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... HIGHLAND SOCIETY'S S WINTER SHOW. The first winter exhibition of fat stock in connection with the Highland and icultural Society of Scotland took place on Monday in t he Edinburgh Cattle Market. Similar in prin- and with much the same objects, as the Christmas ciple, Smithfield Club, the exhibition —the first ever Shows of the held on th ig side of the Tweed—reflected the highest credit on the ...


... STATE OF TRADE, a very dull week has been experienced in flax, the business transacted having been very considerably under the re- quirements of spinners. Notwithstanding this prices have been well sustained, and which, upon the whole, must be regarded as unchang- ed from last week. The somewhat discouraging state of the market for tow yarns, during the past two or three weeks, has indisposed ...


... '; . * I: '!- . }i. ' ': -at'sr;, PROTGBABICEX B - %A. . C C trursstl cotneVImiti f pplrtitr~ip t. ' , ~traction. A`1tloagh, about a thirdI part of theiorikfiss 'ti( bi0 tion lia4be'en remioVed, its place' bas been more'thdn .upipd~P both~in mnumbers and'hintrest,,by the additional spocieeathat n hayei been procured from Si'r'DAvid Brewster, marl; ,seveiralother,' atosand ciultivators of'tbis ...


... GLASCGOWV EASTWOO)D CLUB. I'Ihe urnial medtilug of this charitbile institution took place on V ?? I;st, iln tlie Globe Ilotel. Alter the ?? of their noiv l b sij tss, the c mobers dhiiel togetler---J lsiee luobertA(on, Eolq., bniner, in the cloair, soipprtedd by tile Itev. Mr. (ieipholl of Eastwood, P'rovost t orlett, licv, All r. Blokce ?? i'cllolltkacw3, muill 'VIIiamin Plhleli, E'sq., oti ...


... THE DEATH OF JADEZ DOLLAR. (Fron tIle Ron G6ieffier Bailads)A The Congress met, the day was wet, Von Buron took the chair, c On either side the statesman's pride of far Kentuck was therem; With a grey frown there sat Calhoun, and slowly in his cheekt His quid he thrust, and slaked the dust, us Webster rose to speak. C Upon that day, near gifted Clay, a youthful member'sat, And, like a free ...


... L I T E R A T U R E. d TuE LAY oF TIrE LAST MINSTREL. Edlinbirgh: Adam and r Charles Black. c This elegaint volume, which is the second we havc sec of II Messrs. 1lack's illustiated edition of Sir Walter Scott's poetical s works, eooes bcfore the public very opportinmely at this season. From Christmas to Ncw Ycar is a period of gifts acd inter- change of friendly mnemamitoes aind one moms ...