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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? .Arctimt of whmill it lacy Conicerni. (,I I 1c(Ilics±1±ay fl~t, the 1.11ti iltitltitt, ait one o'clock, at .tbe Brokers' Salt l~tomn. 25, TIemlple-strrect, SF 51 BtALES Egyptianl WUC)L, dtamagad by seei water, cex 3ielita, f0u01 Alexaindria. Appily to- W. GRIE'AM H and Co.. Wool Blrokeo,Ljveripsai. IDLNBIJRGH WVOOL SALES.-The first Side 'I E fortill seson illtake iflace cal Thun rde , the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MICKrLEFIRLDI HOUSE, YEADOX. aqi~tN M he frend ani te pbli, tat be s cmpeledto leav, tire the ?? premsesshenowholg, t ttlristoee an wil IEMOE ?? to 1MICII ARCA~iA. I wrs~e. forrirorly ocupied by herfor tire In inekiat tine asnoflcolflent she thanfully acknowledges Past wenitI favours, ansi seill he lad if that iratronege e continued to tier stant, Ratablisltflcul whch liso ben so larely ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rulM,11RE AGIUQ .CEY , ne istie. at b the Grtat Northen oidi n !I-re. sod idla mailwa Coiae.Prizu s ieru ts anid ?? ire ciwradty. ai iylehdc,.lhldiji rci~~iCY. JOIHN IIANNAM, Secretary. Wctlicrby. .1 on e, 2ll 1851. JI(EALE ACRICULTURAL revo'irellieits ariircil EXIIIan illrt) ofehi Soiet sc; ,in i hcerxftr appointene (of ?? de iforthe will le f r l iti'-so rniibeittrlo Swlede tilvrniepas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £n ONtl' l:011I-r00 ait itlrktonilt oe 1m' 1 L £12iC)'. a Il. io ait'ie [T In ')irb0Ia~l ,III',f1l'ttIl410lt ait 'subject ito con1dito~aI eta 70,11''0 , a n oit~jai lie' , j,.tn hurl wh'th-t toe Judy I 11110t1o1 tit'0311)l 'n''tas ait gi1)100 1oIf 101 ?? I''A ?? lv'it' ,0 Il to1 hol') fbor e, erLnt~o, of 3ti so i4T ~ - 1 I v10 atoll. 012. 1 ri111 p. .t. l~ltti , Sinitiac. 'ithnflnfabi'lm i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Voi ?? I-tat. Leedsa. By Aleoro. IIADOV~iCat the ,io ut rt. Will. Slvftb, th e 15IIOek 1854I. ottsix 00 ii ec.ite im-it xtiiao lC follo If orsti~t ot/tuc toi Ds Ii..sY ho agreedl upon01 at tt:0 !c150 Lof1., LL those -FO UR 11ES S UA GE S tor/gi Lot i j roiell 110lloues, PI' ~tit ituatte at ItichtOinon-hl/lt, In irettle ifowotoLd, ant. ft nirrng Fo.rt of lthonltt~e eel~ Wall thle otbitjldtngs, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... girt All~ liffe ffitcs. 0\tOEVIREIGN LIFE ASSURAINCE COMPANY, 9 ST. jAmEIS's-sTitVL'r, LworioN S~ ~~~(ESTABLISIIED 1845.) t l is.te Earl Tabot. OSre ClaudeC Scott, Start. SP ti.ti .Lrid (C ailtev.IBnn Bood (astrell, Esq., .P e r 1tscHetry 10ownarll. Elo.! l'III.IFC)PESENTS THE FOILLOWIING ADVANTAGlES- T ?? r if a tlarg Paiiri'Oi Capitol. li10~,leratc Ilatesi for ill ages. esvleially 'hound ...

Advertisements & Notices

... he DLANS, Railway, Mining, and Gas Certificates, jou to L Cireulars, Show. Cards, Drawrinigs, Arihitoctriral, Mechanical, as a asl dArtiatical, LATHOGlAPHED by SAMUEL TOPHAM &aSON, pjr all West Bar, Boar-liane, Leeds. _o lit 1USTABLISHED iSOS.-WIEDDING alld tla ur JL4 IIOURNINcG C.RDS aird Enivelopes, Brasa Door and \Vis- c .e- iow Plaltei Balnlers' C]ie-lues, Bool Plates, iNGRAVED at SAM.lUEL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ailthle CRIMEA.-The Public is raet r iln tftco'edits that the Doiries of' the Committeehaeesd for the iresrrirt ui' eresi, corct'iihn'i~~ei of Linesnd cil! llothing fu1,lltr tire fl soldier-s tis l'rl . Thiey cure to; he ails to rkese nerinte r th i o eiany 35 re eric teether course in regard to the objec in nchtheyhavebeen soucecessfully enigaged will be duly olderised. il Tier.t)-Ililucis oi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T.~ ~ .U of' the Riight Hon. TH(31AS I I [39 Ey, LO R T) 3 AYSORt O1' LON DONi OtsCii obes' Mr. SA -'has great Iet sure inl aiiettgthat lie has just. ?? ?? , ,Iir ultare i'ropf of tile ahoic Portraiit W ty Lowe Di kit ft, fre SoloviiO'S ?? andl lifc-like drawuig. aidtha ita I ren o it in esald~hilett fr iiriat- itispectiola for TEF2S ALILIARY of the U.NITED KING(- K JJ Diii LLIA CE for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [AD VERTIS;1FNIIT'.] o EXkMENTATION AT MAKllN'c-PLAOE HALL Sol ACAD)EMY, RhIPPONDEIN, NEARt H.XLNVX (Fr'oe the S'olit/r;ror Vio'iter). to We lia;'e liarea of mruch facetiousieco relative to York- I'li: shiriresciecros aurd schoolimaesters; but tirosc wiro w~ould be dijoabuoed in l theoir nihids err tire srrbject Sirr11Irri itra visit to tire estabishirereit ?? gre soricie we are rrowV writhig. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bn Auction. tNi. fii, , h~oigil~lel and ?? 61, ligh-street, II till], lll**l~ I j')N I imac' JiG F , la~tely Iol't to81 Sold ii'i lots to slt ll ?? 1hr 101facturers. 'Wortle,1 Splimrsir, otiil Othler *, ; I riler oft hro alssigllellS ueder ;Iia~sknitpiieit for the Ii1 T ~~ ~ i,, I I.. Joe~pt Whitmoire woolstlol.Ir, Lvick,;- 01 0tti' 1-f~ iliim S1 jots, 1804, IT' Iy~1~ REDsjid PI FTY Packs of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ifnter bl- ' to H U1TNT aud HALL respectfully annoulnce to the ] Ladies of Leacl and its vicinity, that their Milllnery and Straw Rto s are w0v olpell. The favour of a eal will ho esteemed. A 42, Coonsiercial-street, Lueds. ISS YOUNG respectfully announces to the r Ladles of Loeds a01d nleigiollrboold that 11r French aud of Encliali MILLINERY, DItESSE8, R.ATLES, &c. &t., arc n1o0 1 b3 ready ...