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Bristol, Bristol, England

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... A t tr H. THE FAIRY DELL-By }1. BEE. No sound of Earth to break the oharm That reigns within the Fairy dell; The rounded moon shines clear and Calm, The glassy river owns the spell: IUnrippingly it wanders on Through scathed ravines of limestone gray, Where never yet the sunlight shone, Wor ever blew the gales of day; WHere sullen trees for ever drink The darksome water winding by, And rugged ...


... fittraturt. gis 2716 Diblin University tagaziee. No. CCLI .-Wm. S. Orr & Co. Amen-corner, Paternoster-row, London. thi Tells excellent periodical closes its forty-second volume with my a number, the diversified contents of which will afford pleasant roe employment for the longest December evening. The list opens sof with a wreath of Fire-side Fandies, stringing together some Ho agreeable ...


... ITATULIA OPERATIC .ERWORMANCE. Thle performance in Bristol of an Italian opera, with leading eartietes. such as6 Formes, Reichardt. Mdlle. Caradori, for prin- cipals, andI a regularly-trained opera chorus, was an event of 'such rare, not to say unprecedented occurrence, that the avi- dity with Which the musical public came forward and caught up all the box 8eats was not at all surprising. The ...


... 00tn1. SONNET-DECEMBER,_By EDIMUND OLLVR. TnE unseen Presence with the noiseless wing- Time-has swept bare the bounteous earth at last, And Summer's green and crimson shows have past From out men's sight, like cloud-shapes when winds sing. The seeds, which from the year's great ripening Were shaken, and within the warm earth cast, Live but in future life, and slumbering fast, Lie waiting for ...


... On Tuesday Shakepere's tragedy of Ollielo was repeated, Mr., Melville appearing as the hero, and the new aspirant for histri- i onic honcurs, Mr. Montgomery, as Iago. There was a nu-. merous audience, curiosity having been probably awakened by v the recent refusal of the former actor toplay Ingo outhe occasion v of the d~but of the latter, and by the controversy In dramatic circles to which ...


... HOW wE CONTRtBnTE TO THE SELF vIMPORTANCE OF CrIME.-The juveniles are, when in prison, of all its inmates the most troublesomne; they strut from cell to chapel and from chapel to cell with such an air of impudence and self-importance as is seldom seen in older criminals. Their manner and their questions in the dock declare how their present mode of diaecip. line operates on their minds. The ...


... IBOcLB11-11UitSTIle PREVWNTD-.rh8,Vasho116~ Banner editor has seen and examinedl on invention, which, lie says. Puts it b out of the power of en engineer to explode a boiler. eitber P, through negligence or purpoeely. Thie Improvement provides II thle uipper part of the boiler with two openinge or aper~tilres, in r addition to that for the safety-valve, and the bottomr of the 1 boiler with one ...

Bristol Academy, of the Fine Arts

... SnOol Irahiq of t4t Aut Arb., EXHIBITION OF WORKS OF LIVING ARTISTS. [CONCLUDING NOTIEOJ The Water Colour Gallery is quite as good this year as usual, and contains many very beautiful specimens, as well from' the easels of our native artists as from distant contributors. Cur- nook has a capital pair of gipsy subjeots, On the look out and ' A bit of goseip. They are full of character and ...


... vattrj+ I SOUTHEY.-By WALT&B SAVAGE LANDORt. IT was a dream (ah I what is not a dream?) In which I wander'd thro' a boundless space, Peopled by those that peopled earth erewhile. But who conducted me? That gentle Power, Gentle as Death-Death's brother. On his brow Some haveseen popptie; and perhaps among 8 The many flowers about his wavy curls Dt Poppies there might be; roses I am sure a I saw ...


... ix.,jL r ?? . ,; -, The annual Chriatmnas Feetival-of the Bristol Temperanoe Society was held on Monday evening, at the Broadmnead- Rooms, when between 600 and 700 eat down to tea. A large number of persons entered the room after the tables were cleared, and by the timae tbe public meeting bad commenced, the roam wag comfortably filled. The chair wae occupied by Mr. H. F. ...


... THE SCHOOLBOrs STORY. [From Dickens's ` Round of Stories by the -Christmas Fire, being ?? Christmas Number ?? Words.' BEihro rather young at present-I etc. getting on in-years,13butI still I am rather young-I have no particular, adventures of mayown to fall bank upon. It wouldul'traiih interest anybody here, I suppose, to know what a screw the6 Reverend Is, or what a griffin shse si, or liow ...

Bristol Academy of the Fine Arts

... ;Jw6riout 3rdmg af t4t Jim Atto. EXHIBITION OF WORKS OF LIVING ARTISTS. 133. Evening: I-H. PAlat.-A pastoral landscape, suggested by the line in Gray's Elegy in a country churchyard-, The lowing herds wind slowly o'er the lea.' It is no little honour to old commercial Bristol that she has given birth to an artist capable of producing a picture In all respects sobeautiful as this is. It ...