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... rOE T It Y w -N WE KNOW. Thou, who in the midnight silence Lookest to the orbs on high, ee i litiinl)lecl, N et elate(l, F in tile presence of the sky; Thon, who mingled with thy sadness Rich,ecstatic, and divine, That even then trace their progress, And the law hy which they shine- Intuition shall uphold thee, Even though reason driz thee low Lean on faith. look up rejoicing, WE ARE WISER ...

[No title]

... Woolley's Antibiliuus Pills, fur the cure of stomnch com- plaints, nek headache, nervousness, all bilious alfec- tioiis. These well-known pills contlllue to work wonders in the cute of all the above complaints: the demand for them is rapidly on the increase, which is a satisfactory oroof they are appreciated bythepubtic. Being a purely vegetable preparation, they may be taken by the most deli- ...


... FRANCE—A distiessing accident happened on Friday in the Bois de Boulogne, to Prince Charles Lucien Bona- parte, while riding on horseback, in company with his brother, Prince Pierre Napoleou, aud some other gentlemen. A horse ridden by one of his friends suddenly lashed out, aud striking the prince with yiolenpe, fractured bis loft leg. He was ponveyed back ta hia residence, where his medical ...


... The Queen lit Id a Court 110 Saturday afternoon at Buckingham Palace, at which his Highness the Maha- rajah Duleep Sing was presented to her Majenty at an audience hy the Right Hon. Sir Charles Wood, President of the Board of Control for the Affairs of India. The ceremony of confirming the election of the Right Hon. mid Riuht Rev. Lord Auckland, lafe Bishop of Sodor and Man, to the see of Bath ...


... A most influential public meeting was held in the Assembly Room of the Cardiff Arm* Hotel yester- day, Thursday. 16th February—having been con- vened by the subjoined advertisement:— «' PORT OF CARDIFF—The undersigned request a meeting of the pioprietors of land, minerals, and col- lierie*. and of ironmasters, manufacturer*, traders, and all psrties interested in the port of Cardiff, to be ...


... CARDIFF POLICE.—MOJIDAT. [Before John Batchelor, Esquire, Mayor, and C. C. Williams, Esq.J JUVENILE OFFENDERS. Thomas Driscoll, John Bryan, and Dennis Bryan, three Irish boys, were charged with stealing coal from the East Branch of the Taff Vale Railway. John and Dennis Bryan had never been up before; aod in the absence of a prose- cutor they were dismissed. Thomas Driscoll had previously been ...


... Mr. Clare, cf Liverpool, has introduced metallic masts and yarns for vessels. 1 hey are made of wrought iron, cased with wood, and are alleged to be lighter, stronger, and more durable than the ordinary wooden ones, while the first cost is the same in both cases. We are informed that the Duke of Norfolk is at pre- sent in a very precarious st..te of health, at Arundel Castle. It is understood ...


... BOARD OF GUARDIANS.—SEPT. 23. At the meeting this day there were present—Mr. R, Bassett, vice-chairman (in the chair), Sir G. Tyler. M.P.. the l\e»«. C. Williams W. L. Morgan, and 11. A jerrner, and Meser-. C. C. Williams, J. Pride, C. Vachell, Goddard, Jenkins &c. The business transacted to-day wa* of trifling import- ance. the reception of the tender* for crpciiug the new house ot ipfuce ...


... MERTHYR POLICE COURT.—TUESDAY. [Before J. C. Fowler and Wm. Thoma3, Esqrs.] ASSAULT.—Two persons were charged with assaulting a man by the name of Morgan. Mr. Simons appeared for the defendants, who were fined Gd. each and costs. An Irishman named Mahoney, living by the river side, was charged by another Irishman with having assaulted him on Sunday last. After several witnesses had been ...


... LTTEK ATURE._ TUB INDIAN ARM* SURGEON. London: Bentley. A mass of ver) interesting sketcfces, which will be read with great interest, and from wbich we extract the fol- lowing RIVER LIFE IN INDIA. The wind freshened a lime and aided the tide; we loon passed little temples, white aod shining. and full of pinacles, and pliant-1 crow¡Jed wÎth bathers, some of whom waist.hijih in toe stream, went ...


... STAFFORD, March 13.—This day the two Courts sat for the despatch of business soon after 10 o'clock; but before bait an hour had elapsed the most paiuful sensation was created by the sudden death of Mr. Justice Talfourd, while on the bench, and in the very act of addressing the grand jury. So sudden was his Lordship's deatb that he was literally carried out a corpse. The cause of deatb was an ...