... BIRMINGHAM POULT1iY EXHIBITION. The exhibition of the many kinds of Domestic Poultry, in H connection with the Birmingham Cattle and Poultry Show, H noticed in last week's Mercury, is stated decidedly to have been altoge ther unrivalled, and the largest spectacle Of itst kind ever yet witnessed in any, portion of the world. We at take the following account from the Midland C'oaatieasHerald wit ...


... PoTRTE. - - a D1ULCE DOItAM. P (CosirOUtE ) O} Ar4 hornelessr Ubt o gbet all Bad 1a1di low, b. l1 & Vfoice that telteth Of want and woe'. el 0h , D ole, Julce Domaum! f So dth many a maiden gay, tF As her fingers light o'er ner hau 5rt)'trg play; BFt her glad eoes speak to the intetnia g throng, m And Say, she hath Fyet to learn her song, b. 0 1 Duke. Dnuke DOMUxn! 111 So slth many a ...


... CE N IN E CO S SIP. -BY AN OLD ACTRESS. CHAPTER XXIIL-DISCURSIvE 3My connexion with Stanton's company led to my introduc- tion to poor Charles Baker. He was then a young, fresh-coloured, curly-headed fellow, and greatly admired by the ladies. He was an effective elocutionist, and, indeed, in later years, the cor- rectness of his speaking was the distinguishing characteristic of his ...

Published: Sunday 04 December 1853
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2292 | Page: Page 9 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... THEATRES, Ace DrurY-lane.--Novelty is the order, of the day with r. R. T. Smith, the lessee The latestandmostinterestig leertis else enoagelnent of Herr Heogler, the renowned rop-e lancer, whose inmimitable and most artistic evolutions on the e-ds! de tension nightly excite the admiration and delight of ioowded audiences. At the morning performance on Wednes- lay, the juvenile audience who ...

Published: Sunday 04 December 1853
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1074 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... LIT.ERA TUBE. 2we Last Ftruit off r. ?? Tree. By WALTER SAVAGE LANnon. Moxoa. i18I. ave. 'Under this somewhat pathetic title, Mr. Landor puts forth a very miscellaneous collection of poetry and prose, in which his usual characteristics of a most noble style, conscientious finish, and fine ima- gination, in combination with a judgment proud, and at times hasty in its praise and blame, are mani- ...


... -MAN -AND HIS BROTHE:R. *I ,; , - -, BREAD POr THE TIMES. *Man's inhmauity to Man! -; , - ?? A_ Oideoutle to tell,-. e --What chbek- uablancli'd can calmllsn fo .Thosecharacters of bell? ' ' te What pen, what poet, dares to paint tl The terrors of that strife, nl Wherein so many a martyr'd saint Has moan'd away his life I-- 0 Roman ?? priests, - (t Ye wretched cruel men, More bloody than ...


... This annual show of fat stock and poultry displays again a con- siderable advance upon the progress of former years. The most characteristic excellence of the Birmingham show is, unquestionably, the poultry, in which it has taken, and probably will long maintain, the lead. Last year's exhibition contained 1,300 pens of this de- cription of farm produce, a number which was then quite unap- ...


... The Positive Philosophy of Auquste Comte. Freely Translated and Condensed by Harriet Martineau 2 vols. John Chapman. Comte's Philosophy of the Sciences. Being an Krposi- tion of the Principles of the Cours de Philosophie Po- sitive of Auguste Comte. By G. H. Lewes. Bohn. The English public has now an opportunity of becoming acquainted with the philosophy of Comte, without the great expenditure ...


... PUB~LCAfOUM-B-N~L- I Igl ?? THE WHIM AT THE LYCEUM.f. Tce Urania of Tie Bachelor of Arts, is a series of romantic whims. The here, having ?? all the pleasues of life, is anaxious to invact a ?? oe. As a whim, he will go as a ft~les in. a private farmily. H~e does go, and throws cat for a father's inspection the most caorisus vattern-book of accomplishfments that a young man 3bout' to enter ...


... PH TORAPEIC EXHIBMON. 'W ii seldom that an. opportunity OCCUrs of directing the att. tion of our readers to a-source- of such high intellectual enjo Wesment as the exhibition of Plootpigrapbha now in the .ela0f, i ;364 -lcs-*thi i the re'csh of almost every inhabitait t Ur . .'Thomebinber'of the Photogphcoieye re.dob; at that instigation of -the Society of Art~s havew newand I th th. .*hicli ...


... Fy jgIONABLE JNTELLIGENCR. ?? - _ A:)-lh.,qd maamnl oA W -..A _ AF- _ I - p he and ibucness ue rtemours, accompanied by Thbe yr, nfl family, have arrived at Claremont. t gei dsr tnaide has lelt the Neal Park for Gaulston House. srl daine arrive( at Gaulston in the early part of the L0s is quite convalescent. feeet captain 3.B Yelverton arrived at lazle Rock on lhe 1 1lg-Uayo Constiturtion. ...


... S'peeches of the Rlight Honorable T. B. MIacaulay, I.P. Edited by Himself. Longman. and Co. This volume, as the public knows, might never have ap- peared, if an edition of Mr Macaulay's speeches had not been issued professedly by special license, really without the consent of their author, and so carelessly, inaccurately, and ignorantly printed as to make the deliverer of them ridicu- lous in ...