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... PORTS[OUTH POLICE. 4R A to _ru~l-~t^ri UTHf POLICE. - MONDAY.-Before 'the Mayor, J O. Travers and B. ti ?? Esqrs. Henry Ashford and Richard West were remanded for tc five days on a charge of felon John Williams w;as chargod. with stealing a half sove- w - seign and some 'woaring-apparel, the propert% of Joseph m Arnby. The prisoner lodged and slept with the prosecu- tor. On Sunday morning last ...


... 1X; Hoou F Th oei br to decide upobt'thd question of the immaculate Conception. ~Protestantst naturally smuile at i this. They ask what can bethe meaning ofwishing one Oct man to tell millions of men what to believe A very Sin proper- quostiop.~, ,Novertheoles, in tlsis Prot.-stant conutry of pure.' events occasiona~llr taoke lace Which re- V minad ito 'vary foreibly that vre afre not ...


... A STOREHOUSE OF ' . A The recent discovery, thro'ugh' the:, ;v iq City Detective Police, of a sdupecti npfo rssui5'eP and the capture of the kiiepdi, B ypojsessin'.. siderable wealth, have led to. the most ri- ; sults. The accused, Moses Mbses' i was committed to trial fri'iin' :t'b'i ' o1 r: t Fridoy last, on two charges o. re receiving property, knowing it't-o bhvd 1see * the police ...


... R:EMARKABLE- CASE. (Fromn the Daily News.) e The case of Pierce. Somerset Butler against Viscount l, Mountgarret, which has just terminated, is remarkable- both for the variety and complication of the details con- r nected with it, and the magnitude of the interests con- y cerned. Ten thousand a year and a title furnish Y tolerably strong inducements to a law suit, and nothing toless was ...


... m JgoRsGe mESIO~.-' a The Quarter Sessionsi for this BoroughDcommenced on 4 ?? morning bf ,efye . N. Massey, Esq., xs.r Lecorder. T lhere were ;i& prisoners for trial, but none of them of any great public interest. The following composed'th ?? Jury:-Messrs. HI Woove W.B anr .TyoI.3 akr in hs adiet t ?? Jrythe Reccorder re- erred to the necessity'ef; adopting s tmade of treatg jeiecrmnltnhad ...


... RIANTS LENT ASS]XRS. the I hcemscnwas opened by Mr. tustice Wightimac sig o usa, Mr. Justice Coleridge not arriving till After. ay wards, and business; commenced ?? morning. The, Y The6 formier oifthe'learned Judges arrived at IWAinChester Lient yriwya iiatto [Ind ~Was met At the station in.Ib~y the High Sherilff(J. J. Iv'es, Esq.) and Iris suite, and miS-, immediately proceeded, in theacso ...


... - ?? e - PO.RTS31OUTH POLICE. IAVA A- 1, a - .. -- U1r. MONDAYA, AUG. 21~-Before the Mayor, J. 0. n35 Travers, J. S. Sayer, andJ. ?? Pratt .Esqr ° od Annliouse and Mathte hh epard were charged with creating a disturbmnce in Rosemarylanea yesterday Dve morning. T1he first-nanmed' was ,sentenced to 10 and etce the other to five days' hard labour. ion William Jones and James Evans wore found ...


... WEDNESDAY, July 19 .-Before the Mayor, J. S Sayer, B. Bramble, and J. F. Pratt, Esqrs. Solomon Hart, of College-street, Portsea, was brought up charged with threatening the life of Jacob David Davis, of the same street, and -was bound over to keep the peace for six months, himself in ten pounds a-ad one other surety in ten pounds. The recognizances were ac- cordingly entered into. Sarah Anne ...


... PORTSMOJUTH POLICE. MNkBefore 3:.TraversG .Sae n I . F. Pratt, Esqrs.G .Sae n f skcal Wyatt, charg-dd with -an assault on SarahlU, LW tt, i- and ort,'a fined 5s. with 9s. costs. Minr Jon~oirionjapprentice t o Mr. Johnson, cona Prteo as caredwihneglecting his ?? the harg Proisig tobehae baterfor the future, , Bron ?? habeswere charged by 61 L ..Ayad ih teigbs on They woer ro- S f Moses Stagg ...


... PORT'SMUTH POLICEi. it MONDA Y.-There was nothing of interest before the Ld Bench t n i eoeh r TLESDAlT.- ore J. 0. Travers; and G. J. Seale, or Esqrs. Susan Sophia Smith, was charged with having her house open for the sale of beer before five o'clook on the morning of the 23rd, and was fined lOs. with lls. e costs., to Henry Hill and Frederick Hill, were charged w ith an e assault on P.C. ...


... ?? SATURDAY LAST.-Before the. Mayor, Joseph 0. the Travers, J. S. Sayer, and B. Bramble,.Esqrs. G dod' 'Thomas. Wey purser's-mate, of the Simoomn was .W. charged with illegaly hang in his possession P8Ibs. of I rice tobacco,eon.boaxd the said ship. le wasconvictedin . ion, the'full peualty of 1001., and in default of payment he 0 was seutenced to six months' impt. ! i 1 E James Lyons, a ...