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Original Poetry

... Oni-gilial v3octr-a. LINES 5lRITISN AFTER VISiTING THE GETAVE or A CovUSl; wI DIIEDl IN THE BLOOM OF YOUTH. AiieOSt the verdant moimds I walked, vwhere deep In ki;:;ired clay earth's ?? 5011 repose- Srange contrast that! where they in death now sleeP, In fresh and buoyant life the grass blade grows! Ave. -rows and fattens on their moulderinr; clay! While from the branches of the wvood close by ...

Fashion and [ill]

... .asbtit an, allb Fartirs. THE COURT. WI NsDsoRu OcT. 19-The followiing had the 10onour of dining with her Majesty ?? Serene Highness Prince Victor of l-ohenlohe, the Bishop of New Zealand. Sir James Clark, Lieutenant-Colonel Edlwards (commanding the 15th Royal risjh), and Mr. Gibbs. Tue dinner party on Thursday included the Duchess and the Princess -Mary of Cambridge. his Scrcne Higlness ...

Fashion and Varieties

... --ya!51311311 alizi F-artair.5. Their Roval 1-lghnesses the Duchess of Cambridge and Princess M arv leave Cambridge Cottage, Kew, to-miorro' (Saturdav), for Knowsley. to honlour the E`arl andl Countess of Derby with the ir comipany for several davs. The noble Earl alld Countess have inl- viteI a distinuarshed circle to meet the Royal Dnchess an Irllroess' The fiarl of Mato has arrived at Haves ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ga.t5irr ant Fnrxitir£s. THE COURT. OsaOcrX, SATUnrrA.-Major General the Hon. Sir G. C'athcart arrived at Osborne yesterday evening, and had the honour of diningr with her Majesty. Sir George ?? to London this morning. Sry:o';)y.-fhe Qaeen and Prince, accompanied by the Pr-ince of Walci and Princess I.cuisa, honoured Colonel and Lady Harcourt wvith a viait at St. Clare, nea.r Rvde, yester day ...


... ort,-. E P I T A P H. Ills memory long viil live alone In all our hIearts, as mournful light That broods above the fallen sun, And dwells in Heaven amid the night. Sleep sweetly, tender heart, in peace! Sleep holy spirit, blessed soul, WhVl ile the stars burn, the moons increases And the great ages onward roll. Sleep till the end. true soul and sweet, To thee comes nothing newv or stranger. ...


... I TplEr ,e BEG INN-INGS. RaESIST hlginruings I for the small Matures into the great: Nollught that is eil trifling call; Around it perils vait. Dream not. vain man, of little sins, Which thou nmavst safely hide: i~le wvho the moral victory I D:IS The lesst ofence miust chide. The meanest seed enflids the tree- The scanty rill doth rise, Till, thunmiring in its majesty, It every bound defies. ...

Fashion and Varieties

... jk-azllian aut FrtrictiC,5- THE COURT. OSBOaRNE, SarP. 10-The Duchess of Kent dined with, thed Queen yesterday. The Portuguese Minister and the Counitess do Lavradio, Lady Augusta. and Lady Frances Bruce had also the honour of recoiviun. invitations1. onl Wedinesday next. her Meqj cty and his Roval Highiness Prince Albert, with several of thle Rjo~,a children, wvill leavo the Isle of Wilght ...

Fashion and Varieties

... -FFasliia'a air lrarjEtics. THE COURT. OsBoRsa, TiFURSDAr.-The Queen and Prince and fthe ltoyaL children walked out yesterday afternoon. The Earl of Aberdeen arrived from London, and re- mains on a visit to ier -Majesty. The Duchess of Sutherland returned to London on Saturday, after a brief visit to ler Majesty at Osborne. The venerable Countess of Carlisle and her son, thc Earl of Carlisle, ...


... Vatri. [OEwGUAL.1 IN ONE THING ALIKE! TuiF Lady Adela De Burgh lay dying, The last descendant of a noble fle; Rer hours were numbered, time -was swvifty fflug, In the first morning of her life's sunshine; On her low bed of pain all faintly lying, The idol sound which fondest hopes entwine Goes forth alone ! unwelcome death to meet, Though sealth poured down its glories at her feet. The heavy ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ffa?fjisll allif Falittir,5. THE COURT. OsaorNa-r, AUGusT 17I.-The Queen and Prince drove to Shanklin vesterday afternoon. Tim Duchess of kent dlined with hetr Ma jestv. Lady Anna M-varia IDawson, -Major-General Silnp;ot'o anti Sir James Clark. had also the honour of being inie. This mnorning- being, she anniversary of the Duchiess of Kent's birthday, the band of the Royal Marines plavod a ...

Original Poetry

... original Al A S O N I C SO ( N G. TOA yot75.E£L BRtOTIIER OF I.ODt F Y Ba1orriEIt to-night a mystic r-ite ?? round your soul. ite splendour fltng, You've caught some gleaming of thfat light That shone when Time itself was young- That shone wvhen first the King of Kings Beheld from Heaven. thlrouels cloludts III' and ame, Young Science rear on marble wvings An altar to His sacred Uante: Then ...


... 13ortrp. LaOB}T~AL.J S 0 N N E T S. _ 1. Hra soul beneath her flushed eye's ebon bow A momnent battled with the blank of space,. Till all the mioonlight beauty of her face, Deepening to day-dawn-thus, she wvhisptred 1oW: -If seeming friend, Suspicion marks as foe- A mere lip-lover, ?? base-- His truth or guile, flatme-written, mayst thou trace In those who iknow thee, but as he may show And, ? ...