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... G. LEE. Speak gently to the erring- Ye know not all the power wilth which the dark temptation came In some ucgarded hour; not know how earnestly Yeyey struggled, or how well, Utii the hour of weakness came, And sadly thus they fell I Speak kindly of ...


... earned the love we bore him, That we loved him long and well. Let it speak of kindliest nature, Of the large, yet subtle mind, Of a heart all overflowing With affection for his kind. Speak of honour-trust-and frankness, Of a hand preventing need, And of whisper ...


... see them more. A tear staeds in the father's eye, The mother heaves affection's sigh The sisters ulent stand: The brothers speak of joys to come, And Independenee, not at home, To cheer him In his land. He sighs and bids them all farewell, While fancy ...


... 9 There is tho Briton's home! I Whore is the Briton's home ? t Where mane' great law can come, Where the aroat truth can speak, Whero the stave's chain can bliroth, Where the white'6 scourge can cease, Wlhom the black divells in peace, Where, frelt hitie ...


... Still in duty's line; Onward-persevere, and thou Wilt Bnd this golden mine. Ir thou meetest on thy way An erring, outcast one, Speak a kind word in his ear, Lead hir4 gently on. Thou mayest melt the frozen fount, The world's cold frown congeal'd; And in a ...


... tyrant's yoke c For now against tie mimssulinan Arrayed is Corislian Greth j So juitice in the qaiorrel PeinI And let your cannon speak ! A spirit'is in your fnlierlandl WVhici never w*s dis01neyrd, ' hat fire s the hei;rt and lilts the hasid W'hen freedol.i ...


... will therefore commence at once by describing the mode attr on for the approach of the winter fashion; and we must F 0;first speak of bonnets, which have now quite superseded her of the capotes. The crowns are small and flat; the fronts dest )0; still very ...


... We wiil C a therefore commence at onee by describing the mode for the approach of the winter fashions; and we must first speak of a bonnets, which have now quite superseded the eapoteo. e The crowns are small and flat; the fronts still very small, drawn ...


... T= E B F T e - Id THE BI40 F TiE Y:j ; . (FrOm 7?aeCr's Magazino.) Let us speak low, the infant is asleep* ,The frosty hills grow sharp, the day is nesr, And Phosphor with his taper comes to peep Into the cradle of the new-born year; HHush I tie infaut ...


... toilette iatching in colour the robe, capote, mantelet, boots, gloves, and parasol; even the veil must be the same shade. We speak of this mode merely as a fancy of the moment. Dresses of silk and barbpe in Turkish patterns, with Blounces broclhdes, or striped ...


... things whisper, as you tread this vale of life But ty by every word and glance, the sua ering to beguile, TeUbthem, when you speak kind words, how happily they LITTLE MARY. aY B. B. DRADDURY. Little Mary comes to greet me With a smaile almost divine, And ...

Pickings from Bunch

... fvour of naling thi~n by their right names; and-i such a slip as this should occur agaie shall be strongly tempted, when we speak of Admiral Dnndas in future, to cull him not~admiral of the fleet, but of the slow. Bin Tirovairrs.-(Writ ten at Ba~*en-Badea ...