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DATENT SUN REPF.LLENT COAT. Pries Ro-1 pees 16 each. Mauutat tared by Thos. Whig* Leeds. These Coata of • beautifel

... DATENT SUN REPF.LLENT COAT. Pries Ro-1 pees 16 each. Mauutat tared by Thos. Whig* Leeds. These Coata of • beautifel and shape and made by some of the beat Woriones to England. Tim Cloth is manufactured expressly fue these Gieratenia, and era of ear ...

0110011 IT Till LIZITT.-GoTERSOII, I. W. Y

... 5. Mt INIS43I=-Patt ;rat ar ' - I ‘ l i I g 1.121;t1 am rt SW Fn o flool u tro nobble. to sibloto wino. of N.. y Rio. Whig. o. toomory to do of P••••••• mob ohoiro nrhaetwhish nor Td 11140.—ANAtid Tbr Iwo • inert. Mr Moo dam to IS. Who Moo ohihooto ...

Leery Itassress Ihrirs

... Weralleem de eibbeed a doubt Abe WM Sm. ft di Sown of bee mewed reel I brag eb• hsft. eta ebel N : be •••••••• be ele Cu. red me Whig bees II le de al be ••• 1 p••••• ehemmeee• ea buena al and Le. be, bee bee MAW se el Ile Meet et ebbe Ned ef be - - T b. MN& ...

:rce- -rata; I whet

... mod Wooer 4 as sham hi. at W. makiderd OM tit:= . Abe of Prank lon- m t. &dip& win I. Mal op fat the re sal balsam sad matte Whig belt stay at Ittabar..—Parra ...


... indifferent iiiilnanstiip. callous to the Clown, and isfireale Is W idiombP Astksitotiass map Mr. Olksaill *Bodin co his an Pak *Whig a glow of wear, a at the Owe Aro they to Ile ellitiebee of the Weald upside and ap Haadhervberfe eas sea no ea thin P lequetese ...

VOIR Iltteraturt. IETIWN'ICT Of lan- Jut munition

... rrign. • tinnier. Whig. l• the reit. 4 the et the party •nrr• io • aml 1.1.1 MIL or their tarty Wenn& ef the right el king, th• riergy, lonia; w nieinhere that honing oed thy the Vilig mien el the nght judo/Twat in cif rellgow, areowel Whigs of plot:leg M ...


... t•••••• 1001 01. poled 01131 the .4th. leo I•• by them bo p•••• 11 Ante, by fay Mum in Dean ma Toying to MN they No utonsfiee Whig INIMad Tebbe mem nod prioelpin. ..d.4 ••••••161. by ble4ol hem Landon the they hbf In oleptiteiPMZ. , d me no 100•11 plata ...

own estates, and discoursing morality to the Ramp'hire prim -peasants. at country agricultural meet. ings, in a ..

... may . lam and Agars am* not a adsisse of elfigsk issar. biagalesaavrimi a blew * hid asetier 4al •• • twit —llO , Se Off whig aerkPit .:7 64 4 1 ; 08 . 6 0 0 0 • tiker ) taat ;Triii hithsig bpi** Itoperetale will am akar& mocit, bewover, I WM to ...

iitagPrito•Ou brUbre

... adinsomis. Is urn, rut FEW PSMOUS PAT NIXIII ATTUtion to the of polities ra hmom Viewol from this .swoe--sholl we say olomakm 7—• Whig doss mot taw much from • Tory . ; sad if • Radio* is ii •• Maio* of Mika, it ti bemuse he 10-u l powl M. be as mrssay to and ...

BRITI6II LIBRARY. rifles* FOR Cues. INN TTTTTT 11111 W NOOKS. pre Sewer. DEL 11001111 HIMALAYAN JOURNALS. Or A ..

... Hook 'surd by the India Company, in reply to lie C. laples'• stank, The grey. Diary cheap raiser, 4 •eir. post tam. Ike. of Whig Party ay vol.. I and 1, Mr. Garrotted by Sr.., kr. Lelersine's lllst.ry Cobalt.. Aurnably of 1209, peat Zr.. 11 History ...