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... THB POLICE Co UBTS. CLERKENWELL. Felia, M'Carllhy, an Old mnan, described as a hairdanw, of No 5, Warren-street, Fitzroy-square. was charged wlh committing a felonious assault upon a little girl 12 year it age, named Mary Williams. The magistrate intimated his intention of sending th prisoner for trial. . ~~WORSHIIP- STRE ET. 77omas Hardy, a stout, dissipated-looking fellow, we charged with ...


... TER POLICE 0 U.NTB. MANSION-EIOUSB. George Mfaidimet, a respectably attired mans, formerly earying on the buminess of a sadler, in Gray's.innrlane, and ea who was remanded on Fridav last (bail being taken for his e appearance to-day) on a hrge of altering the amounts on two property-tax receipts, and thereby defrauding his late tco landlord, Mr. Thomas, warehouseman, of 128, Cheaplide, tn ...


... PORTSMOUTH, OCT. 25. A court-martial was held on board the Victory, flag-ship, to-day to try Mr. David Ormond West, assistant- surgeon of that ship, doing duty on board the Rolla, naval apprentices instruction brig, on charges of being absent without leave and drunkenness. The court was composed of the following officers : Capt. the Hon. Fred. Grey, of the Hannibal, 91 President); Capt. Sir ...

The Traveller and Lodger Question

... The Trav:eUlr and Lodger Question. Mr. George Foremnaw,the landlord of the Albion Tavern, in Lower Eaet Smithtield, appeared before Mr. Yardley, at the Thamee Police- court, to answer a eurmzonse.taken out, by Inspector March, of the H division, which charged bihisiatithviolating the new law, in ?? opening his house lof. the,. sale of wins, spirite, beer, and other fermented and diatilled ...

Published: Sunday 08 October 1854
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1095 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... LA W NOTICES-THis DAY., COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S-INN, at half-past 10. [Before the Loanos J USTICrZ.] Appeals, Ac.: Penney v Goode (2), to be spoken ?? v London Corn Exchange Company, part ?? re Colquhoun, appeal petition part ?? v Hawkes (2)-Senhouse v Hall. ROLLS COURT, CHANCERY-LANE, at 10. Causoes, o&c.: Atterney-General v Sturge-Hitchen vOrmerod- Ward v Barbuiry-Attorney General v ...


... LA W No TICRS-Taws DAY. CoURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S-INN, at half-past 1l. Appeals: Hope v Thretfall, part ,heard-Baker v Treble-Drys. dale v Man, ROLLS COURT, CHANCERY-LANE, at 10. Motions: InreCatlii, part heard-in re Buckley andStubbs, two petitions and motion, part beard. Remaining Motions, Causes, &e: Attorney-General v Hudson, part ?? v Wawn-Miller v Haylburet-Lewis v Clowes-Mayor of ...


... E-XETER? DISTRICT Co tl? ' OF BANK- I RVPTCY-TUESDAY. [Before Mr. Coomiotsioners BERE.J RC SAMUEL GARRETT. This was a meetil- for choice of es igilees in the case of Samuel Garrett, of Perran Wharf, near Penryn, railway con- tractor ; and also of Bedminster, near B istolq coal-pit pro- prietor. Mr. Stogdon, who appeared for the petitioning creditor, Mr. Jenkin, merchant, of Redruth, asked that ...


... LAMBETH COUNTY CO URT-MAX 10. [Before Mr. Peer TAYLOR.] . ?? V. DAWSON. In this case his Honour gave judgment as follows I This was an action brought by the plaintiff to recover £4 16s. damages for his wrongful dismissal from the de. i fendant's service without a month's notice or payment of a month's wages. The plaintiffhad been head gardener to the defendant for about three years. He lived ...


... CO UR T OF COMMON CO UNCIL. CHRIST'S IlOSPITAL. Ai Yesterday a special court was held, in consequerce of a Al requisition, numerously signed, for the purpose ofcou'- pn Eidering what steps should be taken l:y the court in refer- fo ence to the office of prcsident of Christ's 'Hespital, now ab vacant. Ti The LORD MAYOR assured the court that he was no party P- to the requisition, but that, ...


... COURT OF BANKRUPYCY-SATURDAY. [Defore mr, Commissioner HOLBOYD.1 IN rE PHILP AND APPLEFOIID. This wvs nil appli nation for certificate by the original pro- moters of Diogenes, and who were described as Rohert Kemp Pbilp and Richard Perkins Appleford, of 60, Fleet- Atieet, booksellers and publishers. The balance sheet showed tile following items :-Clainir of unset ured creditors, £976 ; ditto ...


... ~TOiCZs-Tuis P&T- LA --o - ?? 1lyC0LN'S-'N at half-past 10. I te LOaD C mokstlion: EvanGoldsmith v [, B -t0 C (,L larke Appeal r v Hanbury. rr Foo rD| 1,S. COUTRTS, LINCOLN'S-INN, at It. ¶EtL~L Ilorsir`&. T. &UDIsaaaoaY.I - ,ki Chal iaefl, adjourne~d auramions-cor- 3jlly c~iause, Short cause : Foot , * tlt 111 B~lglt Caruac. Unopposed petition kcfa lt1Pt510 EdraseadeO, two POUtitoils, V iti ...


... VURDBR IN DANX FOREST. -GLoUOSTHR% TE[uRsD&Y.-A shocking murder has been committed In the Forest of Dean, in this county, whicb has been the subject of magisterial investigation, and has ended in the committal of a man named Henry Jones, charged withl the murder of another moan of the satse name. The circaln' stances, as elicited before the magistrates and the coroners 3lr. J. Lovegrove, are ...