving of the monthly visitors to our library table, and not the least profit- able for warning against many of tile follies and foibles of modern society, to boot. Thle F amily nre now in ...


... 17Je Wor)ks of SAnsUEL WARREN, D.C.L., F.P.S, Part I. Dtoarp of a labc Pfjo/ieiona. Edinburgh: Blackwood & Sons. Pow.^ of our readers wwho are in the babit of dovoting any por- tion of their attention to the literature of the day have not spent on ecessiosal couplo of htours over the pleasant pages of Rrtc1 ~d; while fewver or those to wvhom old E1bony has afforded pleasitre have failed to ...

Fashion and Varieties

... JFasbtarn aib Far'ictitM. TITE COURT. BAsro[IAr, En D.It1'._Priatce Albert ?? yesterd;y to the Balloch-Blluie deel forest. Her Mlajesty tutu the Princess Alice accomlan ied] his Royal 1-li-laness. SA-rUlIDAY.-fier Majesty anti Prince Albert drove yest-'day afternoon, in the opeti carriage, towards Castleton. Thc dinner party yesterday included the Duchess of Kent.. Lady Augpista Bruce, thie i ...


... - ?? V an ?? r .l .- m : .. to- AN ft + Rurosy CATTLE FAIR, MOaNIAv.-This was one of the IA largest fairs that has been held for many years, and the supply 27tE ofbas ndsee asecedngylag.A good clearance R waseffcte, sme undedsof eas bing driven towards Coetr ?? Be a shade under, beer Strs~bnsnan ngoddeadat current prices. Sal She-Dws 6d; ws ond. Lambs, I Ss. to p RUoBY CHnSE FAIR, ...


... RUTHI. She stood breast high amid the corn, Clasp d by the goldell light of morn, Like the sweetheart of the sun Who nany a giowing kiss had won. On her cheek an autumn flush )eeply ripe'd; --sct h a blush In thc midst of browntt Vwas born. Like red poppies grown wsith Corn. Round her eyes her tresses fell. Mi hichi were blackest tontc ?? te'ld But liog lashes eil d a light, That had vise been ...


... Portru. THE FALSE ONE. TuE Summer stars were burning on the sea, The moon was soft upon the purple lea, When oh, my love, I sat alone with thee. My happiness had made my manhood weak- I felt thy svweet breath blowing on my cheek; My heart was full of love-I could not speak. Thy kisses fell like showers on my brow; The hand I clasped was soft as mountain snow; My heart, oh, break fond heart, is ...


... ?? ..4 . s ?? Le Follet.) . . FT r Our~dressmakera and mill tipers are very busy in preparing ~ their autumn, and even winter, toilettes; employing for this a purpose'the richiest velveta, satins, blondes, flowers, ribbon, h ;and feathers. *The styles are new and attractive'. Bonnets for negligee or promenade are composed of vel- -vet, either green, blue, violet, or soft brown drab, trimmed - ...


... - x 0 . S E L EC T IONS PROM THE NEW REVIEWS;& MAGAZINES. I D IIGNITV .AP m. n n .s re is w B O. le tif id a- a !d of a, le at n. M 3e in, X- 1e es n- in at as er ed be 'ly to el,: li- is at by' of er an rs' at- ny he ler ed us ry rs, ecr ry id- it; ng vs is al- *rt, se,: lie n1y he ire he ow is- id. 3i ;he he cr- nd ;he on Ig, ng it a ed Iur mr in ag. a0t ed isa ree ny~ cal Fen cc; by, ng se ...