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... ?? A LADY'S VISIT TO THEi GOLD DIGGINGS. The lady (then a spinster) accompanied her brother m April, 1852-53. She shared with her brother all the vicissitudes of a digger's life ; and narrates them in a free, fresh spirit: there is nothing artificial-nothing. hackneyed in her Paces- She begins by avouching their accuracy of detail. In a lack of the marvellous will consist their principal ...


... ' OCTOBER. Gorgeolls are thy woods, October, Clad in glowing mantles se'ore- Brightest tints of beauty blending Iike the west, when day s descendjing Thou'rt the sunset of the year. Fading flowers are thine, October I Droopeth sad the sweet bluebell, Cone the blossoms April cherish'd. Violet, lily, rose-all ?? Fragrance fled from field and dell. Songless are thy woods, October Save when red ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ifasbion antr Yarictico. 'I'TIE COURT. I aVINI)soe, THURSIAY.-Thi Roval linner party ves-- teiday iniclulded the Royal visitors of her Majesty, the Belgian and Auisti'ian Ministers, the Earl and Countess of Clarendon, Count de Lamnoy, Colonel de Moerlerke, Baron Prisse, M. Ricken, &c. The Queen and Prince, with the Roval visitors, went to London this morning by a special t'rain of the Great ...


... ?? fmhury-lane.g Mr. E. di Smith is on, of the boldest and most go ahead lessees that Drury-lane has ever possessed. For rapidity and energy equal to that which he displays, we mnust go to America for a parallel. Last week ties boards ivere eutrodn by a tragedian who once again evoked and kept alive the interest of the playgoers of the Old So, whi are fl of vivid reminiscences of the palmy ...

Published: Sunday 30 October 1853
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2225 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... ittraturt. LOtus X VII. His Life-hiS Suffiering-his Death : the Capntivity of the Rs,st Poanils in the Tesspte. BysA. ?? one. Trans- lated and Editedi 6y W. Hazlitt, Esq. 2 Vols.-Vizatelly & Co., c 130, Fleet-street, London. d These volumes are devoted to a detailed narrative of the most I mournful episode to be found in the whole range of history.t They describe at length the captivity and ...


... ITHE IRISH TOURIST'S TICKET In this age, which, in the absence of a better appIUltiOn: might not inaptly be termed the Age Of Ilustration, it was not unnatural that the idea should occur to some one of pre- senting to the British public, through the medium of a lecture and panoramic effects, a more vivid and truthful notion of the lovely scenery of Ireland, than by that same dear, ingenuous ...

Published: Sunday 30 October 1853
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 745 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... I LITERAT U RE. I PAUL PEABODY; OR, THE APPRENTICE OF THE WORLD. By PERCY B. ST. JOHN. No. 1. October. S. Qn aod Co., Amesa Corner. 1853. Ocoe.W S.Oran When you see a man start on the arduous exploit of walking a thousand miles in a thousand successive hours (his first hour of his first day !) you involuntarily observe to yourself, Well, my friend, you have a heavy job before you, and by the ...

Published: Sunday 30 October 1853
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2804 | Page: Page 9 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... LITERARY MISOELLANEA. Tis BiDoo RBYOTS,-The mode of life of the Indien ryot Is one of extreme simplicity, amounting but too eften to misery, the result of an outward centinoal pressure kept on him by the znmindar and othevs of that class. The members of a family dwell with each other. from grandfather to grand- ehitel, with patriarchal conieutdtinese-one leafy r of, one bamboo-walt, sheltering ...


... THE DRAIA. NUSIC, &c. Dinuar L&Nr.-Shakspere has been eaperseded by Mir. Eato Sitone and his studofquadrupeds. Hor8es now prance where but lately Mr. G. V. Brooke deelaimed; acrobats and clowns twirl and grimace where solemn tragedy but a few days since stalked in ail its inspiring grandeur; and saw-. dust has supplanted green babie. Such is the mutability of human matters. Mr. E. T. Smith, ...


... 3ienzoires a'un Bourgeois de Paris. (Memoirs of a Citizen of Paris.) Par' le Docteur Veron. Tome Premier. Paris. 1853. A great many people will turn to this volume with inte- rest, as we have done-to be perhaps as little satisfied with its contents. So clever a man might have been expected to give a better account of himself and his doings. Dr Veron has been quite a celebrated person in his ...

Literary Extracts

... I Aturarp Extra ?? BnAsTIsi MARFnLAG E CaeU.NIONY.-T'lt mal and woman go into the water with a cow alid calf and au old ngpriest. The man doth hold his hand by the old man',; hand, I a and the wife's band by the husband's, and ill have the ow; re- bythe teil, and they pour water out of a brass pot on the .ed cov's tail, and then the old man ties hinm and her together by their clothes; then ...


... REVIEWS OF BOOkS., ?? ~ THE BuThIewo CABINET OFl531e1,Pcfr ?? is a litlet.m :raehic1 ekethes of ittlhe 70'ume containing bio- skethesof he Caliionministry. It Is evd. ntly the production of a Whig, and one who re- garde the present unnatural tinionbewx W gs ?? and old Toriet, a Matter of felicitation to tlhe connsry. According to the author's account, the members of Lord Aberdeen's ministry, ...