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Lothian, Scotland

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... KDINBURGH ¢ WA SEQUESTRATIONS. Simon Mackenzie Ross, Esq., of Aldie, lately residing at Aldie, in the parish of Tain, and county of Ross, now deceased—Creditors one o'clock. meet in Mackay’s Crown and Anchor Hotel, Tain, 27th December, James draper and hosier in meet in the Salutation Hotel, Perth. 29th December, two o'clock. Daniel M‘Intosh, shipowner and fisherman. New Quay Head, Campbeltown ...

SCOTTISH GRIEVANCES. TO THE EDITOR OF THE CALEDONIAN MERCURY. Edinburgh, ith December 1853. Str,—You will not ..

... how carefully our Cockney opponents avoid the subject of paying the London Police with Scottish money, drawn from the public purse, while we are left to pay our own besides, by local taxation. The opposition to be met with from that quarter must, there- fore, be explained by the interest which is felt in the ques- tion. The payment of the London Police ought to be drawn in future from the ...

THE ROYAL SOCIETY. TO THE EDITOR OF THE CALEDONIAN MERCURY. There appeared this morning in your paper an account of

... the proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, at their first mecting last week, which appears to be of a very peculiar cha- racter. Such proceedings are usually reported narratiwely, while your report breathes the spirit of party prejudice and criticisn.§ There is something striking in the real or affected ignorance of the position of those of the parties specially referred to as having ...


... THEATRICAL AND OPERATIC—A “ STARTLING EFFECT.” Mr Wyndham terminated, for the present, his occupation of the Theatre-Royal on Saturday night, and he now retires, with his dramatic corps, to the wooden erection known as the Amphitheatre, where the Christmas Pantomime and the usual entertainments will be brought out during the six weeks over which the operatic season will extend. Brief as bas ...


... — e We intimated, at the termination of our preceding notice, | the superiority, asa whole, of the other portion of the Operatic | Company, and predicted their suecess in the representation of | Norma. That success has now been achieved. Nothing ‘could have been more triumphant than their rece ytion on | Monday evening, and never were laurels more honourably ! | won. It is an oxecedingly ...


... SCOTTISH NATIONAL Thirty-one Chief Magistrates and Town-Councils have now joined this powerful body, and members are everywhere en- rolling. Local Committees, with influential chairmen and active secretaries, have been formed in Glasgow, Elgin, Dundee, Haddington, Kirkeudbright, Wick, Kirkwall, aud Inverness. Others are in course of formation in London, Liverpool, Ox- ford, Dumbarton, Alloa, ...


... MONUMENT TO DR MOIR A’ MUS LBURGIT On Friday, the monument erected to the late Dr Moir, at Musselburgh, was publicly inaugurated. The site of the me- morial is on the right bank of the Esk, and at the east end of the New Bridge. It consists of a statue of 84 feet, upon a pedestal of 20 feet. The statue, which is the work of Mr A. Handyside Ritchie, has given much satisfaction, the coun- ...


... The Edinburgh Quartett Union gave the first of a series of three concerts on Monday evening, and the second last night. The audience on both occasions was large and enthusiastic. The programmes included prerogative specimens of the great masters in musical art, and other morceaur choises adapted to the purposes of the different solo performers. ‘The music had ample justice. We never heard ...


... “ Be kind unto the poor, for they are the children of God ;” so said St Mungo, when, fourteen centuries ago, he preached to the painted of Strathclyde ; Lut, in this refined and luxurious age, the poor, according to our modern police-law, are the children of a certain personage whose principal ap- pendages are horns and a tail, like that of our old friend the unicorn, upon which the small wits ...

Post-Orrice ARRANGEMENTS4.—Lord Kinnaird, the C hair- man of the Dundee and Perth Railway, has addressed a long ..

... Canning, the Postmaster-Geseral, which appeared in the Times last week, complaining of the great irregularity of the mail trains from the south, especiully as ex- perienced in Scotland, on which the delays of a long route must fall. The noble Lord considers the root of the evil to lic in the parsimony of the Posi-Office authorities, by their anxiety to have a surplus and contends that the ...


... HIGHLAND SOCIETY'S S WINTER SHOW. The first winter exhibition of fat stock in connection with the Highland and icultural Society of Scotland took place on Monday in t he Edinburgh Cattle Market. Similar in prin- and with much the same objects, as the Christmas ciple, Smithfield Club, the exhibition —the first ever Shows of the held on th ig side of the Tweed—reflected the highest credit on the ...


... STATE OF TRADE, a very dull week has been experienced in flax, the business transacted having been very considerably under the re- quirements of spinners. Notwithstanding this prices have been well sustained, and which, upon the whole, must be regarded as unchang- ed from last week. The somewhat discouraging state of the market for tow yarns, during the past two or three weeks, has indisposed ...