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Manchester, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... --o be at. gtpartmnwt%. PARTMENTS TO BE LET at 27, Wilton- A street, Oxford-street. TIFANDSOME & comfortable lirst-fior APART- MJ MENTS, at No. 3, Vernon-street, Camp-street, Broughton. T O BE LET, near Aldirley, APARTME;NTS fir '] One oorTwoSingleGenitleznen.-AdtlreEsJ224,ettheprinters . , _ .. w .. ..v . . . .. .. . .. . .. . 1FOWDON.-TO BE LET, at HOUSE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EAFNESS.-A Youth in the employ of fr. DDodd, 123, Oxtford Road, who bad been afflicted with deaf. neas and noises in the head for seven years, has been cuedb Mr. S. E. SMITH, 38, Princess-atreet, Mancheater, aedi Consultalion, I1I to 5 daily; Sundny, I I to I. Oft RHEUMATISM, FEVERS, COUGHS winter months, a moro sauayrmdycno reresorted to or one that has effected more extraordinary cures, than ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO-IG HT. -AMANCHIESTER SACRED- THARMONIC UNION. -MECHANICS' INSTiTU'rION1 COOPER-STREET.-Solection from JUDAS MIACCARE USh and MISCELLANEOUS SELECTION of SACRED MUSIC, to commence at halflpaat soven-Principal Voealiets, Mliss 5NHItT- it HAM, Mrs. BRLOOKE, Mtr. NETHIERNWOOD, aud Mr. MELLOR. 2 Tickets, Is. 6id. Is. and 6d. at the mnuajoseflera'. and at the institu.t tDn.. J. DUFFIELD, Hort. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TrO ADOVEETISER.S. I In conseqjuence of the entire repeal of the Advertisemenet Duty %be~roprietorsofthl IiMANC It STEO, EXo6INF.RANete Tim Ho hve, *dopted a Scale of Churgee for Short Announcements, which givee the to that rclai of advertisere the benefit of considerably more than Afte tUaS amounit of duty repealed. The lowest price for the shortest proc aftertiserment lius hitherto been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'go t BO. - I gpartmcllt0 TIFANDSOME & conmfortable First-floorAPAR'T- t.L I)iENTS, at No. ', Verion-satreO, Camp strect, Broughto~l fOWDON.--TO BE LET, a HOUSE, nearthe Churoh, vitih gouLb aspect.-Aplly to AMr. WELLS, Bowdofl -DOWDON.-TO BE LET, a HOUSE, onl Rose Hill: rent 5H guirjeas.-ApPly to SHAP & ,COTT, 6, Mark et street. T OBE LET, thle H-lO US E, 2ii, Islillgtoll street, ,. SElfard ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FA N C Y S 0 A P S.--Brown Windsor, White Windsor, and Honey Soap, of the beat quality-,falll1. per lb (six squares to the potind).-GOAIYSBY, 4 and 6, Albert Bridge,- Manchester. ~jORISON'S VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL MVI MEDICINE, of the British College of Health, New Road, London-Sold in Manchester by Mr. JAMES HILIBERT, 58, Oldham-Gtreet, and 25, Bridge-street; where way also be had~ grtistl, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVEItT1SELl,. IN consequence of the entire repeal of the Advertisement Duty, theProprietsrsoftbe MANCISTTEnExATINsERANODT'lales hlave adoptedcaScaleof ChargesforShortAnunounioremnts,whicligives to that ciast of advertisers the benefit of considorably more tian the amount of duty ropealed. The lowest price for the shortest advertisement hLe hitherto been Thrce Shillings and t;is vce. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... KNOTT MILL INDEPENDENT CHAPEL.- The 1tev. J. RO WLfNSON, of Cheltenham, will EPREACH TO-MORROW.-No Collection. ('N Sunsday, Feb. 26th, the Rev. BALDWIN Y BROWN, of London, will PREACH in Runholmo Road Chapel, in behalf of the S6uday-schools. 4-iROSVENOR-STREET CHAPEL, PICCA- DlLLY.-The Rev. THOMAS ATKINS, of G010sop, will PREACH TO-MORROW (Sunday), February 19th, morning and evening, C ROSS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENCLOSED BERTHS TO MELBOURNE, £16. I6e. LIVERPOOL ,BLACK BALL CLIPPER PACKETS, FOR MELBOURNE, SYDNEY, AND ADELAIDE,,r Landing Passengers at the Wharf.Va SALDANHA2500. FiNi~i 28th FebruaxY. LIGHTNING:..3000 .FOR3ES . To follow. BLACK WATCH 3600 .EWLANOS. Tofllw EL DORADO ..2000.JACKs3ON . Tof..e. These celebrated ships are all firat-elase, anAaemaetella ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R. R. WESTON'S ANNUAL BENEFIT MY ' CONCERT (Meohauies' Institution, Cooper-street) next Saturday evening, February 25, 11,5. See programmes.-.Tiokets may now be had. NAVAZZI.-Father GAVAZZI will Deliver TWO ORATIONS, in English, at the Corn Exchange, Ranging Ditch, Manchester, on Monday and Tuesday, March the 6th and 7tb. Subjects: Monday, March 6th, America; Tuesday, March 7th, Papacy in ...


... RSUANT to 7 and 8 VICTORIA, Cap. 32. Came of Firi.-CLFE MNT BOYDS Jaceon Mary, L-ncater, ap e Hall William, Faversham, Kent, gentleman & CO. Jaolsfl RicItard, |anlheat, lbsmaon Jane, Primrooa, Clitboroe, widow FPersons of whom the Compoany or Partner_ Johnson Ch3arles, Manohst, Watt Robert Murray, Blarsicooch, Dalry, . _and stiffener kaelr ?? shap consi.5fs. -- macbat gentleman Noame of Firm. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... its consequence of the entire aspeal of the Advertisement Duty, - tboproprietorsof the 1MANCHiOSTEn ExAmtXNRRAND TOibi5 have rr adopted a scele of Charges for Short Announncments,whioh gives J to that class of advertisers the benefit of coneiderably more than - the amount of duty repealed. The lowest price for the shortest rf' advertisement has hitherto been Thrme Shillings and Sixt, ce.1. ...