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Advertisements & Notices

... N. the Matter of the Petition of THOMXS HOWSE, L of Mloreton-in-Marslh, in the county of Gloucester, late coac, -proprietor, since out of employ, but at present employed to de. liver goods and parcels at the Moreton Station of the Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton Railway ; his wife, a milliner and dress maker. . lotice is e reby pivne' that the County Court of Worcestershire, at Shipston, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE KING'S ROOMS, SOUTHSEA BEACH. - IIOLLINGSWORTH has the honour to announce his ROOMS are open for the Wintei J HOT BATES in constant readiness. Ir .NA',AL AND MILITARY OUTFITTING ESTAB3LISHMENT, PORTSMOUTH. J. C. SELBY to 6 NNOUNCES that his Establishment is now REPLETE WITH EvERY ARTICLE OF WARRANTED Q. LITIEs, necessary for a Complete Equipment. ll..grcat experitece in the Outfits of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RiAS RES OF 'jE DESERT. A ~ AIMEIS 0COUGHI PILLS, auinfaullible tet~tedy for ,x-agbo, astlbtis, incipient Consumption, akd every other. ofthA lng.This medicine borer causes tbat nauiea j iroaobl connected with Cough mediciues wheit ipecacusanbs PC ,,j0erbefldgsare commonly ?? adsrsigcuhcured, 8, Artbur-street, Gray's Inn LI SirIt s wth eelngsof extreme. pleasure I have to irr ooftepretcure ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL PORTSMOUTH, PORTSEA, AND GO9~ORT HOSPITAL. OTICE is Hereby ?? the ANI$UAiI. V GENERAL MEETING of SUBSC4RIlERS~td the above Cbharity will be held, at thc- HIs itial ou.i Tuesday, the 10th January, 1854, at twelve o'clock precisely, when the following New Rule will be pro- posed :- As often as any Vacancy shrall happen in the office of Honorary Medical Officer, House Surgeon, or Matron) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &uthentEc Portrait of the late lamented Dr.Harington, M B1. RYMAN respectfully announees the publi- catlion, by .Sub5scription, of a PORTRAIT of the late 4IUNCIPAL of BRASENOSE COLLEGE, &c., now Elhgraving by Ir FIIAX7K HALL, froin a Drav ing madofroin a Daguerreotype, 'i pronounced by his family and frionds to be amost perfect arikd eis I24 & 25, 1fig/y-#rcet, Oxford. On MondaY next will bo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - a CURACY WANTED. A Clergyman of the Established Church is desirous O to hear of a CURACY, eithtr in the counties 1 of Hants or Surrey. h Apply by letter, addressed E. L. FP, Mr. LEGO'S, tl Bookseller, Portsmouth. r TO MERCHANTS AND TRADESMEN. is, A Gentleman having a few hours at his disposal each v 1L day, is dosirous of occupying the same in MAKING- UP or KErPING the ACCOUNTS of Merchants ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO MASTERS OF HOUNDS, SPORTSMIEN, TRAINERS, GROOMS, AGRICULTURISTS, &C. hEDGES'S HERBAGE LOTION, for lorses, L Dogs, Cows, Sheep, &c. This Lotion is an effectual remedy for Horses' broken knees, cracked or greasy heels, over reaches, speedy cuts, sprains, galled shoulders, sore backs, &c; the foot rot, &c. in Sheep; also for Dogs'sore feet, cankered or scratched ears, bites of other dogs, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n ELEGANT Rlosewood 6J Cottage PIANOFORTES, e Jlat t2 Guineas. PIANOFORTES onHIR, at s.per year-JAMES RUSSELL, 125 Hligh-street, & 5, Turl-strect, . B0UCI(INGIfAMN, o To CzlAPITALISTS, PUILDBRS, ul otders. c t0 be LET, upon Lenses for 99 years, and on ad- TvantnageouS ?? eligible Plots of BUILDING GROUND, most desirably situated near to the town of Buck- Ii ingham, part whereof form a frontage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFORD, .Tanvary 12, 1854. THE Committee for the Relief of the Distressed JL Poor most respectfully and earnestly solicit Subscriptions for the supply of SOUP and 1UMa to poor families during the present inclement season, especially as the price of provisions,- Ic,, is pmo much ?? wil be receivedat the several Banks in Oxford. Colke will be distributed on Monday,Wednesday, and Friday, at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e TO IRONMONGER8 AND HARDWAREMEN. W e' PTANTED,-By a respastabl 'Young Man' eitua th d Y'I' ation aB SHOPMAN, he has a thorough know- ledga of bis BuSiness and can give most satisfactory dreferences. ?? e Aoply by letter prepaid, to A. B., Post Office, Ports- s.mouth. e ANTED,-Au active' Youth; of respectable con- i Inections, as an APPRENTICE to the Leather .Appy to Mr. Monuei 79, Unionrroad, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lately published, price Sixpence, TEHE CASE of Mrs. SARAH NOWELL'S EN- DOWED CHARITY SCHOOL for GIRLS in the Parish of IF~fLEY, near Oxford, stated in a Letter of Complaint to the Cilarity CommissionerS of England and W~ales; together with a S *heme for the Izapreveiflerit of tho School, and the extension af ita Bencfits. By VAUGHlAN THOkMAiS, Clerk, Vicar of Yarnton, one of thle Trustees. ...