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... M1-ab , 9L and . EXETER COUNTY; COURT.--JULY, 18. I . ?? . .. 'DkWDNzY- V.- HODGnINSON.-DEWDNEY V, MILES, ---Tbese;were actions brought by the proprietor of the Lumika'y' against Mr. Hodgkinson, tea dealer, of High-street, 'nd V{ Tles, sg., of Dix's Field. Mr. Stogdon, Who rteed his-Instritlt~n' in court, was, engaged for the pl-itf -Mr. Tifrn~ attended for Mr. Hodpkscau; ued Mr. Bishop for Mr ...


... EXETER COUNTY COURT.-SDn. 27. Before J7. Tyrrell, raq., ?? W. CLIrFoRD.-This was an ?? to grl~ rcover £24 for the maintenance and education of a child. to The case excited considerable interest. 1'The plaintiff was s Mr. John Spenscer, junior, of Dawlish, anrd the defendant, Mr. wit~ Charles Clifford, of this city. Mr. G. W. Turner conducted whi the case for thie former ; and Mr. ...


... an15U *UMc4YC ITHE TORRINGTON MURDER. ; EIECUTION OF HARVEt i 6jn Friday last Llewellyn Garrett Talmage Harvey esnietd with, hiw life the:.outrage of which he had been guilty in the murder of Bary Richards. As ?? bn such ocasions .-Wlargc concofse ot people assembled in front of the il;la irell as on other spots in the immediate locality irhich a rjedi view of the sad ceremony which ent short ...


... UfL VUZN WUAE±'.fliit br,0b±UlND. The quarter sessions for this county commenced on Tues it fy, Iilk the N103 1'rias Court, at the Castle, beoler Sir, Jonx lAucteoicn, Biovt., AiChaidinan ;the flight Hon. Earl a Fertescus, Viscounct Ebrington, Hon. W. WV. Addington, Sir S. H. Nailbeocs, Bart.., Sir, J. 13. Y. Bulier, Bart,, M.P., Sir- E. S. I'vidleanx, flair., S~ir Johoc Kennoeray, Bart., T. D ...


... ACCEDENTS, OFFENCES, &o. Two girls, Ellen and Isabella Robinson, fifteen and foirteen years of age, have cbmmitted suicide in the Tyne at Newcastle. They were found clasped in each otherba aims. They had left thaenhom e in the middle of the night, in consequence of a quarrel with their elder sdster and their father.- Stobart, a pitman, has been killed on the North- Eastern:Bailway, near ...


... A prisoner in Derby Gaol hung himself in his cell on Sunday evening His terra of iluprisonmtent was oniy 9 month, for sheep stealing. A fire has done nuch damage to somie chemical works near Chesterfield. It is supposed to have originated from freshly-made aharcoal having been packed in boxes before it had been sufficiently cooled. Three miners have perishe(l in the Tron colliery, North Wales, ...


... THE *ASS1ZES. The learned Jidgeu^(Ms. ixstoa Erb .dMr taron Martin) anived in this city shortly after tbroa o'clock ?? aeH ooig Sri. Ty were met on the Heavitret Toa a by the High Sheroiff y S. Gird, Esq.,) 'and -escort into the' city by. the cuatomary cavalcade, and by the tenantry tf.the High Sheriff, and a large number of the respectable tradesmen of the city. Their lordahips at once ...


... d It is stated that the steamer Australian has been r totally lost in Table Bay, while on her homeward voyage. d She had sixty or seventy passengers on board, and £300,000 worth of gold. She ran ashore-in a thick fog. The passengers, a crew, and property were saved. r Jessie Lauder, a young lady of respectable con- e nexions, hung herself for love in au hotel at Glasgow last e week. To effect ...


... ACOIDENTS, OFFENCES, &c. ALLEGEb, MuR sR.-Mr. W. Davidson; a gentle- man of fortune, residing at Hebastry, about17milesfront Aberdeen, is in custody charged with the murder of'house-l keeper, 'by making two large wounds in her head with'a pair of scissors:while she-was drunk. : * . SINGULAR ' CAUSE OF . DEATH.-One of the 7th -::Husseirho ?? Majesty at-Hlu.- bad -the- misfor. iune lp-slightly ...

In a collision off the Norfolk coast, between the Clara of Sunderland and the Eliza of Selby, three lives have

... In a collision off the Norfolk coast, between the Clara of Suwderland andi the Eliza of Selby, three lives have * been lost-Mrs. Pearson, wife of the master of the Eliza, and her two young ehildren. The Eliza foundered. CHARGE OF RAPE AGAINST A.ROMAN CATHOLIO PMiusT.-At the Haverfordwest Petty Sessions, on Tuesday, the Rev. Patrick lielley, Roman Catholic Priest, stationed at Milford, was ...


... I THE SMViFFOR GERIES AND IMPOSTURE.I a Atthe .Glouacester Aasizes,* on 'Thursday, the trial of Ilicha.Hugli Smith,,otherw~ise kiO7U ?? Provis, forforgery and perjury In endeavourug to *preset himself sathe son and heir of Sir Hugh Smyth,'of Asbton Court, care on. It excited intense inteiest, It will be remembered that aithe last summer aesize the prisoner appeared as plaintiff in an antion ...


... ad Mr. George Harman, a.builder of Lewes, has been r1 un down and cut in two by a train near the town, at night. at te He was seen standing on the rails, but there was no time to t 'n stop the train. lie was subject to spasmodic fits, during tl c which he was unconscious; and it is supposed that he wan- t4 s dered on to the line while thus afflicted. C ir A dreadful tragedy bas been acted at ...