Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEW EDITION!! 0N NERVOUS AND GEOERATV DISEA9Es Just Published, 20th Thousand. Illustrated with Colourei Engravings, Price ls., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. H EALTH AND HAPPINESS, TllZ MEANoS By wo1 W1cas THEY MAY BE OBTAINED, a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'A lE ATE R lOYAL, DRURY-LANE. dt AL Mlr. E. T1. SM1I'T. LOs~es, has the honour to announce that, in S otroer ti rendeur the termnilatiitt of thts EQESITRIiAN SEASON equil in a' :cu 'ri and triumiht( it, t: carneneeav~Pert, he has engaged Herr W jj1_'GL~l{, the most accouinplthted Ttght-iupit Dancer in thle worlti. Mat'.l_ lar' Troupe o f po' 1reming D.)gs and Motnkeys every a etuolic. og, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S. ITUATIONS WANTED.-Advertisements s of Five i;nes, in tbeo'ia'ot, Is. 8d., prepaid a a- ' - . Jur Ani BEST EAST COUNTRY SCOTOH OATMEAL, it Direct jAIh' O a it Lxi ' PIhiS' s UNRIVALLED WOR(ZESTERSHII# SAUCE. e B~BROWN MEAL. D1GESTIVE fBISCUITS.-! e : Palroized i Wher -Maje!A, P WILKINSONS' TEAkWUAEHOUSE, X 144, Fonn Srnu#H Exn .: d . - : : ?? a T~rEE ROOM~i(with other convenienees,@ oT on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOUTH DEVON. GENTLEM&N'i Residence, situate near ' Totnes, to ?? with or without LAnd,from Christ- mas or Lady-day next. Rent moderate. Forparticulars 1 apply to Mr. JAMES ELLIOTT, Jan., Land-swveyor, I Totnes. Dated November 2Stb, 1853. b SOUTH DEVON. 0 be S O LD or LE T, unfurnished T OSBORNE HOUSE, Situated in the delightful hamlet of Maidencomnbe, stade in l ac of ground commands extensive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORTHDEVON-. TANTED, by a YOUNG WOMAN, about 'YV 23 years of age, a situation in a SHOP. She has been accustomed to aSTATIONER'S SHOP. Salary not so much an object as a comfortable home. Apply, 'T.A. at Mr. SExnE's, Printer, 15, High-street, Barnstaple. SHEEFFIELD HOUSE, 30, HIGH-STREET, BARNSTAPLE. JOHN PETTER respectfully informs his d Friends and the Public generally, that be has this day ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTIZERS. T OYAL EXCHANGE, LONDQ7.-Ttei R most UNRIVALLED CHANNEL for thkepurposes fr of EXTENSIVE COMMERCIAL PUBLICITY; im- oi mediate application should be made for NON-'APPRO- ve PRIATED SPACES FOR ADVERTISEMtNTS to al C. W. DE BERNARDY, Sole Tent to the Contractors, i5 9, NORTHUMBERLAND STREET, STRAND, te LONDON. C, B oB VOVELLO'S CHEAP MUSIC is sold by B -L1 every respectable Music ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :T Th~ez6 I ?? 198-d. Lonogeur Bdi~erutsemmentss onu equaly mbderate Terms. Contracts entered into for the Month or Quarter, at redlued Prices.. p4/spg Post Office, Exeter. PENDULES DE VOYAGE. M ESSRS. ELLIS and SON, are importing a further selection -of CARRIAGE and other CLOCKS. RESH1 EMPTED WINE, BRANDY, and FR - H RU CAISKS. WILKINSON BROTHER9, WINE AND SPIRITMERCXHANTS, 140, FORE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PTEAM to INDIA-, &c.-GENERAL SCREW i, STBA1t SHIPPING COMPANY.-Notico is Hereby GiveR to Tncornittrs and Shippers, that the IL'tILS for Decermber will be. taken t CALCU'1'TA, via the CAPE and MiAURITIUS, by this Company's ErewSteana ship, the CALMtJTTA, Captaini J, GOODALt. Shewili !e-vc Southaatpton for India or the 14th December, toching at ?ivmos'h on the 15th, to tate the maiisonly. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nowrodv, In 2,40 imperial octavO pages, price 36s,, with Map Now ?? n 2,corrected from recent Surveys. OQST OFFICE LONDON DIRECTORY for .LISa54. The work isi printed in oclirely new type from the Casc foci ai~d Glasgowo Lettter Fountiry, and hase beesi so greotly extended thit tho '1Street Directory contains 185,842 ilistinet tiames or ulrin :h- oiiieftod toice rloiiet in alt the other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NjITONAL ASOC ATIO, 0O THE fl OIAMO0 'OF SCdflEE RGHTS. PULI 2¶OSAL o SOcr ~ fVa l tothe objectsr VINICTIO.-OF SCOTTISH RIGHTS, will] be held in the CITY HALL, GLASGOW, Conthe Ee'Ingf TIIWESD.T, Tim mv. DECEMBERNET at Seven o'Clock.- iMt WEST WATSON, EtQ., -Senior Maguaraw of the City of Gh~l;Vvw, in the Chair. 333y order of thse Committee. CEO. WVINIC K, . 42 West George Street, uGoww. 24th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAR DS. IC HARD A LEN'S HAL& GAT es,28,Lr. R~J 8ackvillos.sfes continue to be supplied with a large AS- -or nt of readymasd5 clothing. First style. Beet materials- OLIN MANTLE, the Newest Over-Coat .E for the Season. BROW aE end PAYNE, 12, LOWER SAC KVILLE STREET. rBIGHT, B1LOTHERS, MANUFACTURERS / OF CHILDREN'S FANCY AND BOYS' HATS, 58, DAME- STREET, (opposite George's-street.) ^l AS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;; ROYAL, DUBLIN. -uTHIS EVENING (Thursday), December 1, 1858, °0 fortances will commence with the Play of the prt A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. 'heseos, Mr King; Lysander, Mr Vining; Bottom, Mr H Helena, Mrs Kirby; Oberon, Miss Lanza; Wood Sigab Mille St LoU;D; Puck, Miss Saunders. SyeGoo Woman in the Wood Quadrilles by the Orchestra. To conclude with the Comedy of THE POOR GENTLEMAN. Lieutenant ...