Advertisements & Notices

... MESSRS. COOK, Landsl .ents, Sureyors, & Auctloneers AEthis opportunity of returning their sincere tanks for the unprecedented amount of patronage they have receive uigtepeetya;adbgt inform their fiends and thedvic that they intend, in future, either themselves, by their Representative, lI[B. G6E4RG1E PATTUICK, being at THORPE-LE-SOKEN EVERY WEDNES- DAY, from TWELVE untilTHREE O'CLOCK, at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEW EDITION I I 0E NERVOUS AND OGENEATIVE DIsEas Just Published, 20th Thousand. Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, Price is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. HEALTHEI AMD HAPPINESS, THE MEANS BY WHIsC THEY MAY BE OBTAINED, a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE KING'S ROOMS, SOUTHSEA BEACH. - IIOLLINGSWORTH has the honour to announce his ROOMS are open for the Wintei J HOT BATES in constant readiness. Ir .NA',AL AND MILITARY OUTFITTING ESTAB3LISHMENT, PORTSMOUTH. J. C. SELBY to 6 NNOUNCES that his Establishment is now REPLETE WITH EvERY ARTICLE OF WARRANTED Q. LITIEs, necessary for a Complete Equipment. ll..grcat experitece in the Outfits of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mHEATRE ROYAL., DRURY-LANE.- -F LCIE of the PANTOMIME, on Wednesday next, Jinii 4xtraordiar Sucess of the grand Chritmnspae ofm nARLF EINO UMMIG TOAt he dsireof numerous fassillesof ulotinctiosi, h atheorning Derl~rSight, Misstaker place on Wedn;Bu 1ay;nxt, M an. h Iria n every Stag e sdar, at Two o'clock in the afteno~n Chidrs uner tn b admited athalf ?? yearsoagerand P001 ope at ?? ne, nd o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONNIE BES S I E G R A Y, the new Scotch g lad ?? by Miss Poehe. litty 'Tyrrell, the ne,, Irish Ballad sung by Mr. soi gs of the Seas~n i Unquestionably Bonnie Bessio Gra'y ae Kitty Tyrrell, by the Author and Comnposer of Jscanuette and Jeaunot. The Ealo of these songs is alreaoy counted by thousands. London : Charles Jrfferys, 21 Soho square. R OYAL OLYMIPIC TEIEATRE.-On MONDAY and da ing thc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GR.08mvrY`N, STEET.CHAPL-PIC CA- TO-MORROW (Susdade January 8th), Morning acnd NOTT ILL N~PEDENT CHAPEL. K~o.Moa~ow~s~,~,SERSo IntheMorigby HALLY.~C~s~tona fte eac sericeta efraY the aurrent ~T. PETEAS CHURCH.-FULL CATHE. P')DIIAI, SERVICS1i ON SUNDAY NEXT (Jan. 8), 1814.- TWO SRR).!ONS will be preached, and collecitions made after each -towards defraylosg the expenses of the choir; that in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Important to the Public.-SSELLING OFF, on account of the Proprietor declining the Ironnmongery Business, THOMAS STANDING, No. 21, Fishergate, Preston, respectfully offers the whole of his STOCK OF IRON- T MONGERY at greatly Reduced Prices. The Shop being let for another business the entire valuable stock must be cleared out in a short time. The present is a rare opportunity for purchasers. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE, ]tOAL, On THIS EVENING (Saturday), JaduPs'jt`% performances will commence w.g ?? ' ARTA WB2E&S Artaxerxeos,.X5 Labuza; At6abanes, Mr Duratld; 4t4a ?ler H laigh ?? St~lntosn p Mandane, Miss 9~tt e. Semira5 Miss Jrus Cruise.nnal me ToeenlUde waith the Newl Christmaa Comilc P'antosli aa, entitled BATTLEDOOR AND SHUTTLECOCK, OR, HARLEQUIN KING NUTORiCXA0A A D Yras IrsyANwsy ENOAMPM=T ONTO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B ABY-LINEN&LADIES'QUTFITTING . BD WAREilOUSE. ' ' DRESSES CLOAKS ROBES HOODS FRO}CKS - ' CAPS f STAYS, and EMBROIDERIES. O Miss HAVARD'S, 48, PARK-STREET. >JEDDINGS, BALLS, DIN1ERS, W supplied by Contract in a superiore tyle, Iaelutiing the Hire of Glass, Linen, Plate, Waiters, and every other requisite. TEA PARTIES supplied at Gd. oer Head per -Hundred. C Deacons and others superintending ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVIEHi'I8EHIS BE biN elnsequeneeoof the cntiro repeal of the A,' vertinamrlrit Diltty, thePr0Prieti3Orf the I ~ocsRtEAMINER AND 'mliMs hove adopted a Settle of Charges for Short Anionuctflmoita, whicirl gives to that cdoss of otlvertisers the benefit of oortishloralbly more then the amount of duty repoedlad. Thle loweot price for the abot test advertieonroint ]tioo hitoerto been Vliree ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pRESTON.-ST. PETER'S CIJlURCH.-lI P SERMONS Are to be preached, in the morning and evening, TO- MORROW (January 8th, 1854), by the Rev. GEORGE ALKER, B.A., assistant chaplain of the Molyneux Asy- lum, Dublin; and collections made to meet the Church Expenses. Service to commence at the usual hours. A NCIENT TYPES OF MODERN CHARACTERS: AA series of LECTURES in Cannon-street Chapel, on alternate ...