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Morning Chronicle


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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... UI'SIANA STA'ATE BONDS.-The HALF- I jYEARLY DIVIDENDS, due 1st of February next, oil the BONDS of this StATE, issued in favour of the CITIZENS' BANKI of Lt1iStANA, asd oul the NEW BANK BONDS, dated 1st De- i r1852, will be PAID ?? nnersigtsedo at their Counting- ouse, on and after thle sdove-iuentiontodduy, ?? the oolrs or 1 Elev-e and Twu. Prilited formS for listL may be had onapPlica-| tion ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE ROYAL, DRURY- LANE.- TLessee, Mr. E. T. SMITH.-Granfd MORNING PERFORM- ANCE of the PANTOMIME, on 'Wednesday next, JailI.~ LeseM M. .T S51cILTremeoPtSucfs the ?? dletinictioli, the Mlorning Performances will take lace on Wclc 1 th nt, an 11 and erery Welteeday, atd wo'lod k it 11- aLfternoon. Children under ton yare ofage wil th aditoed ait half mime n Lod~u.- exent evier efore at- oricc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. T HE iSECOND VOLUME of Lord HOLLAND'S I`M`EMOIRS of the WIUG PARTY will be published on Wednesday next, in post 8vo., price 2s. Sd. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and LongmianF. In Svo., with Woodouts, price ses.; or half-bouud in russia, t5. RANDE'S DICTIONARY of SCIENCE B LITERATURE, and ART. Second Edition, corrected. with a Supplement, which may be had separately, price 3s. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LDOUBNE and SYDNEY.-The GENE- ,CREW STEAM SHIPPING COMPANY'S g rS, S S 2,,00 Tons, Jons, VINS VISR , Coim- ovsi ?? on oie 10th proxino m Parcel a ce r trĀ°3o passage and freight apply to the Con- Ad d piraA~e,3 e London Bridge. -- ALIA iU TY DAYS.-The splendid nbrA CrVICTOBIA, 1,800 tons, 450-hornsorper, , . lder will agsin be despatched for AUST RA- s~ . os tO O;tru l and outfit can ho ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION, I Pictures from the Country.-By 3essrs. CH RISTIE an.t NY at their Great Room, King-street, St. JaaiLs's-4quut,,o February 3, at One precisely, t A COLLECTON of PICTURES, chitb Englis masters, received froin the cosltra . epecieneus of the foll in- lasters:- . Andrews Ettg, lA. INasivth i Allen Hunt Oakley 1t Batenusa Herring Pettit M~la Clint Henshaw llobilsa ll Creswvick ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNION RAILWAY COMPANY.- Cts RENCE SHARES.-Tle holders of SCRIP CER- idthlatee above shares aro hereby Informed, they must k asjt to the Secretary of the Company, or presenttbem Nis to With a view to the adoption of the necessary i IREDEMPTIoN, or commutation, in accordauce :W to ong of the Act passed last Session. icly be, with reference thereto, and any further informa- n daiyr eeived on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Z - - 71EATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.- T.Mr E. T. SBMITI, Lessee, has the honour to mnnounce a co-f inuti~i of ?? ighlly successful VEDWNESDAY MORNING PE RFONMANOCES The public press has pronounced the Drury- lalne lpantominie as thb best produced for thirty years. Mr. Smith fiurther begs to intiate tht, althou..h molney has been turned wv froms the *loor3 on every occasion of the 31ornincr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FINANCIAL COMMISSN.- TeAMENT e f the DIVIDENDS of the THREE PR CENT COSOLDATED and DEFERRED FOREIGN STOCKS, diW ?? is ntwlltk ie at the o01550 of the COM, ?? wlnwlil he k bereeeived .mn the jet of February next. tsinjn mentof the Coupons of the Three Cnte Debt, the Comrnirsin Will draw bills at 30 days ' eight On the Dirc ro the Sinking Fund at Madrid. .ied JOSE BOIBRAjO. 44 Culnulm3street, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E1JURNEa. gnSYDNEY.-ThI GENE- ,STEAM SHIPPING COMPANY'S BL 3CiWUS Of 2,500 Tons, JOUH VINE HALL, COon. M' iesail front Southampton on the 10th proximo. Parcel c * de ?? ?? and freight apply to the Corn- n Adelahleplace, London Bridge. 't to INDfA, viD the Cape.-The following PS o GthE NEilAL SCREW STEAM SHIPPING SpAN ~lflceavo SOUTiHAMPTON for CALCUTTA ton the of every monthi calling at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~SITUYLDAYS.-Thesplendid sod eb way e of Oood Hope, in Lb the oRI2A0 knots pertsday. Underpcanra ?? *;L hiue pe ragafor seve desatoschedsorveU, And ?? 274 kolt per day, and witvh ;that i Sa Nov igotion Comnpany's Offices, ,iM:rdat !iKlg~llim-tretLondon. M to ISsDIA, &e.-GENERAL SCREW Sill PI'fSG COMPAN'.-Notico is hereby given to STEA I SlI,,pers, that the MAILS for JANUARY will he ,ocit% ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? AVSTRALIA L-EE SCREW g'.jhA clSII;PIN I~coMPANY.-Thls Comspail5I well- elI lick ,erOW stel~otl-PIBOSPltioRlus, Captaili R. MAYNARD, iti for ADeLAIDE,PoThells, It i i Fe brul5Y pounelflrl ont, 1 854, w vith her -oil Saturday, the 4pasnesol Illh ?? take fimrt-cls pas n only, Iiiitlt a freight. Rates Of on. Cptaia * 'I to ccullino tsa ' iuired 'For freight slid pil.-sage, 01 th oplOS O~aidlhce ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CA)MBRIDGE ELECTION. T1O TILE ELECTORiS OF TH~E TOW-N OF CAMBriDGE. GairciSttcL' e1iiu V OLITICALt and private circnonr lof ou ?? IL preventedlti e fromt solicitb-tiag e tu honour tof your ` saltra at thelgeneral cloetivit of i1yn, 1 love net be rc~ toviw it indiferece tst vcanc ssiich reeenfly occurre nyu anllt orough. mot'efrspectfoliy dechurilng lily InII ?? ti'lev appr as at ?? ber ...