Advertisements & Notices

... 6, DO; N ErGALL PL A C E. L J), 0}i J K('O Lb i , \k'A _TCfIIEXS. P f-t, ?? , ?? i' I 3 F li SEF :I] GTI fN 0'F. Ti 3 i. ?? i~-e *rlr' ''Tl *.l J.a ?? ?? 1.-ver a ?? '114' 1e ..,-i~is lie (i, P~-raYil c-mei Iui 'i y 41 ?? 411 lBJ':. . ; -lI;J ( r±A (r qT ua fl:, ?? i ' r is' lie, t 4. tit in tle pti. JA ?? N .1r.j ,, !:-T4 -;f, lT T r: lT rs : y .} Pl .L ANI1, 1 MECE I L J3S' No, C4, Do:'t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE CHRISTMAS or NEW YEAR'S BALL, will l Tbe held in the Naw AssEsteLy Room, Derby, on WEDNESDAY, Jan. 4th, 1854. COUNTESS FERRERS. Lady Patroness. W. MUNDY, Esg., M-P., Steward. 'Tickets, Supper included, Ladies, Ss.-Gentlemen, 12S. - IHE DERBYSHIRE MILITARY BALL, will be ( IL held at the ATHENMUM Booss, on WEDNESDAY, 18th of January, 1854. wi PATRONS. W COLONEL LORD WATERPARK. P MAJOR MOSLEY. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AaTKINSON COMPANY, -DAPSRB8 and SILK MNFROaEs, 69, .0, 71, 72, 73, 74, and 75. WESTNSTER sRwou-OAi, Laubeth.mb..-Mantles, Shawls, Furs, Lace, Fataily Mourning, Ribbons, Hosiery, and Haberdashery ATKIISOTN and COMPANY, WHOLESALE CABINET MAKS1DB aind UPHOLSTERERs, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, and :_75, WESTAUNSTER.-BItIDGEROAD, Lambeth. ESTABLISHED FORTY-FIVE YEARS. FURS-FULRSFURS. 17OR CLEARANCE r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTI8IIMS- XIS consequtence of thy entire repeal of the Advertisemenlt Duty, UtoProstrietori of the MANCTI5CSTRR EXAMINE It ACD T~Enses'have adopte 'a Scale of Chargei for Slort Aflflottnlemento,which gives MOI to that claos of advertisers the benefit of considerably more than the amount of duty repealed. The lowest price for the shortest advertjccsneott baal hitherlo been Three ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I 0 ?? i 8 . - ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 L. .V G ~ ' f5U~ In ItIS ~ t~1~lej. . .. t e ; ,s Wlans. ut f -r-*Sj Slfl6r a* htbattuelexlav> e~~~swuaealrhs et ,Ll4 . At S63, Oitersstreet. B~ixa rexpeetfnly7l n o aSnI ?? a Ia ge eafinont of oagsit stove patab o cvarous deulrnssnd , Qt gG~~g~d5.zconXs, d iigvess& &d4 ntrance r ~ h &o. . ,, z ?? , _ _L : EIA-NS''S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS4' ?? - - l moval~ ?? o; She deesd, Ite I myh I . hI rd no tnblwih se aglor oerteiladrgt z-ll yocrh, nd o p ton iw day wu vs 1~ RICHARBD IALLE4SHA&& (Liwfui,8,Lr.P sortuwitof r~edy.-nm e!lq , mit a*7lM Bost mtaterials. wG ITTRIGHT, BROT FMAaUACTURER a 7 F OP CHILDRE N'NS OACY4 AD BOYw' EATS, tD Z8, DA7 E.STUEET, (opposite Geore'lstreet.) iGA i . 6. . . _ . . RGG'& SON'S h s, Iiatw of, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTiCE TO CORV ltSPONDENTS. All Commrnunications, and articles of Inotelligonco, intendcd for pl'blicatiou, require to be authenticated by the ua.e and I adndiress of the wvriter. Unless this is atteuned to, Colres- pounts may rest assarod that nio atteotion will be paid to their elumuuuieations. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Quebec Timber. 'Ihere will be exposed for sale, on WEDNSnsAY the 18%t day of January, 1854, HE Followvinlg TIMBER, dischalrged eX JANE , t 10,000 Fcot YELLOW PINE. 706 RED PINE. 400 BLLACK BIRCH. 2,000 R1OCK ELM. 3,000 WHlITE OAK. The Sale will take place on the Linlks, at Eleven o'cloclc fore- noon. - GEO. THOMPSON, Jun., & C0, JOHN BARNETT, Auctionoor. Aberdeen, 24th Dec., 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (4ANADA FIVE PER CENT. DEBENTURES. -Notice is hereby given, that Messrs. BARING BROTHERS and CO., and Messrs. GLYN, MILLS. and CO., the Agents of the Government of Canada, have received authority to REDEEM at once the CANADA FIVE PER CENT. DEBENTURES filling due in London on -C t April, 1s54. Holders n ho are desirous or ceptiong the pment In advance must leave their Bands for eia- Ctomic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fHATRELROYAL4 DUBLIN.' JUVENILE NIGHT. On THIS EVENING (Wedfasday), Jan. 4, for thebcon- venience of persona residing at a distance, and the Juvenile brathtes of familles, the performances will comnmonce at Seved o'Clck, aud be to aranged that the T Pantomime will terminate about a Quarter-past Ten; when will be perfotMsE the Farco of 'THE SPOILED CHILD. Little Pickle, Miss Stundere. After ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAPTAIN PIDDING'S CELEBRATED HOWQUA TEAS, REDUCED IN 7RICE SIXPENCE PER POUND. V'HE Importer of these TEAS being necessitated at 'T.all times to keep a large stock in bond for the supply of hisl atumerous Agents throughout the Kingdom, is enabled at once to glee the public the full benefit of the change In ditty; and being Airther warranted by his late eadvtce3 from Clinton, haa Increased the ...