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... JURy COL-T-FIRST DIVISION. STDISEEF t DODS-GHT 07 WAY. ne This right of public way case, in which Thomas Buchan in Sydserff, Esq., heirofentail inppossession ofthelands and barony an, of Buchlaw, in the parishes of Whittinghame and Stenton, in I the county of Haddiugton, was pursuer, and Mr John Dods, at janm, tenant of the farm of Stoneypath, in the parish of set Whittiagbame, and presently ...


... SUSPECTED MURDER1 IN ABERDEENSHIRE. Under the heading ' Drink and IDeath, the follo7ingpara- graph appeared about the beginning of July last ili one of the Aberdeen papers:- An occurrence which has just taken place in a rural district C about seventeen miles from this town exhibits in bold relief E the sad results of drunkenness. The occurrence to which wve D refer toolk plice at the house ...


... TUGH COURT OF -USTICIARY. fl-tOAL OP 'l>tR 53Uit POR 3ArUrDHt. The trial of Dr WilliamnStnith of St Fergus, Aberdeenshite, for the murder, on the 19Jth Novemberlast, of ?? MI'Donl- ald. farmer. on wvhosgife he is said to have cffected ternp)° rary instlrances to,% crs;~iderable amount, a wdivhich were ?? the point of espiry then the unfortunate man was found Diur- dered, commended on Monday. ...


... TO TiE EDITOR OF TIMt CALEDONUIAN XENCl. ]is! Srrc,-Having requested an opportunity, in your colunms, WI of making a statement in reply to that of the Lord Provost, ap] on which I was summarily removed from mry situation on the thf 6th instant, I have to ask the favour of your insertiug the fol- nef lowing remarks in your paper. exi As I think that the subject can be most briefiy and correct- ...


... MONDui. 26TiG JUeN 1854. 11ER 3iAJESTY's ADVOCA'E-GEYERAL V. GRATIAAM M1E-ZIES. (Before Lord Murray and a Jurv.) I The loani ADVOCATE, for the Crown. stated the case. This (he said), is an information against ,Mjr Menzies, who is a distiller at Sauce], Paisley, containing a variety of counts for alleged contraventions of the revenue laws; but it is not . necessary, ili thu statement I amn now ...


... A, meeting of the Commissioners of Police was held on 0onlday-the Lord Provost presiding. Trh remmc -arouse act. A comparative return, pursuant to an order of the Board, ...


... R13?. ft.VV ImT~Aita( V. 4. BOTD gRvBMAn. This casme, inl whichl the 11er. Robert Williamson, minister of the narish or Coicssie. was pursuer, and John Boyd Kiin near, y-ounger, of Kin och, advocate, was defender, came on for trial before thle tori Jeistic-Cierk and ajutar, in the Jus- (scirry Hafll P'erth, on Wednesday morning. -ihiese arose, as fbilows :-Ahout two years ago, an at- tempt was ...


... ,POLICE, Co~mIsON,1~ The Comminsaie22~of Police wet Ont Mondythet Lord Provost in te t . rm the pcoa fputioti of c'ounsel apl to he ?? a ?? nd the ci~y and cair respeive powe= in Sendinth Edinurg polce eyod sh bondsof the colwit3vrwouid be ?? of =,d- - nbmaistted to tbe rneecinag, ;bere fa aE f.nll ?? ofra mlem bers. A considerable ?? the gaoe~hi public wsS also present ce, with wvich The ?? ...


... COURm OF EXCHEQUFER. (Before Lord lnrra anud a Jury;.) Renoa;q, June i9, ISi4 ;q 3lrefCrZ-GeESsRAL *. W'WiiSIAMi GOaAT. The Solicilor-Genieral for the Crown ?? that t31e in- |fonation in this case is founded ol too deteCicOiS t' Achorachan IDstillerv in Gler.livet-the one no ?? Illa1t i off the kiln before the final Chbrge ol' measatre from tile kiln was made: and the other of sending out a ...


... (Fromnz the Times.) Now that we are beginning to count the hoars that re- main of the session, it is very natural to asx what sort of 1 an ending it is likel to make. It ought to expire with I a grace. There onght to be no v-iolent collisions. no un- t |seemy wrlagles, basse sunrenders or vuluar (Ustrac- t tions, and tnere oun-lgt, moreover, to be no Occasion fbr f extravagant repentances. Son ...


... 101 Malt&ee withthe requisition of sevea rnm ersnf the Boar special meeing of the Commisioners of Poie washeldon Tih asay; for the purpose of considering *at course shoud be dntsned respectg Dr Glbver in-. conrection with the Edtibrgh Police and Improveetent bil in so far as he was: concerned therewith. The Lord Provost presided. The report of the Drainage Committee, &ietaUing the cir- ...


... This Court met on Monday. The Lord Justice-Clerk, with I- Lords Wood and Ivorn, occupied the bench. John Cowper, from Peterhead, pleaded guilty to two charges te of forgery, and of using and uttering forged bills of exchange, th- and was sentenced to four years' penal servitude. Mary Ann Reid was found guilty of stealing six shillings from a shop in the Canongate, and received the same ...