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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Fashion and Varieties

... JSasltaiwn aib TFarictirs. THE COURT. OSBORXNE, MIONDAY.-_lhe Duke and Duchess of Bra- banit, attended by Count and Countess (le Lanrirv, emn- barked at Cowes this morning at eleven o'clock. in the Roval yacht liPoir,, anl crossed over to Portsmouth, on their return to Brussels. A special train was in readiness to convey their Royal Hightnesses to Dover. Her Majesty and his Royal Highness ...

Original Poetry

... Origintal 9Ctrlu. THE WIDOW. All! who has marked the secret flow Of silent tears-that flood of woe! The sob suppress'd-the bloodless cheek- The step so firm, but ah! so weak, And sees not in that wvillered eye, The burning marks of agony? # * * * 4F There was an hour-that will not return, A dav wheit that niourner (lid not inourn, When her cup was full, till its brim wvas laced, And tile ...


... Irt r Li. THE WINTER WINDS.-A CHRISTMAS S 1{AIL! the winter winds are sighing Requiems o'er the dying year, Trees, as if to hide their bareness, Snowy garbs begin to wear. Yet 'twill not be winter always, Nature will awake from sleep, And resume her gay attire, Though she slumber long and deep. When the trees, their leaves unfolding, Seem to burst from death to life, Wintry storms Ntill ...


... ?? ?? llrbicwz- No. 193. PoEms, by John Francis Waller, LL.D. Dublin: James ill'Gtashan. Dn. WAIJER is the Slingsby of the Dublin University Magazine, whose delightful effusions we have so often eulogised in noticing the successive numbers for some years past of our only national periodical. This elegant little volume-one of the neatest whics has issued From the Dublin press-contains a ...

Original Poetry

... @rigilial 13octru. THERE IS FROST TO-NIGHT. Tinmm is frost to-night, and a mantle white Is spread o'er the earth's dark breast; And clear and cold are the moonbeams bright Which on the mountains rest. The trees they grow a goodly show, As the frost with skilful hand Arrays them in robes of glittering snow, Till like vestals fair they stand. How calm and still is the gentle rill, Beneath its ...

Original Poetry

... eriginal jOrJtru. THE LEAFLESS TREES. TErE leafless trees are a lovely sight, Wherever their forms appear, When they stand in the vale in armour white, Or keep watch on the mountain drear, When the storm in its fury rushes by, And nature quakes with fear, They wave their mighty branches high, And stop its wild career. Oh! brave and strong. are the leafless trees, When the storms rage round the ...

Fashion and Varieties

... JPaslion anb YTarictitm. T1HE COIJRI'. OSsOnRNs, TUEsnAi.-TIIC Queen and Prince, ac- companied by the Duchess of Brabant, rode on horse- back yesterday morning. The Earl of Clarend- .n, Count Lavradio (Portguese Minister'). and General Lopez, on a mission from Para- guay, arrived at Osborne yesterday, and bad audiences of the Queen. The Earl of Clarendon and Count Lavradio remained on a visit. ...


... THE EXHIBITION COXM-ITTEE-ADDRESS TO THE LORD LIEUTENANT. Tart committee of the Great Industrial Exihibition proceeded on Wednesday to the Vic~rejaaL Lodge to presenit an address to the Lord Lieutenant. His Ex- celleney was attended by Major Ponsonby, Private Secretary,and Hon. Mr. Hutchinsion, A.D.C. in waiting. Alderman George Roe, chairman of the committee, read the address, to which the ...


... joatru. CHRISTMAS CAROL. 0! dearly I love old Christmas time, With its mirth and kindly cheer; And I seema to love it all the more That it comes but once a-year. It comes like a cheerfill, loving face That all of us seem to know; And it brings a glad'ning, sunny warmth, In spite of the frost and snow. Then let us all greet this welcome friend In the old-fashioned hearty way; And twine him a ...


... A RHYMING RLEBUS. Tsntur household words, vwith magic sway, Like Cmsar's seni, vidi, vici, When joined, a striking fact display To ruder gaze or polished nice-eye. The prime, a lady's bosom friend, Possessively expresses: Then comes a Royal righit to vend, Which all the world The last gives beauty to the first, A nil makes it self-sustainin- As when love's rosebuds sweetly burst To ...


... 1actro. SONNET.-DECEM 1BE R. THE unseen Presence with the noiseless wing- Time-has swept bare the bounteous earth at last, And Summer's green and crimson shows have past From out men's sight, like cloud-shapes when winds sing. The seeds, which from the year's great ripening Were shaken, and within the warm] earth east, Live but in future life, and, slumbering fast, Lie waiting for the vital ...


... Urbtirwz- No. 183. The DaL;xBl tUNIVEnsITY MAGAZINE for De- cember. Dublin: JameslaPGlashan. Tills excellent number is illustrated by a full length portrait of Thomias Colley Grattan, the eminent no- velist. and one of our worthiest fellow-countrymen, of whom an interesting memoir is given. MI. Caleraft, late lessee of the Dublin Theatre Royal, contributes a most graphic and amusing Peep at ...