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... FASHIONABL:'. .NTELLIGENCE. I R|MOVAL OIP THE COURT FROMS OSBORCE TO BALMoRAVoaTsHOnRTHOU ?? Maejety and. tbe court ?? this afterroa' ?? and the north. About a quartepst two 'olock th. I ueen; Prine Albert, the whole of the roya f-lnij;t I , embarked on board the Fairy, Caiptale the jion. 'leldh'Denman, under the usual salutes, and Steamed up for this port and Goasllort, where a special royal ...


... FASHIONABLE INTE'L;LI4GEBN~'CE.B; 0SORN AGST 29.-The Queen and Prince, ?? by Prince Arthur, the Princees Royal, Princess A1106,,prinoess Helmna, and Princees Locuisi, eruised in the Fairy yesterday 9tternoon. The Right llun Sldney Herbert arrived .02 a yisit to ber M5Jl~e5y. 'Ihbe royal dinner party in- cluddthe Ducheas of lenit, Lady A.S Id.awson, Lady Prunices Bruce, and tbe Rieght. Hon. ...


... FASWYION4BNELG-ENCE I ALR Jrn) ,TTU EBLB0T?~g HoTRn ?? Prdwkard ahidy[A lte anxIrenhaw, the Very Oev the Dean of AIser!6rf tli5rd Jy Y the Dean ofClonfert, ReT Mr and *Ir JAlym ?? en1 Ire Aubin, Captain Lloyd, Captain Moorei Xrs CoIiln4 aldparty of live; Mr and Mr, Shells, Mr rnd Mrs ilroxai ?? earg dl Mrs Jacksona Mr ead ?? KiolNoblo and Rarty. Mr ant ?? Hunj, Mrs Hodson and Mr W Hodson, MT ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ga.t5irr ant Fnrxitir£s. THE COURT. OsaOcrX, SATUnrrA.-Major General the Hon. Sir G. C'athcart arrived at Osborne yesterday evening, and had the honour of diningr with her Majesty. Sir George reLurned to London this morning. Sry:o';)y.-fhe Qaeen and Prince, accompanied by the Pr-ince of Walci and Princess I.cuisa, honoured Colonel and Lady Harcourt wvith a viait at St. Clare, nea.r Rvde, ...

Fashion and Varieties

... -FFasliia'a air lrarjEtics. THE COURT. OsBoRsa, TiFURSDAr.-The Queen and Prince and fthe ltoyaL children walked out yesterday afternoon. The Earl of Aberdeen arrived from London, and re- mains on a visit to ier -Majesty. The Duchess of Sutherland returned to London on Saturday, after a brief visit to ler Majesty at Osborne. The venerable Countess of Carlisle and her son, thc Earl of Carlisle, ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ffa?fjisll allif Falittir,5. THE COURT. OsaorNa-r, AUGusT 17I.-The Queen and Prince drove to Shanklin vesterday afternoon. Tim Duchess of kent dlined with hetr Ma jestv. Lady Anna M-varia IDawson, -Major-General Silnp;ot'o anti Sir James Clark. had also the honour of being inie. This mnorning- being, she anniversary of the Duchiess of Kent's birthday, the band of the Royal Marines plavod a ...


... Vatri. [OEwGUAL.1 IN ONE THING ALIKE! TuiF Lady Adela De Burgh lay dying, The last descendant of a noble fle; Rer hours were numbered, time -was swvifty fflug, In the first morning of her life's sunshine; On her low bed of pain all faintly lying, The idol sound which fondest hopes entwine Goes forth alone ! unwelcome death to meet, Though sealth poured down its glories at her feet. The heavy ...

Original Poetry

... Oni-gilial v3octr-a. LINES 5lRITISN AFTER VISiTING THE GETAVE or A CovUSl; wI DIIEDl IN THE BLOOM OF YOUTH. AiieOSt the verdant moimds I walked, vwhere deep In ki;:;ired clay earth's rottiTlg 5011 repose- Srange contrast that! where they in death now sleeP, In fresh and buoyant life the grass blade grows! Ave. -rows and fattens on their moulderinr; clay! While from the branches of the wvood ...


... I ?. .-- b i c b 3.e, . eo. 1131. Tint Duor is lsivrrsiTc MAGAZIN E, for December. Dltulii:: J!oaecJI'G?'cSkau. Tarl second portion oC a wvel!-written narrative of the Crimeanl campazi rn, brin-ill, don-n tile eveonts to the battle of Gaina Kvlav, formi the opening articlr of this number. The cory interesting series, entitled ; A Pilgrimage to the Land of Leix and Ossory, is eon- clutlcd-.-- ...

Fashion and [ill]

... .asbtit an, allb Fartirs. THE COURT. WI NsDsoRu OcT. 19-The followiing had the 10onour of dining with her Majesty yesterday:-His Serene Highness Prince Victor of l-ohenlohe, the Bishop of New Zealand. Sir James Clark, Lieutenant-Colonel Edlwards (commanding the 15th Royal risjh), and Mr. Gibbs. Tue dinner party on Thursday included the Duchess and the Princess -Mary of Cambridge. his Scrcne ...


... I TplEr ,e BEG INN-INGS. RaESIST hlginruings I for the small Matures into the great: Nollught that is eil trifling call; Around it perils vait. Dream not. vain man, of little sins, Which thou nmavst safely hide: i~le wvho the moral victory I D:IS The lesst ofence miust chide. The meanest seed enflids the tree- The scanty rill doth rise, Till, thunmiring in its majesty, It every bound defies. ...

Original Poetry

... original Al A S O N I C SO ( N G. TOA yot75.E£L BRtOTIIER OF I.ODt F Y Ba1orriEIt to-night a mystic r-ite lIes round your soul. ite splendour fltng, You've caught some gleaming of thfat light That shone when Time itself was young- That shone wvhen first the King of Kings Beheld from Heaven. thlrouels cloludts III' and ame, Young Science rear on marble wvings An altar to His sacred Uante: Then ...